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PARCO 1993: Grenoble, France
- Gerhard R. Joubert, Denis Trystram, Frans J. Peters, David J. Evans:
Parallel Computing: Trends and Applications, PARCO 1993, Grenoble, France. Elsevier 1994, ISBN 0-444-81841-3
I. Invited Papers
- K. Mani Chandy, Ian T. Foster:
Parallel Language Constructs for Paradigm Integration and Deterministic Computations. PARCO 1993: 3-12 - Robert E. Hiromoto:
Are we Expecting Too Much from Parallelism? PARCO 1993: 13-28 - Vaidy S. Sunderam:
Methodologies and Systems for Heterogeneous Concurrent Computing. PARCO 1993: 29-48
II. Contributed Papers
1. Application & Algorithms
- Srinivas Aluru, John L. Gustafson:
Subtle Issues of SIMD Tree Search. PARCO 1993: 49-56 - L. A. Bowman, Neil Blair MacDonald, M. P. Taylor:
The Exploitation of Parallel Computing in Major UK Companies. PARCO 1993: 57-64 - Christophe Calvin, Frederic Desprez:
Minimizing Communication Overhead Using Pipelining for Multi-Dimensional FFT on Distributed Memory Machines. PARCO 1993: 65-72 - Pierre Charrier, Jean Roman, Pascal Vezolle:
Implementation of 3D Symmetric Variational Boundary Equations on Distributed Memory Computers. PARCO 1993: 73-80 - John M. Conroy, Steven G. Kratzer, Robert F. Lucas:
Multifrontal Sparse Solvers in Message Passing and Data Parallel Environments - A Comparative Study. PARCO 1993: 81-88 - Didier El Baz:
Nonlinear Systems of Equations and Parallel Asynchronous Iterative Algorithms. PARCO 1993: 89-96 - Afonso Ferreira, Stéphane Ubéda:
Ultra-Fast Parallel Contour Tracking and Thinning. PARCO 1993: 97-104 - Pierre Fraigniaud, Christian Laforest:
Disjoint Spanning Trees of Small Depth. PARCO 1993: 105-112 - Emanuele Galligani, Valeria Ruggiero:
A Parallel Preconditioner for Block Tridiagonal Matrices. PARCO 1993: 113-120 - M. C. Haupt, H. Kossira, W. Rösch:
Parallel Solver for Adaptive Finite-Methods: Concept and Experiences. PARCO 1993: 121-128 - Markus Hegland:
Block Algorithms for FFTs on Vector and Parallel Computers. PARCO 1993: 129-136 - A. Jakoby:
A 3-D MHD Code in Cylindrical Geometry on the Connection Machine. PARCO 1993: 137-144 - A. Joubert:
Parallel Algorithms for Linear and Nonlinear Equations Derived from Networks. PARCO 1993: 145-152 - C. Lin, W. D. Weathersby:
Towards a Machine-Independent Solution of Sparse Cholesky Factorization. PARCO 1993: 153-160 - Thomas Lippert, Achim Bode, Klaus Schilling, Peer Ueberholz:
Data-Parallel vs. Message-Passing Algorithms for the Investigation of Current-Loops on the Connection Machine CM-5. PARCO 1993: 161-168 - Graham M. Megson, E. O. Eyoh:
Implementation and Evaluation of Parallel n-D Convex Hull Algorithms. PARCO 1993: 169-176 - Serge G. Petiton, Guy Edjlali:
Data Parallel Structures and Algorithms for Sparse Matrix Computation. PARCO 1993: 177-184 - Nicolai Petkov, Peter Kruizinga, Tino Lourens:
Face Recognition on the Connection Machine CM-5. PARCO 1993: 185-192 - E. Loli Piccolomini, Fabiana Zama, V. Ruggioro:
A Domain Decomposition Method for Scattered Data Approximation on a Multiprocessor System. PARCO 1993: 193-200 - Rodan Pozo, Karin A. Reminton:
Fast Three-Dimensional Elliptic Solvers on Distributed Network Clusters. PARCO 1993: 201-208 - P. S. Rao, Uma Ravikanth, M. Ravikanth:
A Parallel Approach to Solve Correspondence Problem in Stereo Vision. PARCO 1993: 209-214 - M. Smith, E. Renshaw:
Parallel-Prefix Remapping for Efficient Data-Parallel Implementation of Unbalanced Simulations. PARCO 1993: 215-222 - Hiroshi Umeo:
A Fault-Tolerant Scheme for Optimum-Time Firing Squad Synchronization. PARCO 1993: 223-230 - J. S. Weston, Maurice Clint, A. Lee:
Array Processor Algorithms for the Symmetric Eigenproblem: An Evaluation. PARCO 1993: 231-240
2. Software
- Cyrille Bareau, Yves Mahéo, Jean-Louis Pazat:
Parallel Program Performance Debugging with the Pandore II Environment. PARCO 1993: 241-248 - Jacek Blazewicz, Maciej Drozdowski, Günter Schmidt, Dominique de Werra:
Scheduling Multiprocessor Tasks on Uniform Processors. PARCO 1993: 249-256 - Koen De Bosschere, Paul Tarau:
Blackboard Communication in Logic Programming. PARCO 1993: 257-264 - Zbigniew Chamski:
Fast and Efficient Generation of Loop Bounds. PARCO 1993: 265-272 - Serge Chaumette:
A Step Towards Neutral Debugging of Distributed Applications. PARCO 1993: 273-280 - Jean-Yves Colin, Philippe Chrétienne:
Grain Size and Communication Channels on Distributed Memory Multiprocessors. PARCO 1993: 281-286 - Alain Darte:
Mapping Uniform Loop Nests onto Distributed Memory Architectures. PARCO 1993: 287-294 - Ming-Dong Feng, Chung-Kwong Yuen:
Compiling a Parallel Lisp Dialect for a Network of Transputers. PARCO 1993: 295-302 - Mario Mango Furnari, Renata Napolitano, Antonio Spagnolo:
Intermediate Program Representations and Automatic Parallelizing Compilers. PARCO 1993: 303-310 - L. Hotz, G. Kamp:
Programming the Connection Machine by using the Metaobject Protocol. PARCO 1993: 311-318 - Traian Muntean, Alba Cristina Balaniuk, H. Castro, Robert Despons, A. Elleuch, François Menneteau, Léon Mugwaneza, El-Ghazali Talbi, Philippe Waille:
PAROS: A Generic Multi Virtual Machines Parallel Operating System. PARCO 1993: 319-328 - Andreas Quick:
A New Approach to Behavior Analysis of Parallel Programs Based on Monitoring. PARCO 1993: 329-336 - Franciszek Seredynski, P. Frejlak:
Genetic Algorithms Implementation of Process Migration Strategies. PARCO 1993: 337-344 - Guido Wirtz:
Developing Parallel Programs in a Graph-Based Environment. PARCO 1993: 345-353 - Johnston Paul Wray, Stephen Fitzpatrick, Maurice Clint, P. L. Kilpatrick:
Deriving Processing on SYDAMA-2: Concept and Realization of the Software. PARCO 1993: 354-360 - Markus Zeltner, Bruno Schneuwly, W. Guggenbül:
Image Processing on SYDAMA-2: Concept and Realization of the Software Environment. PARCO 1993: 361-370
3. Architecture
- Franck Cappello, Jean-Luc Béchennec, Franck Delaplace, Damien Gautier de Lahaut, Cécile Germain, Jean-Louis Giavitto, Vincent Néri, Daniel Etiemble:
A Parralel Architecture Based on Compiled Communication Schemes. PARCO 1993: 371-378 - Massimo Maresca, Pierpaolo Baglietto, A. Giordano:
An Analysis of the Propagation Delay in Reconfigurable Processor Arrays. PARCO 1993: 379-386 - Nikolay N. Mirenkov, Alexander P. Vazhenin:
SCORE: Scientific Computers for Overcoming Rounding Errors. PARCO 1993: 387-394 - Kenji Nishida, Kenji Toda, Toshio Shimada, Yoshinori Yamaguchi:
The Hardware Architecture of the CODA Real-Time Parallel Processor. PARCO 1993: 395-402 - J. G. E. Olk, Henk Corporaal:
The OSI Model Applied to MIMD Communication Processor Design. PARCO 1993: 403-410 - Willi Schönauer, Hartmut Häfner:
Supercomputer Architectures and their Bottlenecks. PARCO 1993: 411-420
4. Performance
- Arjan J. C. van Gemund:
The PAMELA Approach to Performance Modeling of Parallel and Distributed Systems. PARCO 1993: 421-428 - T. Harris, Nigel P. Topham:
Performance of Weak Consistency Schemes on the DEC Alpha. PARCO 1993: 429-436 - T. Kelly, Roland N. Ibbett:
Parallelism versus Performance - Matching Parallel Hardware to Software. PARCO 1993: 437-444 - Christophe Lavarenne, Yves Sorel:
Performance Optimization of Multiprocessor Real-Time Applications by Graphs Transformations. PARCO 1993: 445-452 - Markus Siegle:
Using Structured Modelling for Efficient Performance Prediction of Parallel Systems. PARCO 1993: 453-460 - Xiaodong Zhang, Keqiang He, G. Butchee:
Experimental Performance Evaluation on Network-Based Shared-Memory Architectures. PARCO 1993: 461-470
III. Posters
1. Applications & Algorithms
- Achim Bachem, Winfried Hochstättler, Martin Malich:
Simulated Trading - A New Parallel Approach for Solving Vehicle Routing Problems. PARCO 1993: 471-476 - Frédéric Berthommier, Véronique Bouchard, Lionel Brunie, Laurent Colombet, Philippe Cinquin, Jacques Demongeot, Laurent Desbat, Vincent Dessenne, Stéphane Lavallée, Jean-Louis Martiel, Olivier Nérot, L. Prilly, Emmanuel Promayon, Sandrine Rouault, Jocelyne Troccaz:
Medical Imaging and Modelling Using a MasPar. PARCO 1993: 477-480 - Maurice Clint, Lionel C. Waring:
The Orthogonalisation of Small Sets of Very Long Vectors on Massively Parallel Computers. PARCO 1993: 485-488 - Murray Cole:
Parallel Programming, List Homomorphisms and the Maximum Segment Sum Problem. PARCO 1993: 489-492 - Andrea Consiglio, Alessandro Genco, A. Pecorella:
Implementing Simulated Annealing in Hypercube Systems. PARCO 1993: 493-496 - Angelo Corana, Claudia Rolando:
Computing the Kolmogorov Entropy from a Time Series: Vector and Parallel Implementations. PARCO 1993: 497-500 - Malcolm Corbin, Peter Sapaty:
Using the WAVE Paradigm for Parallel Simulation in Distributed Systems. PARCO 1993: 501-504 - Van-Dat Cung:
Parallelizations of Game-Tree Search. PARCO 1993: 505-508 - Hans Georg Galbas, Otto Kolp:
A Parallel Program for Computerized Tomography. PARCO 1993: 509-512 - T. Gayraud, Gerard Authié:
A Parallel Heuristic for the Steiner Problem in Graphs. PARCO 1993: 513-516 - Miltos D. Grammatikakis, D. Frank Hsu, Frank K. Hwang:
Universality of D-Cube (D<8). PARCO 1993: 517-520 - Frédéric Gruau:
The Mixed Parallel Genetic Algorithm. PARCO 1993: 521-524 - Erricos John Kontoghiorghes, M. R. B. Clarke:
A Parallel Algorithm for Repeated Processing Estimation of Linear Models with Equality Constraints. PARCO 1993: 525-528 - K. P. Lam, Ed. Horne:
On Integrating the BWS and FWS Classifiers: A Parallel Approach for Image Classification Using Cellular Arrays of Memory. PARCO 1993: 529-532 - Wilfrid Lefer:
Ray Tracing on Distributed Memory Parallel Computers: an Original Solution for Distributing Computations and Data. PARCO 1993: 533-536 - Hai-Xiang Lin, Mark R. Roest:
Parallel Solution of Symmetric Banded Systems. PARCO 1993: 537-540 - Christophe Renaud, François Bricout, Eric Leprêtre:
Parallel Radiosity Approaches for Mesh Connected Machines. PARCO 1993: 541-544 - M. R. Saradjian, L. Hayes:
Automated Pattern Recognition of Translated and Rotated Features within Satelite Images Using a Tightly Coupled MIMD Computer. PARCO 1993: 545-550 - Yoshizo Takahashi, Hitotoshi Murakami:
Conflict Resoution Procedure in Massively Parallel Multe-Agent Pattern Recognition System. PARCO 1993: 551-554 - Jesper Larsson Träff:
Parallel and Distributed Algorithms for the Single-Source Shortest Path Problem Based on Moore's Algorithm. PARCO 1993: 555-558 - M. G. A. Verhoeven, Emile H. L. Aarts:
A Parallel Lin-Kernighan Algorithm for the Travelling Salesman Problem. PARCO 1993: 559-564
2. Software
- Bruno Bacci, Marco Danelutto, Salvatore Orlando, Susanna Pelagatti, Marco Vanneschi:
Efficient Compilation of Structured Parallel Programs for Distributed Memory MIMD Machines. PARCO 1993: 565-568 - A. T. Balou, Philip C. Treleaven:
A Concurrent Object-Oriented Model for Parallel Distributed-Memory Architectures. PARCO 1993: 569-572 - Thomas Böhme, Herwig Unger:
Aspects of the Automatic Generation of Parallel Programs. PARCO 1993: 573-576 - S. Breit, A. Clo, H. Strauss, Gérard Y. Vichniac:
The KSR Programming Environment - A Case Study. PARCO 1993: 577-580 - P. Burgess, Mike Livesey, Colin Allison:
Process Migration as an Aid to Tuning Embedded Systems. PARCO 1993: 581-584 - Manuel I. Capel, José M. Troya, A. Palma:
A Methodological Scheme and Tool for Program Transformation with Transputer Systems. PARCO 1993: 585-588 - Jingde Cheng:
Nondeterministic Parallel Control-Flow / Definition-Use Nets and their Applications. PARCO 1993: 589-592 - Daniel Citron, Dror G. Feitelson, Iaakov Exman:
Parallel Activity Roadmaps. PARCO 1993: 593-596 - B. Däne, Herwig Unger, Khaled Ben Achour:
Some Aspects to the Graphical Design of Software. PARCO 1993: 597-600 - Jocelyn Desbiens, Martin Lavoie, Stéphane Pouzyreff, Pierre Raymond, Tahar Tamazouzt, Michel Toulouse:
CALP: An Object-Oriented Programming System for Distributed Memory Parallel Machines. PARCO 1993: 601-604 - Veerle Fack, Kris Coolsaet, Hans E. De Meyer:
Using a Tabular Method for Verification of Total Exchange Algorithms on Networks of Parallel Processors. PARCO 1993: 605-608 - R. A. Fletcher, Neil Blair MacDonald:
Portability and Code Reuse in Parallel Applications. PARCO 1993: 609-612 - Fred Hemery, Jean-Marc Geib:
The Mapping of Communicating Active Components on Multicomputer Machines. PARCO 1993: 613-618 - Innes Jelly, Ian Gorton, Jonathan Gray:
PARSE Provess Graphs and Their Role in the Development of Parallel Applications. PARCO 1993: 619-622 - S. L. Lai, K. F. Loe:
APRICOT: A Parallel Realization of Concurrent Object-Based System on Transputers. PARCO 1993: 623-626 - Evangelos P. Markatos:
How Architecture Evolution Influences the Scheduling Discipline used in Shared-Memory Multiprocessors. PARCO 1993: 627-630 - Greg Michaelson, Tore A. Bratvold, David John Busvine, K. G. Waugh:
Parallel Implementations from Functional Prototype Instrumentation. PARCO 1993: 631-634 - Andreas Mitschele-Thiel:
Integrated System Development with the DSPL Programming Environment. PARCO 1993: 635-638 - J.-Y. Peterschmitt, Xavier Vigouroux, Bernard Tourancheau:
Using Trace Audio Tools to Study the Behavior of Parallel Programs. PARCO 1993: 639-642 - Kleanthis Psarris, David Klappholz:
Data Dependence Testing for Supercompilers. PARCO 1993: 643-646 - Holger Stoltze, Herbert Kuchen:
Parallel Functional Programming Using Algorithmic Skeletons. PARCO 1993: 647-654 - Yong Meng Teo:
Parallelism Management in a Massively Parallel System. PARCO 1993: 655-658 - Elena Trichina:
An Application of Equational Programming with Streams to the Development of Efficient Programs for MIMD Computers. PARCO 1993: 659-664
3. Architecture
- Chouki Aktouf, Si Mahmoud Karabernou, Youssef Latrous, Guy Mazaré:
RAP: a Fine Grain MIMD Machine. PARCO 1993: 665-670 - G. Chen, Allan Gottlieb, Patricia J. Teller:
Optimization Techniques for Directory-Based Cache Coherence Protocols for Large-Scale Multiprocessors. PARCO 1993: 671-674 - F. Fernández, A. Sánchez:
Modelling and Optimization of Multiphase Systolic Architectures. PARCO 1993: 675-680 - Miltos D. Grammatikakis, Jung-Sing Jwo:
Simulating Store-Forward Communication. PARCO 1993: 681-684 - M. J. Neefs, M. van der Plas, A. F. Bakker:
The Delft Molecular Simulator. PARCO 1993: 685-688 - Bernhard Quatember:
Parallelism in a Coprocessor Architecture for Diagnostic Problem-Solving. PARCO 1993: 689-694
4. Performance
- Iaakov Exman:
Attracting Interesting Events to Sparse Monitors in Massively Parallel Systems. PARCO 1993: 695-698 - Hartmut Häfner, Willi Schönauer:
The Efficiency of the KSR1 for Numerical Algorithms. PARCO 1993: 699-702 - Roberto A. Hexsel, Nigel P. Topham:
The Performance of Parallel Loops on SCI-Based Memory Hierarchies. PARCO 1993: 703-706 - Henk Jonkers:
Probabilistic Performance Modelling of Parallel Numerical Applications: A Case Study. PARCO 1993: 707-710 - Jesús Sánchez, Henri Barral:
Predicting Parallel Iterative Algorithm's Performance. PARCO 1993: 711-714 - Cécile Tron, Yves Arrouye, Jacques Chassin de Kergommeaux, Joao Paulo Kitajima, Eric Maillet, Brigitte Plateau, Jean-Marc Vincent:
Performance Evaluation of Parallel Systems - ALPES Environment. PARCO 1993: 715-718 - Helmut Weberpals, Florent Dupont de Dinechin:
Analysis of Parallel Algorithms for a Shared Virtual Memory Computer. PARCO 1993: 719-725

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