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Neural Computation, Volume 21
Volume 21, Number 1, January 2009
- Patrick Leoni:
Long-Range Out-of-Sample Properties of Autoregressive Neural Networks. 1-8
- Sam McKennoch, Thomas Voegtlin, Linda Bushnell
Spike-Timing Error Backpropagation in Theta Neuron Networks. 9-45 - Sami El Boustani
, Alain Destexhe
A Master Equation Formalism for Macroscopic Modeling of Asynchronous Irregular Activity States. 46-100 - Dequan Jin
, Jigen Peng:
A New Approach for Estimating the Attraction Domain for Hopfield-Type Neural Networks. 101-120 - Kai Zhang, James T. Kwok:
Density-Weighted Nyström Method for Computing Large Kernel Eigensystems. 121-146 - Olivier D. Faugeras, Romain Veltz, François Grimbert:
Persistent Neural States: Stationary Localized Activity Patterns in Nonlinear Continuous n-Population, q-Dimensional Neural Networks. 147-187 - Romain Brette
Generation of Correlated Spike Trains. 188-215 - Martin Boerlin, Tobi Delbrück, Kynan Eng
Getting to Know Your Neighbors: Unsupervised Learning of Topography from Real-World, Event-Based Input. 216-238 - Dashan Gao, Nuno Vasconcelos
Decision-Theoretic Saliency: Computational Principles, Biological Plausibility, and Implications for Neurophysiology and Psychophysics. 239-271 - Arnulf B. A. Graf, Olivier Bousquet, Gunnar Rätsch
, Bernhard Schölkopf:
Prototype Classification: Insights from Machine Learning. 272-300
Volume 21, Number 2, February 2009
- Wiebke Potjans, Abigail Morrison
, Markus Diesmann
A Spiking Neural Network Model of an Actor-Critic Learning Agent. 301-339
- Robert Urbanczik, Walter Senn
A Gradient Learning Rule for the Tempotron. 340-352
- Hans Ekkehard Plesser, Markus Diesmann
Simplicity and Efficiency of Integrate-and-Fire Neuron Models. 353-359 - Cheng Ly, Daniel Tranchina:
Spike Train Statistics and Dynamics with Synaptic Input from any Renewal Process: A Population Density Approach. 360-396 - Jakob H. Macke
, Philipp Berens
, Alexander S. Ecker, Andreas S. Tolias, Matthias Bethge:
Generating Spike Trains with Specified Correlation Coefficients. 397-423 - António R. C. Paiva, Il Park
, José C. Príncipe:
A Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Framework for Spike Train Signal Processing. 424-449 - Seif Eldawlatly
, Rong Jin, Karim G. Oweiss:
Identifying Functional Connectivity in Large-Scale Neural Ensemble Recordings: A Multiscale Data Mining Approach. 450-477 - Ueli Rutishauser
, Rodney J. Douglas:
State-Dependent Computation Using Coupled Recurrent Networks. 478-509 - Robert F. Hadley:
The Problem of Rapid Variable Creation. 510-532 - Ichiro Takeuchi, Kaname Nomura, Takafumi Kanamori:
Nonparametric Conditional Density Estimation Using Piecewise-Linear Solution Path of Kernel Quantile Regression. 533-559 - Kaizhu Huang
, Danian Zheng, Irwin King
, Michael R. Lyu:
Arbitrary Norm Support Vector Machines. 560-582 - Jirí Síma, Radim Lnenicka:
Sequential Triangle Strip Generator Based on Hopfield Networks. 583-617
Volume 21, Number 3, March 2009
- Jeremy Lewi, Robert J. Butera
, Liam Paninski:
Sequential Optimal Design of Neurophysiology Experiments. 619-687
- Vincent Q. Vu
, Bin Yu, Robert E. Kass:
Information in the Nonstationary Case. 688-703
- Stefan Mihalas, Ernst Niebur:
A Generalized Linear Integrate-and-Fire Neural Model Produces Diverse Spiking Behaviors. 704-718 - Chang-Yuan Cheng, Chih-Wen Shih:
Complete Stability in Multistable Delayed Neural Networks. 719-740 - Ransom K. Winder, James A. Reggia, Scott A. Weems, Michael F. Bunting:
An Oscillatory Hebbian Network Model of Short-Term Memory. 741-761 - Yiu-Fai Sit, Risto Miikkulainen:
Computational Predictions on the Receptive Fields and Organization of V2 for Shape Processing. 762-785 - Manfred Opper, Cédric Archambeau:
The Variational Gaussian Approximation Revisited. 786-792 - Cédric Févotte, Nancy Bertin, Jean-Louis Durrieu:
Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with the Itakura-Saito Divergence: With Application to Music Analysis. 793-830 - Robert C. Wilson:
Parallel Hopfield Networks. 831-850 - Jorge F. Mejías
, Joaquín J. Torres
Maximum Memory Capacity on Neural Networks with Short-Term Synaptic Depression and Facilitation. 851-871 - Jian-qiang Liu, Da-Zheng Feng, Wei-Wei Zhang:
Adaptive Improved Natural Gradient Algorithm for Blind Source Separation. 872-889 - Fu Chang, Chien-Hsing Chou:
A Bi-Prototype Theory of Facial Attractiveness. 890-910
Volume 21, Number 4, April 2009
- Stefan Klampfl, Robert Legenstein
, Wolfgang Maass:
Spiking Neurons Can Learn to Solve Information Bottleneck Problems and Extract Independent Components. 911-959
- Shun-ichi Amari:
Measure of Correlation Orthogonal to Change in Firing Rate. 960-972
- Luis Fernando Lago-Fernández
, Attila Szücs, Pablo Varona
Determining Burst Firing Time Distributions from Multiple Spike Trains. 973-990 - Zhijun Yang, Matthias H. Hennig
, Michael Postlethwaite, Ian D. Forsythe
, Bruce P. Graham:
Wide-Band Information Transmission at the Calyx of Held. 991-1017 - Mehmet K. Muezzinoglu, Ramón Huerta
, Henry D. I. Abarbanel, Margaret A. Ryan, Mikhail I. Rabinovich
Chemosensor-Driven Artificial Antennal Lobe Transient Dynamics Enable Fast Recognition and Working Memory. 1018-1037 - Takuma Tanaka, Takeshi Kaneko, Toshio Aoyagi
Recurrent Infomax Generates Cell Assemblies, Neuronal Avalanches, and Simple Cell-Like Selectivity. 1038-1067 - Michiel D'Haene, Benjamin Schrauwen, Jan Van Campenhout
, Dirk Stroobandt:
Accelerating Event-Driven Simulation of Spiking Neurons with Multiple Synaptic Time Constants. 1068-1099 - Dotan Di Castro, Ron Meir, Irad Yavneh:
Delays and Oscillations in Networks of Spiking Neurons: A Two-Timescale Analysis. 1100-1124 - Konstantin Doubrovinski
, J. Michael Herrmann:
Stability of Localized Patterns in Neural Fields. 1125-1144 - Kenichi Kurihara, Max Welling:
Bayesian k-Means as a "Maximization-Expectation" Algorithm. 1145-1172 - Christoph Kolodziejski, Bernd Porr, Florentin Wörgötter:
On the Asymptotic Equivalence Between Differential Hebbian and Temporal Difference Learning. 1173-1202
Volume 21, Number 5, May 2009
- Taro Toyoizumi
, Kamiar Rahnama Rad, Liam Paninski:
Mean-Field Approximations for Coupled Populations of Generalized Linear Model Spiking Neurons with Markov Refractoriness. 1203-1243
- Matthew T. Harrison, Stuart Geman:
A Rate and History-Preserving Resampling Algorithm for Neural Spike Trains. 1244-1258 - Timothée Masquelier
, Rudy Guyonneau
, Simon J. Thorpe
Competitive STDP-Based Spike Pattern Learning. 1259-1276 - Omer Bobrowski
, Ron Meir, Yonina C. Eldar:
Bayesian Filtering in Spiking Neural Networks: Noise, Adaptation, and Multisensory Integration. 1277-1320 - Yang Wei Koh, Kazuo Takatsuka:
Increasing Memory Capacity and Reducing Spurious States in Neural Networks by Introducing Coherent and Collective Firing. 1321-1334 - Renaud Ronsse
, Dagmar Sternad, Philippe Lefèvre:
A Computational Model for Rhythmic and Discrete Movements in Uni- and Bimanual Coordination. 1335-1370 - Valère Martin
, John P. Scholz, Gregor Schöner
Redundancy, Self-Motion, and Motor Control. 1371-1414 - Pierre-Antoine Absil, Mariya Ishteva
, Lieven De Lathauwer, Sabine Van Huffel:
A Geometric Newton Method for Oja's Vector Field. 1415-1433 - Xuemei Li:
Analysis of Complete Stability for Discrete-Time Cellular Neural Networks with Piecewise Linear Output Functions. 1434-1458 - Liwei Wang, Masashi Sugiyama, Cheng Yang, Kohei Hatano, Jufu Feng:
Theory and Algorithm for Learning with Dissimilarity Functions. 1459-1484
Volume 21, Number 6, June 2009
- Siwei Lyu, Eero P. Simoncelli
Nonlinear Extraction of Independent Components of Natural Images Using Radial Gaussianization. 1485-1519 - Yuan Sophie Liu, Angela J. Yu, Philip Holmes:
Dynamical Analysis of Bayesian Inference Models for the Eriksen Task. 1520-1553 - Jonathan Tapson
, Craig T. Jin
, André van Schaik
, Ralph Etienne-Cummings
A First-Order Nonhomogeneous Markov Model for the Response of Spiking Neurons Stimulated by Small Phase-Continuous Signals. 1554-1588
- Inmar E. Givoni, Brendan J. Frey:
A Binary Variable Model for Affinity Propagation. 1589-1600
- Yoshua Bengio, Olivier Delalleau:
Justifying and Generalizing Contrastive Divergence. 1601-1621 - Barak A. Pearlmutter
, Conor J. Houghton
A New Hypothesis for Sleep: Tuning for Criticality. 1622-1641 - Michael Krumin, Shy Shoham
Generation of Spike Trains with Controlled Auto- and Cross-Correlation Functions. 1642-1664 - Andrey V. Olypher, Ronald L. Calabrese:
How Does Maintenance of Network Activity Depend on Endogenous Dynamics of Isolated Neurons? 1665-1682 - Osamu Hoshino:
GABA Transporter Preserving Ongoing Spontaneous Neuronal Activity at Firing Subthreshold. 1683-1713 - Shiro Ikeda
, Jonathan H. Manton
Capacity of a Single Spiking Neuron Channel. 1714-1748 - Thomas Voegtlin:
Adaptive Synchronization of Activities in a Recurrent Network. 1749-1775 - Dalei Wu:
Parameter Estimation for alpha-GMM Based on Maximum Likelihood Criterion. 1776-1795
Volume 21, Number 7, July 2009
- Zhe Chen
, Sujith Vijayan
, Riccardo Barbieri
, Matthew A. Wilson, Emery N. Brown:
Discrete- and Continuous-Time Probabilistic Models and Algorithms for Inferring Neuronal UP and DOWN States. 1797-1862 - G. Sean Escola, Michael Eisele, Kenneth D. Miller, Liam Paninski:
Maximally Reliable Markov Chains Under Energy Constraints. 1863-1912
- Ronald A. J. van Elburg
, Arjen van Ooyen:
Generalization of the Event-Based Carnevale-Hines Integration Scheme for Integrate-and-Fire Models. 1913-1930 - Takeaki Shimokawa
, Shigeru Shinomoto
Estimating Instantaneous Irregularity of Neuronal Firing. 1931-1951 - Günter Westphal, Rolf P. Würtz
Combining Feature- and Correspondence-Based Methods for Visual Object Recognition. 1952-1989 - Charles Andoh:
Stochastic Variance Models in Discrete Time with Feedforward Neural Networks. 1990-2008 - Luca Lonini, Laura Dipietro, Loredana Zollo
, Eugenio Guglielmelli
, Hermano Igo Krebs:
An Internal Model for Acquisition and Retention of Motor Learning During Arm Reaching. 2009-2027 - Tadayoshi Fushiki:
Estimation of Positive Semidefinite Correlation Matrices by Using Convex Quadratic Semidefinite Programming. 2028-2048 - Takashi Takenouchi, Shin Ishii
A Multiclass Classification Method Based on Decoding of Binary Classifiers. 2049-2081 - Shirish K. Shevade, S. Sundararajan:
Validation-Based Sparse Gaussian Process Classifier Design. 2082-2103
Volume 21, Number 8, August 2009
- Daniel K. Wójcik
, Gabriela Mochol, Wit Jakuczun, Marek Wypych
, Wioletta J. Waleszczyk
Direct Estimation of Inhomogeneous Markov Interval Models of Spike Trains. 2105-2113 - Jonathan Touboul:
Importance of the Cutoff Value in the Quadratic Adaptive Integrate-and-Fire Model. 2114-2122
- Ramón Huerta
, Thomas Nowotny
