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International Journal of Systems Science, Volume 31
Volume 31, Number 1, 2000
- Chris J. Harris
Editor's Letter. 1 - Yuanchun Li, Baojian Tang, Zhixia Shi, Youfang Lu:
Experimental study for trajectory tracking of a two-link flexible manipulator. 3-9 - Daniel Coca, Stephen A. Billings:
Direct parameter identification of distributed parameter systems. 11-17 - Zidong Wang
, Heinz Unbehauen:
A class of nonlinear observers for discrete-time systems with parametric uncertainty. 19-26 - James B. McDonald, James V. Hansen:
An application and comparison of some flexible parametric and semiparametric qualitative-response models with heteroskedasticity. 27-33 - Tong Heng Lee, Jian-Xin Xu, M. Wang:
An adaptive variable structure output tracking controller with improved transient performance. 35-45 - Xianfang Sun
, Yuezu Fan, Feizhou Zhang:
Globally optimal bounding ellipsoid algorithm for parameter estimation using artificial neural networks. 47-53 - Shengyuan Xu, Chengwu Yang:
An algebraic approach to the robust stability analysis and robust stabilization of uncertain singular systems. 55-61 - Guoping Liu
, Guang-Ren Duan
, Ronald J. Patton:
Mixed time- and frequency-domain robust eigenstructure assignment. 63-71 - El Hassan Zerrik
, Ali Boutoulout, Abdelhaq El Jai:
Actuators and regional boundary controllability of parabolic systems. 73-82 - Y. C. Sim, S. B. Leng, Velusamy Subramaniam:
A combined genetic algorithms-shooting method approach to solving optimal control problems. 83-89 - Ho-Won Jung, Yu-Whoan Ahn, Gil-Jo Kim:
Optimal schedule and effort considering the penalty cost of schedule delay in software development. 91-95 - Kenneth W. Corscadden
, Stephen R. Duncan:
Multivariable disturbance modelling for web processes. 97-106 - Zhongfei Li, Shouyang Wang
, Xiaotie Deng
A linear programming algorithm for optimal portfolio selection with transaction costs. 107-117 - D. H. Wang, Cheong Boon Soh:
Adaptive neural model-based decentralized predictive control. 119-130 - M. A. Rahim, S. N. Kabadi, P. K. Barnerjee:
A single-period perishable inventory model where deterioration begins at a random point in time. 131-136
Volume 31, Number 2, 2000
- S. O. Reza Moheimani
, Andrey V. Savkin, Ian R. Petersen:
Synthesis of minimax optimal controllers for uncertain time-delay systems with structured uncertainty. 137-147 - Apostolos Serletis, Ioannis Andreadis
Chaotic Analysis of Us Money and Velocity Measures. 161-169 - R. Ghosh, S. Sen, Kanti B. Datta:
An improved method for determining the stability of interval matrices. 171-176 - Rama K. Yedavalli, C. R. Ashokkumar:
Time response bounds for linear parametric uncertain systems. 177-188 - Samo Gerksic, Ðani Juricic, Stanko Strmcnik, Drago Matko:
Wiener model based nonlinear predictive control. 189-202 - Hieu Minh Trinh
, Tyrone Lucius Fernando
Some new stability conditions for two-dimensional difference systems. 203-211 - Hosam E. Emara-Shabaik:
Recursive estimation of linear systems' parameters based on cumulant matching. 213-216 - Chao-Ton Su, Cheng-Chang Chang:
Minimization of the life cycle cost for a multistate system under periodic maintenance. 217-227 - Shu-Guang Cao, Neville W. Rees, Gang Feng
, W. Liu:
H∞ Control of nonlinear discrete-time systems based on dynamical fuzzy models. 229-241 - Stephen P. Banks, Metin U. Salamci
, D. McCaffrey:
Non-local stabilization of nonlinear systems using switching manifolds. 243-254 - Bor-Wen Kreng, Shan-Yau Wu:
Operational flexibility and optimal total production cost in multipleitem economic production quantity models. 255-261 - R. Naresh, J. Sharma:
A hybrid method for hydroelectric generation scheduling using an artificial neural network. 263-271
Volume 31, Number 3, 2000
- M. C. Bouzeghoub, S. W. Ellacott, A. Easdown, M. Brown:
On the identification of non-stationary linear processes. 273-286 - Wei-Min Wang, Shu-Mei Guo, Leang-San Shieh:
Discretization of cascaded continuous-time controllers for state and input delayed systems. 287-296 - C. W. Chan, K. C. Cheung, W. K. Yeung:
A computation-efficient on-line training algorithm for neurofuzzy networks. 297-306 - Hussain N. Al-Duwaish:
A genetic approach to the identification of linear dynamical systems with static nonlinearities. 307-313 - Wei Wu:
Time-varying feedforward and output feedback controllers for nonlinear time-delay processes. 315-330 - El Kébir Boukas, F. Al-Sunni:
Optimal tracker for unreliable manufacturing systems. 331-341 - Shiuh-Jer Huang, Ruey-Jing Lian:
A combination of fuzzy logic and neural network controller for multiple-input multiple-output systems. 343-357 - Yong-Yan Cao, James Lam:
Computation of robust stability bounds for time-delay systems with nonlinear time-varying perturbations. 359-365 - Li Yu:
Robust control of linear uncertain systems with regional pole and variance constraints. 367-371 - Amit Ailon, Eun-Seok Choi, Byung-Ha Ahn:
Structural properties of a flexible-joint robot model with output controllers and some related applications. 373-384 - Takehiro Mori, Hideki Kokame:
Sufficient conditions for Hurwitz polynomials and their application to the stability of a polytope of polynomials. 385-390 - Chinho Lin, Bertram Tan, Wen-Chuan Lee:
An Eoq Model for Deteriorating Items with Time-varying Demand and Shortages. 391-400 - Yong Fang, Tommy W. S. Chow:
Synthesis of the sliding-mode neural network controller for unknown nonlinear discrete-time systems. 401-408
Volume 31, Number 4, 2000
- Peng Shi, Ramesh K. Agarwal
, El-Kébir Boukas, Shyh-Pyng Shue:
Robust Hinfinity state feedback control of discrete time-delay linear systems with norm-bounded uncertainty. 409-415 - Yon-Ping Chen, Jeang-Lin Chang:
A new method for constructing sliding surfaces of linear time-invariant systems. 417-420 - Wei Xing Zheng:
The effect of noise on adaptive envelope-constrained filters. 421-428 - Robert S. H. Istepanian, Sheng Chen
, James F. Whidborne
Optimal finite-precision controller realization of sampled-data systems. 429-438 - Masahiro Nishikawa, Hitoshi Katayama, Jun Yoneyama, Akira Ichikawa:
Design of output feedback controllers for sampled-data fuzzy systems. 439-448 - Chinho Lin, Jong-Mau Yeh, Jieh-Rern Ding:
A genetic algorithm for solving a maintenance model in a FMS. 449-456 - János Abonyi, Lajos Nagy
, Ferenc Szeifert:
Hybrid fuzzy convolution modelling and identification of chemical process systems. 457-466 - Chen-Chien James Hsu, Wei-Yen Wang:
Discrete modelling of uncertain continuous systems having an interval structure using higher-order integrators. 467-477 - L. G. van Willigenburg
, Willem L. De Koning:
The equivalent discrete-time optimal control problem for time-varying continuous-time systems with white stochastic parameters. 479-487 - Bugong Xu:
Decentralized stabilization of large-scale linear continuous systems with N X N time-varying delays. 489-496 - Celik Parkan, Ming-Lu Wu:
Comparison of three modern multicriteria decision-making tools. 497-517 - Deqiang Gan, Zhihua Qu, Hongzhi Cai:
Multi machine power system excitation control design via theories of feedback linearization control and nonlinear robust control. 519-527 - Abdelaziz Hmamed:
Constrained regulation of linear discrete-time systems with time delay: Delay-dependent and delay-independent conditions. 529-536 - Tai-Yue Wang, Kuei-Bin Wu:
A revised simulated annealing algorithm for obtaining the minimum total tardiness in job shop scheduling problems. 537-542
Volume 31, Number 5, 2000
- Han-Xiong Li, S. K. Tso:
Quantitative design and analysis of fuzzy proportional-integralderivative control a step towards autotuning. 545-553 - Zidong Wang
, Heinz Unbehauen:
Nonlinear observers for a class of continuous-time uncertain state delayed systems. 555-562 - Hossein Arsham:
The use of simulation in discrete-event dynamic systems design. 563-573 - K. Sasikumar, P. P. Mujumdar:
Application of fuzzy probability in water quality management of a river system. 575-591 - Jhy-Ping Jhang, Shey-Huei Sheu:
Optimal age and block replacement policies for a multi-component system with failure interaction. 593-603 - Bor-Wen Kreng, Shan-Yau Wu:
Implementing an optimal policy for set-up time reduction in an economic production quantity model. 605-612 - Y. K. Wong:
Qualitative analysis of equilibrium systems. 613-627 - Hong Yan
, Quanling Wei:
A method of transferring cones of intersection form to cones of sum form and its applications in data envelopment analysis models. 629-638 - Chin-Chia Wu
, Wen-Chiung Lee, Juinn-Ming You:
Trade-off solutions in a single-machine scheduling problem for minimizing total earliness and maximum tardiness. 639-647 - Shigemasa Takai
Supervisory control of partially observed discrete event systems with arbitrary control patterns. 649-656 - János Abonyi, Robert Babuska, Henk B. Verbruggen, Ferenc Szeifert:
Incorporating prior knowledge in fuzzy model identification. 657-667 - Jin-Woo Lee, Jun-Ho Oh:
Comparison of performance and computational efficiency in multirate linear quadratic Gaussian control. 669-676
Volume 31, Number 6, 2000
- Jong-Wuu Wu, Chinho Lin, Bertram Tan, Wen-Chuan Lee:
An Eoq Inventory Model with Time-varying Demand and Weibull Deterioration with Shortages. 677-683 - Andrey V. Savkin, Ian R. Petersen:
A method for simultaneous strong stabilization of linear time-varying systems. 685-689 - Wei Xing Zheng:
Robust design of pole placement controllers in the presence of structured uncertainty. 691-697 - Abhijit Bhattacharya:
A multiple-criteria decision problem for optimal management of farm resources under uncertainty - a case study. 699-703 - Sheng-Fuu Lin, An-Ping Wang:
Design of observers with unknown inputs using eigenstructure assignment. 705-711 - Michael S. McCoy, Reuven R. Levary:
A rule-based pilot performance model. 713-729 - Chuen-Ming Chen, Ching-Lain Chou, Lu-Ping Tsao, Chi-Teh Chen:
A modified algorithm for aiming point guidance law. 731-739 - Hieu Trinh
, Quang Phuc Ha:
Design of linear functional observers for linear systems with unknown inputs. 741-749 - Guoyong Shi:
Optimal bidirectional associative memories. 751-757 - Carla Seatzu:
Design of decentralized constant-volume controllers for open-channels by solving a least squares problem. 759-770 - M. Y. Mashor:
Hybrid multilayered perceptron networks. 771-785 - Zi-Li Deng:
Time-domain approaches to multichannel optimal deconvolution. 787-796 - N. Eva Wu, George J. Klir:
Optimal redundancy management in reconfigurable control systems based on normalized nonspecificity. 797-808 - Adam Czornik
Comments on 'Bounds for the eigenvalues of the solution matrix of the algebraic Riccati equation' by E. Yaz. 809
Volume 31, Number 7, 2000
- Robert I. Damper:
Editorial for the Special Issue on 'Emergent Properties of Complex Systems': Emergence and levels of abstraction. 811-818 - Paul Andrew Watters
Time-invariant long-range correlations in electroencephalogram dynamics. 819-825 - Paolo Arena, Luigi Fortuna:
Collective behaviour in cellular neural networks to model the central pattern generator. 827-841 - A. D. Channon, Robert I. Damper:
Towards the evolutionary emergence of increasingly complex advantageous behaviours. 843-860 - D. Paul Benjamin:
On the emergence of intelligent global behaviours from simple local actions. 861-872 - Nicholas Mark Gotts:
Emergent phenomena in large sparse random arrays of Conway's 'Game of Life'. 873-894 - J. R. Alexander Jr., S. Challef:
Control: an emergent property of biological neurons. 895-909 - Yinong Chen, James A. Reggia:
The temporal correlation hypothesis for self-organizing feature maps. 911-921
Volume 31, Number 8, 2000
- Sergey Edward Lyshevski:
Nonlinear identification and control of aircraft. 923-935 - Shin-Der Lee:
Buffer sizing in complex cellular manufacturing systems. 937-948 - Juhng-Perng Su, Ching Ting Huang:
Sigma adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control of a class of nonlinear systems. 949-959 - Ju H. Park, Sangchul Won:
Stability of neutral delay-differential systems with nonlinear perturbations. 961-967 - C. E. Riddalls, S. Bennett, Nicoleta S. Tipi
Modelling the dynamics of supply chains. 969-976 - Chao Ou-Yang, J. C. Lee:
Evaluation of the information flow in a hierarchical shop floor control framework. 977-1001 - Ewaryst Rafajlowicz
Repeated least squares with inversion and its application in identifying linear distributed-parameter systems. 1003-1010 - Kuo-Kai Shyu, Yao-Wen Tsai
, Yung Yu, Chui-Keng Lai:
Decentralized dynamic output feedback controllers for interconnected systems with mismatched uncertainties using new sliding mode control. 1011-1020 - Hisashi Kando, Hiroyuki Ukai, Yoshifumi Morita:
Design of multirate observers and multirate control systems. 1021-1030 - Cheong Boon Soh:
Robust stability of impulsive periodic hybrid systems with dependent perturbations. 1031-1041 - Ali Khaki-Sedigh
, Caro Lucas:
Optimal design of robust quantitative feedback controllers using random optimization techniques. 1043-1052 - Pieter van der Kloet, Fred L. Neerhoff:
Diagonalization algorithms for linear time-varying dynamic systems. 1053-1057
Volume 31, Number 9, 2000
- Chiang Kao:
Data envelopment analysis in resource allocation: an application to forest management. 1059-1066 - Yeong-Hwa Chang, Jin-Chuan Chang:
Robust wedge-stability analysis and design of continuous constrained systems with stability radii. 1067-1075 - Manuel de la Sen
, Ningsu Luo:
Design of linear observers for a class of linear hybrid systems. 1077-1090 - Reinaldo M. Palhares
, Pedro L. D. Peres
Mixed filtering for uncertain linear systems: a linear matrix inequality approach. 1091-1098 - Meliksah Ertugrul, Okyay Kaynak
, Feza Kerestecioglu
Gain adaptation in sliding mode control of robotic manipulators. 1099-1106 - K.-H. Cho, M.-S. Lee, Jong-Tae Lim:
Supervisory control for optimal route guidance in intelligent vehicle highway systems based on hybrid network models. 1107-1113 - Xuemei Zhang, Hoang Pham:
Comparisons of nonhomogeneous Poisson process software reliability models and its applications. 1115-1123 - Yen-Tseng Hsu, Jerome Yeh:
A novel image compression using grey models on a dynamic window. 1125-1141 - Hassan Noura, Didier Theilliol, Dominique Sauter:
Actuator fault-tolerant control design: demonstration on a three-tank-system. 1143-1155 - Shaun Marriott, Robert F. Harrison
A novel algorithmic approach to the integration of posterior knowledge into condition-monitoring systems. 1157-1174 - Zidong Wang
, Huisheng Shu:
Variance-constrained multiobjective filtering for uncertain continuous-time stochastic systems. 1175-1183 - C. C. Hsieh, T. C. Woo:
Delay and size in hierarchical organizations. 1185-1194
Volume 31, Number 10, 2000
- Matthew G. Feemster, P. Vedagarbha, D. Haste, Darren M. Dawson:
Adaptive output-feedback control of induction motors. 1195-1208 - Liang-Yuh Ouyang, Bor-Ren Chuang:
A periodic review inventory model involving variable lead time with a service level constraint. 1209-1215 - Chiman Kwan
, H. Xu, Frank L. Lewis:
Robust spacecraft attitude control using adaptive fuzzy logic. 1217-1225 - Jin Young Choi, Hyun Joo Park:
Use of neural networks in iterative learning control systems. 1227-1239 - Chris J. Harris
, Junbin Gao:
Adaptive linear finite-element method for modelling nonlinear dynamic systems. 1241-1248 - Fiona T. Murray, John V. Ringwood, Paul C. Austin:
Integration of multi-time-scale models in time series forecasting. 1249-1260 - Javier Aracil, Enrique Ponce
, Teodoro Alamo:
A frequency-domain approach to bifurcations in control systems with saturation. 1261-1271 - J. B. Gomm, D. L. Yu
Order and delay selection for neural network modelling by identification of linearized models. 1273-1283 - Shoulie Xie, Lihua Xie:
Decentralized global disturbance attenuation for a class of large-scale uncertain nonlinear systems. 1285-1297 - Hiroaki Mukaidani
, Hua Xu
, Koichi Mizukami:
Recursive algorithm for mixed H2/H8 control problem of singularly perturbed systems. 1299-1312 - Jinde Cao:
Global asymptotic stability of neural networks with transmission delays. 1313-1316 - Mario Lefebvre:
Linearization of a dynamic programming equation. 1317-1322 - Chuanxin Su, Junichi Hino, Toshio Yoshimura:
Prediction of chatter in high-speed milling by means of fuzzy neural networks. 1323-1330
Volume 31, Number 11, 2000
- Keith Worden
Intelligent fault detection. 1331-1332 - Christian Boller:
Next generation structural health monitoring and its integration into aircraft design. 1333-1349 - P. F. Gobin, Y. Jayet, J. C. Baboux, M. Salvia, A. Chateauminois, J. C. Abry, G. Giraud:
New trends in non-destructive evaluation in relation to the smart materials concept. 1351-1359 - N. Stubbs, S. Park, C. Sikorsky, S. Choi:
A global non-destructive damage assessment methodology for civil engineering structures. 1361-1373 - J. Cattarius, Daniel J. Inman:
Experimental verification of intelligent fault detection in rotor blades. 1375-1379 - Wieslaw J. Staszewski
Advanced data pre-processing for damage identification based on pattern recognition. 1381-1396 - Keith Worden
, S. Gaerth Pierce, Graeme Manson, W. R. Philp, Wieslaw J. Staszewski
, B. Culshaw:
Detection of defects in composite plates using Lamb waves and novelty detection. 1397-1409 - M. J. Desforges, P. J. Jacob, Andrew D. Ball:
Fault detection in rotating machinery using kernel-based probability density estimation. 1411-1426 - Lionel Tarassenko, Alexandre Nairac, Neil W. Townsend, I. Buxton, Peter Cowley:
Novelty detection for the identification of abnormalities. 1427-1439 - Ronald J. Patton, Jie Chen
, H. Benkhedda:
A study on neuro-fuzzy systems for fault diagnosis. 1441-1448 - D. J. H. Wilson, George W. Irwin:
Pls Modelling and Fault Detection on the Tennessee Eastman Benchmark. 1449-1457 - Peter R. Goulding, Barry Lennox, David J. Sandoz, K. J. Smith, Ognjen Marjanovic:
Fault detection in continuous processes using multivariate statistical methods. 1459-1471 - F. Jia, Elaine B. Martin, Anthony Julian Morris:
Non-linear principal components analysis with application to process fault detection. 1473-1487 - R. Scattoloni:
Fault identification: an approach based on propagation digraphs. 1489-1496 - H. G. Natke, C. Cempel:
Model-based diagnosis of systems emphasizing a holistic approach. 1497-1504 - J. A. Brandon:
The design and implementation of intelligent systems for structural integrity assessment. 1505-1510 - Yakov Ben-Haim
Robustness of model-based fault diagnosis: decisions with information-gap models of uncertainty. 1511-1518
Volume 31, Number 12, 2000
- Rafael Martínez-Guerra, Alexander S. Poznyak, Vicente Diaz De Leon:
Robustness property of high-gain observers for closed-loop nonlinear systems: theoretical study and robotics control application. 1519-1529 - Guoping Liu
, Stephen A. Billings, Visakan Kadirkamanathan
Nonlinear system identification using wavelet networks. 1531-1541 - Chao-Ton Su, Hsu-Hwa Chang
Optimization of parameter design: an intelligent approach using neural network and simulated annealing. 1543-1549 - Piotr Ostalczyk
The non-integer difference of the discrete-time function and its application to the control system synthesis. 1551-1561 - Cheong Boon Soh:
Controllability and observability of periodic hybrid interval systems. 1563-1571 - K.-H. Cho, Jong-Tae Lim:
Fault-tolerant supervisory control under C, D observability and its application. 1573-1583 - Jooyoung Park
, Yonmook Park:
An optimization approach to design of cellular neural networks. 1585-1591 - Vikram Kapila, Wassim M. Haddad, Apostolos Grivas:
Fixed-structure controller synthesis for systems with input nonlinearities and time delay. 1593-1599 - Daohang Sha, Vladimir B. Bajic
Robust discrete adaptive input-output-based sliding mode controller. 1601-1614 - Ting-Zhu Huang, Shouming Zhong, Chuan-Long Wang:
The stability of the linear systems with delays. 1615-1618 - Steven Ching-Yei Chung:
The frequency-domain analysis of discrete variable structure control and chattering-free criteria. 1619-1626 - Michel Ferney:
Modelling single-product production systems using state equations: continuous systems and discrete systems that can be represented by continuous models. 1627-1638

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