The DOCOMOMO-International Mass Housing Archive is an initiative of DOCOMOMO’s International Specialist Committee on Urbanism and Landscape, working in partnership with the Scottish Centre for Conservation Studies at the University of Edinburgh. It comprises an openly-licensed library of images of significant mass housing projects in countries across the world, free of copyright restrictions. The Archive is subdivided under geographical headings corresponding to the constituent national/regional working groups of DOCOMOMO, and the individual housing projects are searchable under city and project name. For additional background information on the Archive see the overview at

Image: Detail from "Nice-SCC-Cite-Jardin-St-Augustin-built-with-munic-support-(2).jpg" part of the dataset - Glendinning, Miles. (2021). "Photographs of social housing in multiple cities, France", 2014-2016 [image]. University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh College of Art.

Items in this Collection

  • Bordeaux 

    Glendinning, Miles
    ### DOCOMOMO INTERNATIONAL MASS HOUSING ARCHIVE ### The provision of healthy modern housing for all was one of the foremost ideals of the Modern Movement, and inspired a vast wave of planning and building across the world ...
  • Toulon Region 

    Glendinning, Miles
    ### DOCOMOMO INTERNATIONAL MASS HOUSING ARCHIVE ### The provision of healthy modern housing for all was one of the foremost ideals of the Modern Movement, and inspired a vast wave of planning and building across the world ...
  • Strasbourg 

    Glendinning, Miles
    ### DOCOMOMO INTERNATIONAL MASS HOUSING ARCHIVE ### The provision of healthy modern housing for all was one of the foremost ideals of the Modern Movement, and inspired a vast wave of planning and building across the world ...
  • Nancy 

    Glendinning, Miles
    ### DOCOMOMO INTERNATIONAL MASS HOUSING ARCHIVE ### The provision of healthy modern housing for all was one of the foremost ideals of the Modern Movement, and inspired a vast wave of planning and building across the world ...
  • Ile de France: Part 1 

    Glendinning, Miles
    ### DOCOMOMO INTERNATIONAL MASS HOUSING ARCHIVE ### The provision of healthy modern housing for all was one of the foremost ideals of the Modern Movement, and inspired a vast wave of planning and building across the world ...
  • Toulouse 

    Glendinning, Miles
    ### DOCOMOMO INTERNATIONAL MASS HOUSING ARCHIVE ### The provision of healthy modern housing for all was one of the foremost ideals of the Modern Movement, and inspired a vast wave of planning and building across the world ...
  • Ile de France: Part 2 

    Glendinning, Miles
    ### DOCOMOMO INTERNATIONAL MASS HOUSING ARCHIVE ### The provision of healthy modern housing for all was one of the foremost ideals of the Modern Movement, and inspired a vast wave of planning and building across the world ...
  • Paris 

    Glendinning, Miles
    ### DOCOMOMO INTERNATIONAL MASS HOUSING ARCHIVE ### The provision of healthy modern housing for all was one of the foremost ideals of the Modern Movement, and inspired a vast wave of planning and building across the world ...
  • Ile de France: Part 3 

    Glendinning, Miles
    ### DOCOMOMO INTERNATIONAL MASS HOUSING ARCHIVE ### The provision of healthy modern housing for all was one of the foremost ideals of the Modern Movement, and inspired a vast wave of planning and building across the world ...
  • Forbach 

    Geffers, Gina; DOCOMOMO International
  • Photographs of social housing in multiple cities, France 

    Glendinning, Miles
    ### DOCOMOMO INTERNATIONAL MASS HOUSING ARCHIVE ### The provision of healthy modern housing for all was one of the foremost ideals of the Modern Movement, and inspired a vast wave of planning and building across the ...