Fast and Robust Learning by Reinforcement Signals: Explorations in the Insect Brain. 2123-2151 - Justin Dauwels, François B. Vialatte
, Theophane Weber, Andrzej Cichocki
Quantifying Statistical Interdependence by Message Passing on Graphs - Part I: One-Dimensional Point Processes. 2152-2202 - Justin Dauwels, François B. Vialatte
, Theophane Weber, Toshimitsu Musha, Andrzej Cichocki
Quantifying Statistical Interdependence by Message Passing on Graphs - Part II: Multidimensional Point Processes. 2203-2268 - Yoram Burak, Sam Lewallen
, Haim Sompolinsky:
Stimulus-Dependent Correlations in Threshold-Crossing Spiking Neurons. 2269-2308 - Masami Tatsuno
, Jean-Marc Fellous, Shun-ichi Amari:
Information-Geometric Measures as Robust Estimators of Connection Strengths and External Inputs. 2309-2335 - Xiang Zhou
, KongFatt Wong-Lin
, Philip Holmes:
Time-Varying Perturbations Can Distinguish Among Integrate-to-Threshold Models for Perceptual Decision Making in Reaction Time Tasks. 2336-2362 - Marco Saerens, Youssef Achbany, François Fouss
, Luh Yen:
Randomized Shortest-Path Problems: Two Related Models. 2363-2404
Volume 21, Number 9, September 2009
- Juan Gao, KongFatt Wong-Lin
, Philip Holmes, Patrick Simen, Jonathan D. Cohen:
Sequential Effects in Two-Choice Reaction Time Tasks: Decomposition and Synthesis of Mechanisms. 2407-2436
- Matthias Oster, Rodney J. Douglas, Shih-Chii Liu
Computation with Spikes in a Winner-Take-All Network. 2437-2465 - Valérie Ventura:
Automatic Spike Sorting Using Tuning Information. 2466-2501 - Andreas Steimer
, Wolfgang Maass, Rodney J. Douglas:
Belief Propagation in Networks of Spiking Neurons. 2502-2523 - Ram Krips, Miriam Furst:
Stochastic Properties of Coincidence-Detector Neural Cells. 2524-2553 - Shigeru Tanaka, Masanobu Miyashita:
Constraint on the Number of Synaptic Inputs to a Visual Cortical Neuron Controls Receptive Field Formation. 2554-2580 - Hal S. Greenwald, David C. Knill:
Orientation Disparity: A Cue for 3D Orientation? 2581-2604 - Kenji Hosoda, Masataka Watanabe
, Heiko Wersing, Edgar Körner, Hiroshi Tsujino, Hiroshi Tamura, Ichiro Fujita:
A Model for Learning Topographically Organized Parts-Based Representations of Objects in Visual Cortex: Topographic Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. 2605-2633 - Jun Nishii, Yoshiaki Taniai
Evaluation of Trajectory Planning Models for Arm-Reaching Movements Based on Energy Cost. 2634-2647 - Tatyana I. Aksenova, Dimitri V. Nowicki, Alim-Louis Benabid:
Filtering Out Deep Brain Stimulation Artifacts Using a Nonlinear Oscillatory Model. 2648-2666 - Wenwu He:
Limited Stochastic Meta-Descent for Kernel-Based Online Learning. 2667-2686 - Mingjie Zhao, Herbert Jaeger, Michael R. Thon
A Bound on Modeling Error in Observable Operator Models and an Associated Learning Algorithm. 2687-2712
Volume 21, Number 10, October 2009
- Vitaly Feldman
, Leslie G. Valiant:
Experience-Induced Neural Circuits That Achieve High Capacity. 2715-2754 - Yonatan Loewenstein
, Drazen Prelec, H. Sebastian Seung:
Operant Matching as a Nash Equilibrium of an Intertemporal Game. 2755-2773
- Kresimir Josic, Eric Shea-Brown, Brent Doiron, Jaime de la Rocha
Stimulus-Dependent Correlations and Population Codes. 2774-2804 - Jörg Lücke:
Receptive Field Self-Organization in a Model of the Fine Structure in V1 Cortical Columns. 2805-2845 - Véronique Lefebvre, Ying Zheng, Chris J. Martin
, Ian M. Devonshire
, Samuel Harris
, John E. W. Mayhew:
A Dynamic Causal Model of the Coupling Between Pulse Stimulation and Neural Activity. 2846-2868 - Amir Dezfouli, Payam Piray
