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Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Volume 25
Volume 25, Number 1, February 2014
- Ching-Chin Chern, Seak-Tou Lei, Kwei-Long Huang
Solving a multi-objective master planning problem with substitution and a recycling process for a capacitated multi-commodity supply chain network. 1-25 - Slim Daoud, Hicham Chehade, Farouk Yalaoui, Lionel Amodeo
Efficient metaheuristics for pick and place robotic systems optimization. 27-41 - Jean-Paul Arnaout
, Rami Musa, Ghaith Rabadi
A two-stage Ant Colony optimization algorithm to minimize the makespan on unrelated parallel machines - part II: enhancements and experimentations. 43-53 - Mei-Tai Chu, PremKumar KrishnaKumar, Rajiv Khosla:
Mapping knowledge sharing traits to business strategy in knowledge based organisation. 55-65 - D. Katherasan, Jiju V. Elias
, P. Sathiya, A. Noorul Haq:
Simulation and parameter optimization of flux cored arc welding using artificial neural network and particle swarm optimization algorithm. 67-76 - Moh'd Sami Ashhab, Thilo Breitsprecher
, Sandro Wartzack
Neural network based modeling and optimization of deep drawing - extrusion combined process. 77-84 - K. Siva Kumar, G. Paulraj:
Analysis and optimization of fixture under dynamic machining condition with chip removal effect. 85-98 - Y. S. Yang, C. Y. Shih, Rong-Fong Fung:
Multi-objective optimization of the light guide rod by using the combined Taguchi method and Grey relational approach. 99-107 - Ala Qattawi
, Ahmad Mayyas
, H. Thiruvengadam, V. Kumar, S. Dongri, Mohammed A. Omar
Design considerations of flat patterns analysis techniques when applied for folding 3-D sheet metal geometries. 109-128 - Ming-Chuan Chiu, Gül E. Okudan:
An investigation on the impact of product modularity level on supply chain performance metrics: an industrial case study. 129-145 - Jie Wen, Jianhua Ma, Runhe Huang, Qun Jin, Jian Chen, Benxiong Huang, Ning Zhong:
A malicious behavior analysis based Cyber-I birth. 147-155 - Jun Xiong, Guangjun Zhang, Jianwen Hu, Lin Wu:
Bead geometry prediction for robotic GMAW-based rapid manufacturing through a neural network and a second-order regression analysis. 157-163 - Rajeev Jain
, Amit Raj Singh
, H. C. Yadav, P. K. Mishra:
Using data mining synergies for evaluating criteria at pre-qualification stage of supplier selection. 165-175 - Tsung-Nan Tsai
A hybrid intelligent approach for optimizing the fine-pitch copper wire bonding process with multiple quality characteristics in IC assembly. 177-192 - Jean Philippe Gagliardi, Jacques Renaud
, Angel B. Ruiz
A simulation modeling framework for multiple-aisle automated storage and retrieval systems. 193-207 - Yunus Demir, Selçuk Kürsat Isleyen:
Note to "Scheduling jobs and maintenances in flexible job shop with a hybrid genetic algorithm". 209-211
Volume 25, Number 2, April 2014
- Hangbae Chang, Jongsung Kim, Jong Hyuk Park:
IT convergence security. 213-215 - Woong Go, Kwang-Woo Lee, Jin Kwak
Construction of a secure two-factor user authentication system using fingerprint information and password. 217-230 - Young-Ran Hong, Dongsoo Kim:
Content-based control of HTTPs mail for implementation of IT-convergence security environment. 231-239 - Cheonshik Kim
, Dongkyoo Shin, Dongil Shin, Raylin Tso
, Ching-Nung Yang
A secret sharing scheme for EBTC using steganography. 241-249 - Fanbao Liu, Yi Liu, Tao Xie, Dengguo Feng, Yumeng Feng:
Fast password recovery attack: application to APOP. 251-261 - Ahmet Dogan, Siddika Berna Örs
, Gökay Saldamli:
Analyzing and comparing the AES architectures for their power consumption. 263-271 - Imran Erguler, Emin Anarim
, Gökay Saldamli:
Unbalanced states violates RFID privacy. 273-281 - Shangguang Wang
, Zhipiao Liu, Qibo Sun, Hua Zou, Fangchun Yang:
Towards an accurate evaluation of quality of cloud service in service-oriented cloud computing. 283-291 - Daesung Moon, Yongwha Chung, Chang-Ho Seo, Sung-Young Kim, Jeong-Nyeo Kim:
A practical implementation of fuzzy fingerprint vault for smart cards. 293-302 - Hwan-Joo Kwak, Gwi-Tae Park:
Image contrast enhancement for intelligent surveillance systems using multi-local histogram transformation. 303-318 - Yang-Hoon Kim, Hangbae Chang:
