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BCICTS 2018: San Diego, CA, USA
- 2018 IEEE BiCMOS and Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuits and Technology Symposium (BCICTS), San Diego, CA, USA, October 15-17, 2018. IEEE 2018, ISBN 978-1-5386-6502-2
- Matthew Morton, Yan Chen, Alyosha C. Molnar, Edward C. Szoka, Robin Ying:
The RF Sampler: Chip-Scale Frequency Conversion and Filtering Enabling Affordable Element-Level Digital Beamforming. 1-5 - Radu Ciocoveanu, Robert Weigel, Amelie Hagelauer
, Vadim Issakov
A Low Insertion-Loss 10-110 GHz Digitally Tunable SPST Switch in 22 nm FD-SOI CMOS. 1-4 - Eugene A. Fitzgerald:
Materials, Processes, and Markets for Monolithic III-V Devices in Silicon Integrated Circuits. 1-6 - Pradeep Dasari, Chandan Sharma, Shreepad Karmalkar:
Incorporation of the Virtual Gate Effect and Consequences of its Neglect in the Simulation of ON-State ID-VDS Curves of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs. 1-5 - Dylan F. Williams, Jerome Cheron, Benjamin F. Jamroz, Richard Chamberlin:
On-Wafer Transistor Characterization to 750 GHz - the Approach, Results, and Pitfalls. 1-5 - Ullrich R. Pfeiffer
, Ritesh Jain
, Janusz Grzyb, Stefan Malz, Philipp Hillger, Pedro Rodríguez-Vázquez:
Current Status of Terahertz Integrated Circuits - From Components to Systems. 1-7 - Gerald Wedel, T. Nardmanrr, Michael Schröter:
On the use of Drift-Diffusion and Hydrodynamic Transport Models for Simulating the Negative Differential Mobility Effect. 1-4 - Jonathan Klamkin, Hongwei Zhao, Bowen Song, Yuan Liu
, Brandon Isaac, Sergio Pinna, Fengqiao Sang, Larry Coldren:
Indium Phosphide Photonic Integrated Circuits: Technology and Applications. 8-13 - Alvin Joseph, Vibhor Jain, Shih Ni Ong, Randy Wolf, Suh Fei Lim, Jagar Singh:
Technology Positioning for mm Wave Applications: 130/90nm SiGe BiCMOS vs. 28nm RFCMOS. 18-21 - Jonas Weiss:
Analog Optical RF-Links for Large Radio Telescopes. 24-27 - Munehiko Nagatani, Hitoshi Wakita, Teruo Jyo, Miwa Mutoh, Minoru Ida, Sorin P. Voinigescu, Hideyuki Nosaka
A 256-Gbps PAM-4 Signal Generator IC in 0.25-µm InP DHBT Technology. 28-31 - Cheng Li, Kunzhi Yu, Jinsoo Rhim, Kehan Zhu, Nan Qi, Marco Fiorentino
, Thierry Pinguet, Mark Peterson, Vishal Saxena, Samuel Palermo:
A 3D-Integrated 56 Gb/s NRZ/PAM4 Reconfigurable Segmented Mach-Zehnder Modulator-Based Si-Photonics Transmitter. 32-35 - Haedong Jang, Zulhazmi Mokhti, Björn Herrmann, Richard Wilson:
Nonlinear Embedding of FET Devices for High Efficiency Power Amplifier Design. 36-43 - Hiroshi Yamamoto, Ken Kikuchi
, Norihiko Ui, Kazutaka Inoue, Valeria Vadalà, Gianni Bosi
, Antonio Raffo, Giorgio Vannini:
Analysis of Gate-Voltage Clipping Behavior on Class-F and Inverse Class-F Amplifiers. 44-47 - Yutaro Yamaguchi, Tomohiro Otsuka, Masatake Hangai
, Shintaro Shinjo, Toshiyuki Oishi:
Ka-Band GaN Large-Signal Model Considering Trap Effect on Nonlinear Capacitance by Using Transient S-Parameters Measurement. 48-51 - Alireza Zandieh, Peter Schvan, Sorin P. Voinigescu:
A 2x-Oversampling, 128-GS/s 5-bit Flash ADC for 64-GBaud Applications. 52-55 - Xuan-Quang Du, Markus Grozing, Manfred Berroth:
A 25.6-GS/s 40-GHz 1-dB BW Current-Mode Track and Hold Circuit with more than 5-ENOB. 56-59 - Philipp Thomas
, Matthias Buck, Markus Grözing, Manfred Berroth, J. Rauscher, Michael Epp, M. Schlumpp:
An Adaptable 6.4 - 32 GS/s Track-and-Hold Amplifier with Track-Mode Masking for High Signal Power Applications in 55 nm SiGe-BiCMOS. 60-63 - Pascal Chevalier, Wolfgang Liebl, Holger Rücker, Alexis Gauthier, Dirk Manger, Bernd Heinemann, Grégory Avenier, Josef Böck:
SiGe BiCMOS Current Status and Future Trends in Europe. 64-71 - Alexis Gauthier, Julien Borrel
, Pascal Chevalier, Grégory Avenier, A. Montagné, M. Juhel, R. Duru, L.-R. Clément, C. Borowiak, Michel Buczko, Christophe Gaquière:
450 GHz fT SiGe: C HBT Featuring an Implanted Collector in a 55-nm CMOS Node. 72-75 - Dirk Manger, Wolfgang Liebl, S. Boguth, B. Binder, Klaus Aufinger, C. Dahl, C. Hengst, A. Pribil, J. Oestreich, S. Rohmfeld, S. Rothenhaeusser, D. Tschumakow, Josef Boeck:
Integration of SiGe HBT with fT=305GHz, fmax=537GHz in 130nm and 90nm CMOS. 76-79 - Alberto Valdes-Garcia, Bodhisatwa Sadhu, Xiaoxiong Gu, Jean-Olivier Plouchart, Mark Yeck, Daniel J. Friedman:
Scaling Millimeter-Wave Phased Arrays: Challenges and Solutions. 80-84 - Kang Ning, James F. Buckwalter:
A 28-GHz, 18-dBm, 48% PAE Stacked-FET Power Amplifier with Coupled-Inductor Neutralization in 45-nm SOI CMOS. 85-88 - Venkata N. K. Malladi, Mike Fraser, Joseph Staudinger, Mario Bokatius, Monte Miller:
A 2-6 GHz, 45 dBm Peak Power T/R SPDT Switch for 5G mMIMO Applications. 89-92 - Sourabh Khandelwal
, Yogesh Singh Chauhan
, Jason Hodges, Sayed Ali Albahrani:
Non-Linear RF Modeling of GaN HEMTs with Industry Standard ASM GaN Model (Invited). 93-97 - Kevin Kellogg, Sourabh Khandelwal
, Neil Craig, Larry Dunleavy:
Improved Charge Modeling of Field-Plate Enhanced AlGaN/GaN HEMT Devices Using a Physics Based Compact Model. 102-105 - Wei Quan, Akshay M. Arabhavi, R. Flueckiger, Olivier Ostinelli, Colombo R. Bolognesi:
Iterative De-Embedding and Extracted Maximum Oscillation Frequency fMAX in mm-Wave InP DHBTs: Impact of Device Dimensions on Extraction Errors. 110-113 - Badou Sene
, Vadim Issakov
A Low-Power Triple-Loop Feedback Broadband LNA in a 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS Technology. 114-117 - Mantas Sakalas, Niko Joram, Frank Ellinger:
1.5-54 GHz High Dynamic Range LNA and Mixer Combination for a MIMO Radar Application. 118-121 - Akshay M. Arabhavi, Wei Quan, Olivier Ostinelli, Colombo R. Bolognesi:
Scaling of InP/GaAsSb DHBTs: A Simultaneous fT/fMAX=463/829GHz in a 10µm Long Emitter. 132-135 - Tomio Satoh, Ken Osawa, Atsushi Nitta:
GaN HEMT for Space Applications. 136-139 - Michael Roberg, Thi Ri Mya Kywe, Matthew Irvine, Orlando Marrufo, Sabyasachi Nayak:
40 W Ka-Band Single and Dual Output GaN MMIC Power Amplifiers on SiC. 140-143 - Maxwell Robert Duffy, Gregor Lasser, Michael Roberg, Zoya Popovic:
A 4-W K-Band 40% PAE Three-Stage MMIC Power Amplifier. 144-147 - Tatsuya Soma, Shinichi Hori, Kazuaki Kunihiro:
A 200 MHz Bandwidth GaAs Switch-Mode Supply Modulator. 148-151 - Scott Schafer, Michael Roberg:
Monolithic Attenuator/Limiter Using Nonlinear Resistors. 152-155 - Axel Tessmann, Arnulf Leuther, Felix Heinz, Frank Bernhardt, Hermann Massler:
High Gain 220 - 275 GHz Amplifier MMICs Based on Metamorphic 20 nm InGaAs MOSFET Technology. 156-159 - Paul Stärke, Vincent Rieß
, Corrado Carta
, Frank Ellinger:
Wideband Amplifier with Integrated Power Detector for 100 GHz to 200 GHz mm-Wave Applications. 160-163 - Ahmed S. H. Ahmed, Arda Simsek, Miguel Urteaga, Mark J. W. Rodwell:
8.6-13.6 mW Series-Connected Power Amplifiers Designed at 325 GHz Using 130 nm InP HBT Technology. 164-167 - Steven Callender, Woorim Shin, Hyung-Jin Lee, Stefano Pellerano, Christopher D. Hull:
FinFET for mm Wave - Technology and Circuit Design Challenges. 168-173 - Mark S. Lundstrom:
Carrier Transport in BJTs: from Ballistic to Diffusive and Off-Equilibrium. 174-181 - Saurabh Sirohi, Vibhor Jain, Ajay Raman, Bhargava Teja Nukala
, Elan Veeramani, James W. Adkisson, Alvin Joseph:
Impact of Emitter Width Scaling on Performance and Ruggedness of SiGe HBTs for PA Applications. 182-185 - Josip Zilak, Marko Koricic, Zeljko Osrecki, Marko Simic, Tomislav Suligoj:
Noise Figure Characterization of Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT). 186-189 - Uppili S. Raghunathan, Brian R. Wier, Zachary E. Fleetwood, Michael A. Oakley, Vibhor Jain, John D. Cressler:
Emitter-Base Profile Optimization of SiGe HBTs for Improved Thermal Stability and Frequency Response at Low-Bias Currents. 190-193 - Vadim Issakov
, Sebastian Kehl-Waas, Radu Ciocoveanu, Werner Simbürger, Angelika Geiselbrechtinger:
A 6 kV ESD-Protected Low-Power 24 GHz LNA for Radar Applications in SiGe BiCMOS. 194-197 - Abdurrahman H. Aliuhani, Tumay Kanar, Gabriel M. Rebeiz:
A Packaged Single-Ended K-Band SiGe LNA with 2.14 dB Mean Noise Figure. 198-201 - Sunil Rao, Tianyu Chang, Ickhyun Song, Moon-Kyu Cho, John D. Cressler:
A 1-20 GHz Distributed, Stacked SiGe Power Amplifier. 202-205 - Anup P. Omprakash, Adrian Ildefonso
, George N. Tzintzarov
, Jeffrey Babcock, Rajarshi Mukhopadhyay, John D. Cressler:
Using SiGe-on-SOI HBTs to Build 300°C Capable Analog Circuits. 206-209 - Mark P. van der Heijden, Andries J. Scholten
SiGe HBT PA Design for 5G (28 GHz and Beyond) - Modeling and Design Challenges. 210-214 - Brian R. Wier, Rafael Perez Martinez