, Mohammad Mahdi Keramati, Hamed Ekhtiari
, Caro Lucas, Azarakhsh Mokri:
A Neurocomputational Model for Cocaine Addiction. 2869-2893 - Yiwen Wang, António R. C. Paiva, José C. Príncipe, Justin C. Sanchez:
Sequential Monte Carlo Point-Process Estimation of Kinematics from Neural Spiking Activity for Brain-Machine Interfaces. 2894-2930 - Qingguo Zhou, Tao Jin, Hong Zhao:
Correlation Between Eigenvalue Spectra and Dynamics of Neural Networks. 2931-2941 - Petra Schneider, Michael Biehl
, Barbara Hammer
Distance Learning in Discriminative Vector Quantization. 2942-2969 - Paul C. Kainen, Vera Kurková
An Integral Upper Bound for Neural Network Approximation. 2970-2989
Volume 21, Number 11, November 2009
- Lucas C. Parra, Jeffrey M. Beck, Anthony J. Bell:
On the Maximization of Information Flow Between Spiking Neurons. 2991-3009 - Shai Litvak, Shimon Ullman:
Cortical Circuitry Implementing Graphical Models. 3010-3056 - Georgi S. Medvedev:
Electrical Coupling Promotes Fidelity of Responses in the Networks of Model Neurons. 3057-3078 - Xuejuan Zhang, Gongqiang You, Tianping Chen, Jianfeng Feng
Maximum Likelihood Decoding of Neuronal Inputs from an Interspike Interval Distribution. 3079-3105 - Massimiliano Giulioni, Mario Pannunzi, Davide Badoni
, Vittorio Dante, Paolo Del Giudice:
Classification of Correlated Patterns with a Configurable Analog VLSI Neural Network of Spiking Neurons and Self-Regulating Plastic Synapses. 3106-3129 - Muneki Yasuda, Kazuyuki Tanaka:
Approximate Learning Algorithm in Boltzmann Machines. 3130-3178 - Su-Yun Huang, Yi-Ren Yeh, Shinto Eguchi
Robust Kernel Principal Component Analysis. 3179-3213 - James Ting-Ho Lo:
Adaptive Capability of Recurrent Neural Networks with Fixed Weights for Series-Parallel System Identification. 3214-3227 - Patrick Suppes, Marcos Perreau Guimaraes, Dik Kin Wong:
Partial Orders of Similarity Differences Invariant Between EEG-Recorded Brain and Perceptual Representations of Language. 3228-3269
Volume 21, Number 12, December 2009
- Peggy Seriès
, Alan A. Stocker
, Eero P. Simoncelli
Is the Homunculus "Aware" of Sensory Adaptation? 3271-3304 - Yifei Huang, Mark P. Brandon, Amy L. Griffin
, Michael E. Hasselmo
, Uri T. Eden
Decoding Movement Trajectories Through a T-Maze Using Point Process Filters Applied to Place Field Data from Rat Hippocampal Region CA1. 3305-3334
- Naoki Masuda
Selective Population Rate Coding: A Possible Computational Role of Gamma Oscillations in Selective Attention. 3335-3362 - Terry Elliott, Konstantinos Lagogiannis
Taming Fluctuations in a Stochastic Model of Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity. 3363-3407 - Christian Leibold
, Michael H. K. Bendels:
Learning to Discriminate Through Long-Term Changes of Dynamical Synaptic Transmission. 3408-3428 - Jared Sylvester, James A. Reggia:
Plasticity-Induced Symmetry Relationships Between Adjacent Self-Organizing Topographic Maps. 3429-3443 - Wei Lin
Asymptotic Behavior of Periodic Cohen-Grossberg Neural Networks with Delays. 3444-3459 - Mingjie Zhao, Herbert Jaeger, Michael R. Thon
Making the Error-Controlling Algorithm of Observable Operator Models Constructive. 3460-3486 - Cesar F. Caiafa
, Andrzej Cichocki
Estimation of Sparse Nonnegative Sources from Noisy Overcomplete Mixtures Using MAP. 3487-3518 - Shengli Xie, Guoxu Zhou
, Zuyuan Yang, Yuli Fu:
On Blind Separability Based on the Temporal Predictability Method. 3519-3531 - Petra Schneider, Michael Biehl
, Barbara Hammer
Adaptive Relevance Matrices in Learning Vector Quantization. 3532-3561

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