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ISCC 2006: Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy

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Session 1: Wireless, Cellular, and Mobile Communications - I

Session 2: Security - I

Session 3: P2P - I

Session 4: High Performance Networking and Protocols

Session 5: Wireless, Cellular, and Mobile Communications - II

Session 6: Handoff and Mobility

Session 7: Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Session 8: Bioinformatics

Session 9: Sensor Networks - I

Session 10: Signal Processing, Coding, and Communication Theory

Session 11: Management of Telecommunications Services

Session 12: E-Commerce and E-Government

Session 13: Web Services

Session 14: Security - II

Session 15: P2P - II

Session 16: Pattern Recognition and Classification

Session 17: Wirelelss, Cellular, and Mobile Communciations - III

Session 18: Routing

Session 19: Modeling and Simulation

Session 20: Ethernet

Session 21: Sensor Networks - II

Session 22: Optical Networking - I

Session 23: Network Design, Optimization, and Management - I

Session 24: Parallel Processing

Session 25: Qos

Session 26: Security - III

Session 27: Mobile and Adaptive Services

Session 28: Packet Processing

Session 29: Wireless, Cellular, and Mobile Communications - IV

Session 30: Distributed Systems Architecture and Management

Session 31: MPLS

Session 32: Data Mining and Knowledge Base Applications

Sesison 33: Sensor Networks - III

Session 34: Optical Networking - II

Session 35: Networking Design, Optimization, and Management - II

Session 36: Digital Satellite Communications