, Uppili S. Raghunathan, Hanbin Ying, Saeed Zeinolabedinzadeh, John D. Cressler:
Revisiting Safe Operating Area: SiGe HBT Aging Models for Reliability-Aware Circuit Design. 215-218 - Michael Schröter, Sophia Falk:
Modeling High-Current Effects in Bipolar Transistors: A Theory Review. 219-222 - Milad Frounchi, Christopher T. Coen, Clifford D. Y. Cheon, Nelson Lourenco, Wyman Williams, John D. Cressler:
A V-Band SiGe Image-Reject Receiver Front-End for Atmospheric Remote Sensing. 223-226 - Kefei Wu, Bassem Fahs, Mona Mostafa Hella:
A 220 GHz OOK Outphasing Transmitter in 130-nm BiCMOS Technology. 227-230 - Arda Simsek, Seong-Kyun Kim, Mark J. W. Rodwell:
A 140 GHz MIMO Transceiver in 45 nm SOI CMOS. 231-234 - Thomas Merkle, Sandrine Wagner, Axel Tessmann, Michael Kuri, Hermann Massler, Arnulf Leuther:
Integrated 220-260 GHz Radar Frontend. 235-238 - Primit Parikh, YiFeng Wu, Likun Shen, John Gritters, Tsutomu Hosoda, Ronald Barr, Kurt Smith, Ken Shono, J. McKay, H. Clement, Saurabh Chowdhury, S. Yea, Peter Smith, Lee McCarthy, R. Birkhahn, Philip Zuk, Yoshimori Asai:
650 Volt GaN: Highest Quality-Highest Performance Drives Market Ramp. 239-242 - Yasuo Saito, Tatsuhiko Aizawa, Kenji Wasa, Yoshiro Nogami:
Leak-Proof Packaging for GaN Chip with Controlled Thermal Spreading and Transients. 243-246 - Kai Nakamura, Hideyuki Hanawa, Kazushige Horio:
Analysis of Breakdown Characteristics of AIGaN/GaN HEMTs with Low-k IHigh-k Double Passivation Layers Paper Title. 247-250 - Eric J. Jones, Jonathan D. Poplawsky
, Donavan Leonard, Keith Chung, Kevin Mercurio, Paul Brabant, Thomas Adam, Patrick B. Shea, Thomas Knight:
Quantification of Dopant Profiles in SiGe HBT Devices. 255-258 - Toshihiro Shimoda, Yoji Murau, Tomoya Kaneko
Equivalent Circuit Modelling and Parameter Extraction of GaN HEMT Gate Lag Inducing ACLR Degradation of TDD-LTE BTS PA. 259-262 - Jeongho Hwang
, Gyu-Seob Jeong, Sang-Hyeok Chu, Wooseok Kim, Taeik Kim, Deog-Kyoon Jeong:
A Crystal-Less Programmable Clock Generator with RC-LC Hybrid Oscillator for GHz Applications in 14 nm FinFET CMOS. 263-266 - M. Sadeah Dadash, David Harame, Sorin P. Voinigescu:
Large-Swing 22nm Si/SiGe FDSOI Stacked Cascodes for 56GBaud Drivers and 5G PAs. 267-270 - Alireza Zandieh, Naftali Weiss, The'Linh Nguyen, David Haranne, Sorin P. Voinigescu:
128-GS/s ADC Front-End with Over 60-GHz Input Bandwidth in 22-nm Si/SiGe FDSOI CMOS. 271-274 - Hasan Al-Rubaye, Gabriel M. Rebeiz:
A DC-60 GHz I/Q Modulator in 45 nm SOI CMOS for Ultra-Wideband 5G Radios. 275-278 - Sri Navaneeth Easwaran
, A. Chen, T. Duryea, D. Rollman:
40V High Side PSI5 Transceiver with 65dBµV Conducted Emission Level in a BiCMOS Process. 279-282 - Kazuo Watanabe, Satoshi Tanaka, Masatoshi Hase, Yuuri Honda, Yusuke Tanaka, Satoshi Arayashiki:
AC-Stacked Power Amplifier for APT/ET LTE HPUE Applications. 283-286

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