The industrial security management model for SMBs in smart work. 319-327 - Kyung-Soo Lim, Changhoon Lee
, Jong Hyuk Park, Sangjin Lee:
Test-driven forensic analysis of satellite automotive navigation systems. 329-338 - Taek-Young Youn, Jongsung Kim, Myung-Jae Lim:
Study on two privacy-oriented protocols for information communication systems. 339-345 - Jae-Soo Jang, Hyung-Min Lim:
Ubiquitous-City Integrated Authentication System (UCIAS). 347-355 - Atif Ahmad, Sean B. Maynard
, Sangseo Park:
Information security strategies: towards an organizational multi-strategy perspective. 357-370
Volume 25, Number 3, June 2014
- Leyla Demir
, Semra Tunali, Deniz Türsel Eliiyi
The state of the art on buffer allocation problem: a comprehensive survey. 371-392 - Fu-Shiung Hsieh, Jim-Bon Lin:
Context-aware workflow management for virtual enterprises based on coordination of agents. 393-412 - Qiang Liu
, Xinhui Zhang, Xindu Chen, Lei Wang:
The resource access authorization route problem in a collaborative manufacturing system. 413-425 - Sajjad Shokohyar
, Saeed Mansour, Behrooz Karimi
A model for integrating services and product EOL management in sustainable product service system (S-PSS). 427-440 - Yin-Yann Chen:
The order fulfillment planning problem considering multi-site order allocation and single-site shop floor scheduling. 441-458 - Xiaoyu Wen, Xinyu Li, Liang Gao
, Hongyan Sang
Honey bees mating optimization algorithm for process planning problem. 459-472 - Burkhard H. Freyer
, P. Stephan Heyns
, Nico J. Theron
Comparing orthogonal force and unidirectional strain component processing for tool condition monitoring. 473-487 - Xueni Qiu, Henry Y. K. Lau
An AIS-based hybrid algorithm for static job shop scheduling problem. 489-503 - Jiten Patel, Seung-Kyum Choi:
An enhanced classification approach for reliability estimation of structural systems. 505-519 - Pingyu Jiang, Feng Jia, Yan Wang, Mei Zheng:
Real-time quality monitoring and predicting model based on error propagation networks for multistage machining processes. 521-538 - Albert Pla
, Pablo Gay, Joaquím Meléndez
, Beatriz López
Petri net-based process monitoring: a workflow management system for process modelling and monitoring. 539-554 - Yönet A. Eracar, Mieczyslaw M. Kokar:
Using UML and OCL for representing multiobjective combinatorial optimization problems. 555-569 - Zivana Jakovljevic
, Petar B. Petrovic, Vladimir Dj. Mikovic, Miroslav Pajic
Fuzzy inference mechanism for recognition of contact states in intelligent robotic assembly. 571-587 - Zied Hajej, Sofiène Dellagi, Nidhal Rezg:
Joint optimisation of maintenance and production policies with subcontracting and product returns. 589-602 - Chung-Ho Wang, Sheng-Wang Tsai:
Optimizing bi-objective imperfect preventive maintenance model for series-parallel system using established hybrid genetic algorithm. 603-616 - Oliver R. Ilic:
An e-Learning tool considering similarity measures for manufacturing cell formation. 617-628
Volume 25, Number 4, August 2014
- Katsuhiko Takahashi, Yasuhiro Doi, Daisuke Hirotani, Katsumi Morikawa
An adaptive pull strategy for remanufacturing systems. 629-645 - Emre Tuncel, Abe Zeid, Sagar V. Kamarthi:
Solving large scale disassembly line balancing problem with uncertainty using reinforcement learning. 647-659 - Carlos Henrique Mariano
, Angel Fernando Kuri Morales:
Complex componential approach for redundancy allocation problem solved by simulation-optimization framework. 661-680 - Yen Yen Joe, Oon Peen Gan, Frank L. Lewis:
Multi-commodity flow dynamic resource assignment and matrix-based job dispatching for multi-relay transfer in complex material handling systems (MHS). 681-697 - Hossein Rajabalipour Cheshmehgaz, Md. Nazrul Islam, Mohamad Ishak Desa:
A polar-based guided multi-objective evolutionary algorithm to search for optimal solutions interested by decision-makers in a logistics network design problem. 699-726 - Houssam Chouikhi
, Abdelhakim Khatab
, Nidhal Rezg:
A condition-based maintenance policy for a production system under excessive environmental degradation. 727-737 - Wen Han Vincent Lui, S. G. Ponnambalam
, Ganesan Kanagaraj
Differential evolution variants to schedule flexible assembly lines. 739-753 - Fereshteh Parvaresh
, S. M. Moattar Husseini, S. A. Hashemi Golpayegany, Behrooz Karimi
