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2. IC 2001: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA - Volume 1
- Peter Graham, Muthucumaru Maheswaran, M. Rasit Eskicioglu:
Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet Computing, IC 2001, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 25-28, 2001. CSREA Press 2001, ISBN 1-892512-36-X
Session: Web Mining
- Angela Ribeiro, Víctor Fresno:
A Multi Criteria Function to Concept Extraction in HTML Environment. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 1-6 - Xiannong Meng, Zhixiang Chen:
The Architecture of Yarrow: A Real-Time Intelligent Meta-Search Engine. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 7-13 - Larry Kerschberg, Wooju Kim, Anthony Scime:
WebSifter II: A Personalizable Meta-Search Agent Based on Weighted Semantic Taxonomy Tree. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 14-20 - Hyoil Han, Ramez Elmasri:
Analyzing Semi-Structured Data for Ontological Information Extraction. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 21-27 - Yongjian Fu, Mario Creado, Ming-Yi Shih:
Adaptive Web Sites by Web Usage Mining. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 28-34 - Wilfred Ng:
Implementing WHAT to Support Web Usage Management. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 35-40 - Huseyin Cenk Özmutlu, Amanda Spink:
Time-Based Analysis of Search Data Logs. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 41-46 - Babak Akhgar, Jawed I. A. Siddiqi:
A Framework for the Delivery of Web-centric Knowledge Management Applications. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 47-54
Session: Resources Management Technologies for Network-Wide Computing in the Wired and Wireless Internet
- George R. Ribeiro-Justo, Tereska Karran, Sándor Imre, József Kovács:
Intelligent Decision-Making within 4th Generation Wireless Networks. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 55-61 - Mahi Lohi, Kambiz Madani, A. K. Lohi:
Flexible Channel Allocation Schemes (FCAS) Using Handover. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 62-67 - Omer F. Rana, David W. Walker:
Software Infrastructure for Service and Device Management in Wireless Networks. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 68-74 - Chung Shue Chen, Wing Shing Wong:
Bandwidth Allocation Optimization for 3G Wireless Multimedia Systems. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 75-82
Session: XML, Meta Data and Database Access on the Web
- Emmett Davis, Bonnie Holte Bennett, Dale Panton:
Metadata Enriched XML Supporting HIPAA Compliant Healthcare and Human Service Person Matching for Information Retrieval and Integration. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 83-89 - Miguel Garay Garcell, Marcello Sandi Pinheiro:
Clustering Methods in Hypermedia Intelligent Tutoring Systems. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 90-96 - Hyoil Han, Ramez Elmasri:
Managing Evolving Ontologies in the WebOntEx System. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 97-103 - Said K. Rahimi, Martin S. Voegele, Frank Sigvald Haug:
Web Databases - A Taxonomy. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 104-110 - SooHee Kim, Hyunchul Kang:
XML Query Processing Using Materialized Views. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 111-118
Workshop: Product Line Architectures for E-Commerce
- Ruy Luiz Milidiú, Carlos José Pereira de Lucena, José Alberto R. P. Sardinha:
An Object-Oriented Framework for Creating Offerings. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 119-123 - Mohamed Fayad:
E-Frame: A Process-Based Object-Oriented Framework for E-Commerce. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 124-128 - Aileen Morse, Donna Joy:
A Practical Approach to Pattern-Based Architectures for E-Business. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 129-135 - Daniel Orlean, F. R. Ferreira, Otavio Silva, Carlos José Pereira de Lucena:
Designing and Implementing Electronic Commerce Frameworks Using the Multi-Agent Systems Approach. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 136-142 - Daniel Orlean, F. R. Ferreira, Carlos José Pereira de Lucena:
Every Ware: Dealing With E-Commerce Pervasiveness. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 143-149 - Marcus Fontoura, Wolfgang Pree, Bernhard Rumpe:
The WebShop E-Commerce Framework. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 150-156
Session: XML Data Management and Applications
- Giuseppe Psaila, Davide Brugali:
The ERX Data Management System. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 157-163 - Rami Rifaieh, Aïcha-Nabila Benharkat:
A Translation Procedure to Clarify the Relationship Between Ontology and XML Schema. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 164-170 - Mohand-Said Hacid, Evimaria Terzi, Athena Vakali:
Querying XML with Constraints. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 171-177 - Shuichi Nishioka, Makoto Onizuka:
Mapping XML to Object Relational Model. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 171-177 - Kian-Lee Tan, Mong-Li Lee, Yue Wang:
Access Control of XML Documents in Relational Database Systems. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 185-191 - Hyoil Han, S. Garimella, Ramez Elmasri:
Extracting XML DTDs from Relational Schemas in the WebOntEx System. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 192-198 - Gerti Kappel, Elisabeth Kapsammer, Werner Retschitzegger:
XML and Relational Database Systems - A Comparison of Concepts. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 199-205 - Ju-Han Kim, Jooyoung Lee, Jung-Chan Na, Seung Won Sohn:
ESES/Cipher: A Design of XML Encryption System. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 206-212 - Keumyong Oh, Dongmoon Park, Eenjun Hwang:
Automatic XML Conversion of Web Pages with Common Pattern. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 213-218 - Kyoung-Hee Shin, Chae Woo Yoo:
An Interactive XML Structure Editor. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 219-224 - Yong Kyu Lee, Shin Woo Kim:
Development of an Access Authorization and Control System for XML Documents. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 225-232
Session: Agents for E-Business on the Internet
- Chihiro Ono, Dai Kanemoto, Keesoo Kim, Boyd C. Paulson Jr., Mark R. Cutkosky, Charles J. Petrie:
Trust-Based Facilitator for Agent-Based E-Commerce. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 233-239 - Eugene Santos Jr., Jeng Zhang, Peter B. Luh:
Multi-Agent Logistics Management. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 240-246 - Gaurav Tewari, Aleksandr Berkovich, Vladislav Gabovich, Shuehan Liang, Anand Ramakrishnan, Pattie Maes:
Sustaining Individual Incentives while Maximizing Aggregate Social Welfare: A Mediated Brokering Technique for Trading Agents in Next-Generation Electronic Markets. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 247-253 - Verner Andersen, Hans H. K. Andersen, Camilla B. Hansen:
Evaluation and Specification of Agents for E-Commerce Based on Focus Group Experiment. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 254-260 - Simone C. dos Santos, Sérgio Angelim, Silvio Romero de Lemos Meira:
A Framework for Web-Commerce Search Brokers. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 261-267 - Ing-Chung Lee, Yuh-Jong Hu:
An Agent-Based Secure E-Commerce Environment With Distributed Authentication and Authorization Services. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 268-274 - Alagappan Meyyappan:
Proposing a New Multi Routing Agent Architecture for E-Marketplace. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 275-277 - Nguyen Van Hop, Worasing Rinsurongkawong:
Coordinating Agents for Heterogeneous Agent-Based Systems in Supply Chain Management. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 278-284
Session: Internet and Multimedia
- Farhad Kamangar, Ramesh Yerraballi:
Design of a Wearable Computing Environment for Distance Education in TeleCampus. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 285-291 - David Levine, Sunil Pai, Farhad Kamangar, Ramesh Yerraballi:
A Multimedia Application using Mobile Agents for Establishing and Managing Streaming Audio Communications. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 292-298 - Anastassia Angelopoulou, Alexandra Psarrou, Dimitris Parapadakis:
An Extensible Movie System Interface for Information-Rich Television. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 299-305 - William E. Wright:
Balancing the Workload in Video-On-Demand Systems. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 306-310 - Thanaporn Chochai, Andrew Davison:
Teaching Distributed Programming Concepts using a Java and Logo-based Framework. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 311-316 - Phelim Keane, John G. Keating:
E-Learning or Re-Learning: Assessing a Web Digital Library Interface. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 317-324
Session: Wireless Internet: Protocols and Applications
- Adrian Lahanas, Vassilios Tsaoussidis:
Behavior of TCP-Probing with Hand-offs. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 325-331 - Jianping Pan, Jon W. Mark, Xuemin Shen:
End-to-end TCP Performance with Local Retransmissions. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 332-338 - Michael Methfessel, Peter Langendörfer, Horst Frankenfeldt, Irina Babanskaja, Irina Matthaei, Rolf Kraemer:
Optimizing the Cooperation Between TCP and Wireless MAC. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 339-345 - Paul J. M. Havinga, Gerard J. M. Smit, Lars Kristian Vognild, Gang Wu:
The SMART Project Exploiting the Heterogeneous Mobile World. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 346-352 - Olaf Drögehorn, Klaus David, R. Steinhau, J. deMeer:
Towards a Location- and Context Aware Middleware. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 353-358 - Michael Beigl, Matthias Ringwald:
Communications Issues in Ubiquitous Computing. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 359-366
Session: XML
- Josef Altmann, Klaus Wolfmaier, Thomas Ziebermayr:
Flexible Thin Client Architectures: An XML-Based Approach. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 367-370 - Jacky C. K. Ma, Michael R. Lyu:
Design and Implementation of XML-Based Digital Video Library System. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 371-374 - Jong-Seok Jeong, Dong-Ik Oh:
Gathering Services of IHWA from Semi-Structured Web Information Sources. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 375-378 - Wing Hang Cheung, Michael R. Lyu, Kam-Wing Ng:
Tunneling Across Firewalls by using XML and Servlets: An Experiment on CORBA. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 379-385 - Thomas Mundt, Stephan Preuss, Wolfgang Lindner:
Adaptive Service Chaining. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 386-392 - Gwan-Hwan Hwang, Tao-Ku Chang:
Document Security Language (DSL) and an Efficient Automatic Securing Tool for XML Documents. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 393-399 - Christos Ilioudis, George Pangalos, Athena Vakali:
Security Model for XML Data. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 400-406 - Dwight Deugo, Darrell Ferguson:
XML Specification for Design Patterns. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 407-412
Session: Communication Issues, Networks, IPs, ...
- Raymond E. Miller, Khaled A. Arisha:
Fault Coverage in Networks by Passive Testing. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 413-419 - Li Li, Lizheng Fu, Guixing Luan, Ping Wang:
A Hierarchical Architecture for Distributed Network Management. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 420-423 - Biao Chen, I-Ling Yen:
TCP Glow Performance Guarantee in DiffServ Networks. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 424-430 - Shih-chieh Chou, Cheng-hsien Hu:
Real-Time Services Using RSVP on Mobile IP in Wireless Environment. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 431-436 - Moufida Maimour, CongDuc Pham:
Active Reliable Multicast Strategies for Internet-Based Grid Computing Infrastructures. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 437-443 - Seung-Jin Han, Jung-Hyun Lee:
A Mobility Management Using Dynamic Updates of Domain Name in Mobile Computing Environment. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 444-450 - D. Grundman, A. Michalek:
Network Computing With CPS - Pipelining Comes for Free. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 451-457 - Xinyu Wang, Ahmed Mokhtar, Murat Azizoglu:
An Analytical Model for Service-Differentiated Active Queue Management Schemes in Packet Switched Networks. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 458-463 - Younghwan Yoo, Sanghyun Ahn, Kyeongseob Cho, Taeil Kim, Chongsang Kim:
Border Gateway Protocol Extensions for Quality of Service Routing. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 464-470 - Dennis Kundisch, Axel J. Schell:
Mobile Pricing for Congested UMTS Networks. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 471-474 - Nageswara S. V. Rao:
NetLets: End-To-End QoS Mechanisms for Distributed Computing Over Internet Using Two-Paths. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 475-478 - Myeung-Sup Lee, Chang-Hyeon Park:
Design and Implementation of Web-Based Traffic Monitoring and Analysis System. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 479-485 - Qing Yu, Doan B. Hoang:
Fair Intelligent Explicit Window Adaptation. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 486-492 - X. Y. Liu, Kee Chaing Chua, Brahim Bensaou, Peng Yong Kong:
Multicast Flow Aggregation in the Internet Backbone. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 493-499 - Hadee A. Akhand, Michael A. Bauer:
Differentiated Services in IP-Based Networks to Support Quality of Service Management of Internet Applications. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 500-506 - Seong-Ho Jeong, Shin-Gak Kang, Ki-Shik Park, Cheehang Park:
A Testbed for Supporting Real-Time Applications in IP-Based Networks. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 507-513 - Hyotaek Lim, David Hung-Chang Du:
TCP Pre-Connection for Prefix-Caching Video Proxy in Wide Area Networks. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 514-520 - Mokhtar Aboelaze, Adel Ben Mnaouer, Ayman Elnaggar:
Dynamic Cell Allocation to Input Queues in a Combined I/O Buffered ATM Switch. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 521-527 - Goutam Chakraborty, Bhed Bahadur Bista, Norio Shiratori:
An Intelligent Prediction Based Approach for Mobility Tracking in PCN. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 528-534
Session: Security Issues
- David W. Chadwick, John P. New, D. M. McDowall, Darren P. Mundy:
Providing Secure Access to Confidential Patient Information Detailing Diabetic Condition. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 535-542
Session: Human Resources and Education
- Khalid A. Alsahlawi:
Human Resources Development in Saudi Arabia: Some Issues of Concern. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 543-

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