Hub network design problem in the presence of disruptions. 755-774 - Alireza Fathi
, Ahmad Mozaffari:
Vector optimization of laser solid freeform fabrication system using a hierarchical mutable smart bee-fuzzy inference system and hybrid NSGA-II/self-organizing map. 775-795 - Lucas Grèze, Robert Pellerin, Patrice Leclaire, Nathalie Perrier:
CIGI2011: A heuristic method for resource-constrained project scheduling with activity overlapping. 797-811 - Chien-Yi Huang, Hui-Hua Huang:
Process optimization of SnCuNi soldering material using artificial parametric design. 813-823 - Ray Y. Zhong
, George Q. Huang, Qingyun Dai, Ting Zhang:
Mining SOTs and dispatching rules from RFID-enabled real-time shopfloor production data. 825-843
Volume 25, Number 5, October 2014
- Chen-Fu Chien
, Mitsuo Gen, Yongjiang Shi, Chia-Yu Hsu:
Manufacturing intelligence and innovation for digital manufacturing and operational excellence. 845-847 - Mitsuo Gen, Lin Lin:
Multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for manufacturing scheduling problems: state-of-the-art survey. 849-866 - Xin-Chang Hao, Jei-Zheng Wu
, Chen-Fu Chien
, Mitsuo Gen:
The cooperative estimation of distribution algorithm: a novel approach for semiconductor final test scheduling problems. 867-879 - Wenqiang Zhang
, Mitsuo Gen, Jungbok Jo:
Hybrid sampling strategy-based multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for process planning and scheduling problem. 881-897 - Chen-Fu Chien
, Jia-Nian Zheng, Yi-Jay Lin:
Determining the operator-machine assignment for machine interference problem and an empirical study in semiconductor test facility. 899-911 - Shun Jia, Renzhong Tang, Jingxiang Lv
Therblig-based energy demand modeling methodology of machining process to support intelligent manufacturing. 913-931 - Hui-Chun Yu, Kuo-Yi Lin, Chen-Fu Chien
Hierarchical indices to detect equipment condition changes with high dimensional data for semiconductor manufacturing. 933-943 - Chia-Yu Hsu:
Integrated data envelopment analysis and neural network model for forecasting performance of wafer fabrication operations. 945-960 - Chen-Fu Chien
, Kuo-Hao Chang
, Wen-Chih Wang:
An empirical study of design-of-experiment data mining for yield-loss diagnosis for semiconductor manufacturing. 961-972 - Eiji Uchino, Takanori Koga, Hideaki Misawa, Noriaki Suetake:
Tissue characterization of coronary plaque by kNN classifier with fractal-based features of IVUS RF-signal. 973-982 - Yi-Chao Huang, Qianyi Xie:
The construction of a hospital disease tracking and control system with a disease infection probability model. 983-992 - Cong-Dong Li, Tian Xie, Yong-Li Tang:
GMVN oriented S-BOX knowledge expression and reasoning framework. 993-1011 - Chengji Liang, Min Chen, Mitsuo Gen, Jungbok Jo:
A multi-objective genetic algorithm for yard crane scheduling problem with multiple work lines. 1013-1024 - Dong Won Cho, Young Hae Lee, Tae Youn Lee, Mitsuo Gen:
An adaptive genetic algorithm for the time dependent inventory routing problem. 1025-1042 - Kazuhiro Takeyasu, Masaaki Kainosho:
Optimization technique by genetic algorithms for international logistics. 1043-1049 - Theodor Borangiu:
Editorial. 1051-1052 - Sylvain Kubler
, William Derigent, André Thomas, Eric Rondeau:
Embedding data on "communicating materials" from context-sensitive information analysis. 1053-1064 - Theodor Borangiu, Silviu Raileanu, Damien Trentesaux
, Thierry Berger, Iulia Iacob:
Distributed manufacturing control with extended CNP interaction of intelligent products. 1065-1075 - Bernard Archimède, Agnès Letouzey
, Muhammad Ali Memon, Jiucheng Xu:
Towards a distributed multi-agent framework for shared resources scheduling. 1077-1087 - Tobias Gerber, Alfred Theorin, Charlotta Johnsson:
Towards a seamless integration between process modeling descriptions at business and production levels: work in progress. 1089-1099 - Christoph Legat
, Daniel Schütz
, Birgit Vogel-Heuser
Automatic generation of field control strategies for supporting (re-)engineering of manufacturing systems. 1101-1111 - Emmanuelle Vin, Alain Delchambre
Generalized cell formation: iterative versus simultaneous resolution with grouping genetic algorithm. 1113-1124 - Adrian Burlacu
, Cosmin Copot
, Corneliu Lazar:
Predictive control architecture for real-time image moments based servoing of robot manipulators. 1125-1134 - Filippo Visintin
, Isabella Porcelli, Andrea Ghini:
Applying discrete event simulation to the design of a service delivery system in the aerospace industry: a case study. 1135-1152 - Bernard F. Lamond, Manbir Singh Sodhi, Martin Noël, Ousman A. Assani:
Dynamic speed control of a machine tool with stochastic tool life: analysis and simulation. 1153-1166 - Thorsten Wuest
, Christopher Irgens, Klaus-Dieter Thoben
An approach to monitoring quality in manufacturing using supervised machine learning on product state data. 1167-1180 - Emanuele Carpanzano
, Luca Ferrucci
, Dino Mandrioli, Mauro Mazzolini, Angelo Morzenti
, Matteo Rossi:
Automated formal verification for flexible manufacturing systems. 1181-1195 - Andrés García Higuera
, Javier de las Morenas
Application of the classical levels of intelligence to structuring the control system in an automated distribution centre. 1197-1206
Volume 25, Number 6, December 2014
- Rochdi Sarraj, Eric Ballot, Shenle Pan
, Benoît Montreuil:
Analogies between Internet network and logistics service networks: challenges involved in the interconnection. 1207-1219 - Andrea Rossi
, Michele Lanzetta
Native metaheuristics for non-permutation flowshop scheduling. 1221-1233 - Chung-Feng Jeffrey Kuo, Chien-Tung Max Hsu, Zong-Xian Liu, Han-Cheng Wu:
Automatic inspection system of LED chip using two-stages back-propagation neural network. 1235-1243 - Carlos Mencía
, María R. Sierra, Ramiro Varela
Intensified iterative deepening A* with application to job shop scheduling. 1245-1255 - Meng-Hui Chen, Pei-Chann Chang
, Cheng-Hui Lin:
A self-evolving artificial immune system II with T-cell and B-cell for permutation flow-shop problem. 1257-1270 - Quang-Vinh Dang
, Izabela Nielsen
, Kenn Steger-Jensen
, Ole Madsen
Scheduling a single mobile robot for part-feeding tasks of production lines. 1271-1287 - Kuldeep Agarwal, Rajiv Shivpuri
Knowledge discovery in steel bar rolling mills using scheduling data and automated inspection. 1289-1299 - Xuewu Wang, Ruirui Li:
Intelligent modelling of back-side weld bead geometry using weld pool surface characteristic parameters. 1301-1313 - M. N. Jha, Dilip Kumar Pratihar, A. V. Bapat, Vidyut Dey, Maajid Ali, A. C. Bagchi:
Knowledge-based systems using neural networks for electron beam welding process of reactive material (Zircaloy-4). 1315-1333 - Dawei Zhao
, Yuanxun Wang, Suning Sheng, Zongguo Lin:
Multi-objective optimal design of small scale resistance spot welding process with principal component analysis and response surface methodology. 1335-1348 - Akhil Garg
, Kang Tai
, C. H. Lee, M. M. Savalani:
A hybrid \(\text{ M}5^\prime \) -genetic programming approach for ensuring greater trustworthiness of prediction ability in modelling of FDM process. 1349-1365 - Wei Xiang, Faishuai Song, Feifan Ye:
Order allocation for multiple supply-demand networks within a cluster. 1367-1376 - Chieh-Yuan Tsai, Chih-Jung Chen, Yu-Ting Lo:
A cost-based module mining method for the assemble-to-order strategy. 1377-1392 - Yuguang Zhong, Kai Xue, Dongyan Shi:
Clustering and group selection of interim product in shipbuilding. 1393-1401 - Guofeng Wang, Zhiwei Guo, Lei Qian:
Online incremental learning for tool condition classification using modified Fuzzy ARTMAP network. 1403-1411 - Kuei-Hu Chang
, Yung-Chia Chang
, Pei-Ting Lai:
Applying the concept of exponential approach to enhance the assessment capability of FMEA. 1413-1427 - Mohamad-Ali Mortada, Soumaya Yacout, Aouni Lakis:
Fault diagnosis in power transformers using multi-class logical analysis of data. 1429-1439 - Quanwang Wu, Qingsheng Zhu, Mingqiang Zhou:
A correlation-driven optimal service selection approach for virtual enterprise establishment. 1441-1453 - Mohammad Sheikhalishahi
, V. Ebrahimipour, Mehdi Hosseinabadi Farahani
An integrated GA-DEA algorithm for determining the most effective maintenance policy for a k -out-of- n problem. 1455-1462 - Norfadzlan Yusup, Arezoo Sarkheyli, Azlan Mohd Zain
, Siti Zaiton Mohd Hashim, Norafida Ithnin
Estimation of optimal machining control parameters using artificial bee colony. 1463-1472

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