The Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (ESALA) combines a sense of enquiry and experimentation of the Edinburgh College of Art with the rigour and international profile of the University of Edinburgh. ESALA is a large and diverse school with a significant international reputation that welcomes students and academic collaborations in a global domain. At the same time, it is a school deeply rooted in its Edinburgh context.

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Recent Submissions

  • Videos from the second campaign 

    Theodossopoulos, Dimitris
    Construction and testing of the second phase of the project. A scale model of a 2m x 2m groin vault made of 3D printed and mortar filled plastic blocks was tested at the EQUALS laboratory in Bristol (February 2020). Videos ...
  • Reviving the Trinity: Laser Scanning (LIDAR) Survey of Trinity College Kirk, Edinburgh, UK 

    Hillson, James
    The dataset consists of a group of point cloud models of Trinity College Kirk in Edinburgh, UK. These were generated from a laser scanning (LIDAR) survey conducted on 3rd July 2024. The survey was undertaken as part of the ...
  • Windows on the Past: Laser Scanning (LIDAR) Survey of Ely Cathedral, Cambridgeshire, UK 

    Hillson, James
    The dataset consists of a group of point cloud models of the South Transept at Ely Cathedral in Cambridgeshire, UK. These were generated from a laser scanning (LIDAR) survey conducted on 22nd June 2024. The survey was ...
  • Windows on the Past: Laser Scanning (LIDAR) Survey of Binham Priory, Norfolk, UK 

    Hillson, James
    The dataset consists of a group of point cloud models of the church at Binham Priory in Norfolk, UK. These were generated from a laser scanning (LIDAR) survey conducted on 1st July 2024. The survey was undertaken as part ...
  • Voices of Experience Conversations 2016-2019 

    Ewing, Suzanne
    Full verbatim transcriptions of audio-recorded conversations. Conversations take place between an older person from the built environment profession paired with an individual at the outset of their career. The pairings ...
  • The reconstruction of Noyon cathedral after the First World War - site visit 

    Theodossopoulos, Dimitris
    The extensive damage of cathedrals and major churches in the North of France during the Great War reflects the dramatic and blind destruction of urban and rural architecture and landscapes in the area. Their reconstruction ...
  • Tower Blocks UK: general dataset 

    Glendinning, Miles
    General dataset of multi-storey blocks built between the 1940s and 1970s in the United Kingdom, from images mostly taken in the 1980s. Context: Tower Block UK is a project supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund, bringing ...
  • Tower Blocks UK: Leeds 

    Glendinning, Miles
    Multi-storey blocks built between 1955 and 1970 in Leeds, from images mostly taken in 1987. Context: Tower Block UK is a project supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund, bringing together public engagement and an openly-licensed ...
  • Tower Blocks UK: Newcastle 

    Glendinning, Miles
    Multi-storey blocks built between 1959 and 1975 in Newcastle, from images mostly taken in 1987. Context: Tower Block UK is a project supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund, bringing together public engagement and an ...
  • Tower Blocks UK: Yorkshire 

    Glendinning, Miles
    Multi-storey blocks built between 1954 and 1970 in Yorkshire, from images mostly taken in 1987. Context: Tower Block UK is a project supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund, bringing together public engagement and an ...
  • Tower Blocks UK: North East England 

    Glendinning, Miles
    Multi-storey blocks built between 1953 and 1972 in North East England, from images mostly taken between 1986 and 1987. Context: Tower Block UK is a project supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund, bringing together public ...
  • Tower Blocks UK: North West England 

    Glendinning, Miles
    Multi-storey blocks built between 1958 and 1971 in North West England, from images taken in 1987. Context: Tower Block UK is a project supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund, bringing together public engagement and an ...
  • Tower Blocks UK: Hackney London Buckland Street, s5.jpg 

    Glendinning, Miles
    Multi-storey block details: three 7-storey blocks containing 118 dwellings; two 6-storey blocks containing 44 dwellings; Multi-storey block name(s): Trafford House; Nevitt House; Marshall House; Kinder House; Daniell House; ...
  • Tower Blocks UK: Glasgow City Broadholm Street, glw1-22.jpg 

    Glendinning, Miles
    Multi-storey block details: one 8-storey block containing 30 dwellings; Multi-storey block name(s): 70 Broadholm; Image detail: View of 70 Broadholm Original Commissioning Authority: Corporation of the City of Glasgow; ...
  • Tower Blocks UK: Glasgow City Maryhill Comprehensive Development Area, Area 'A', glw2-10.jpg 

    Glendinning, Miles
    Multi-storey block details: one 19-storey block containing 113 dwellings; Multi-storey block name(s): 13A Collina Street; Image detail: Unknown; Original Commissioning Authority: Scottish Special Housing Association; Image ...
  • Tower Blocks UK: Islington London Luard Street, l22-08.jpg 

    Glendinning, Miles
    Multi-storey block details: one 10-storey block containing 64 dwellings; Multi-storey block name(s): Orkney House; Image detail: Unknown; Original Commissioning Authority: Greater London Council; Image taken: Unknown; ...
  • Tower Blocks UK: Glasgow City Broomloan Road, Albion Site, glw1-02.jpg 

    Glendinning, Miles
    Multi-storey block details: three 21-storey blocks containing 285 dwellings; Multi-storey block name(s): Unknown; Unknown; Unknown; Image detail: Unknown; Original Commissioning Authority: Corporation of the City of Glasgow; ...
  • Tower Blocks UK: Manchester City Beswick-Bradford Comprehensive Redevelopment Area, Stage I, Wellington Street and Oliver Street, n13-28.jpg 

    Glendinning, Miles
    Multi-storey block details: thirteen 8-storey blocks containing 593 dwellings; thirteen 6-storey blocks containing 290 dwellings; Multi-storey block name(s): Unknown; Unknown; Unknown; Unknown; Unknown; Unknown; Unknown; ...
  • Tower Blocks UK: Stevenage Town Centre (Southgate Town Centre Park) and Silman Road , s14-02.jpg 

    Glendinning, Miles
    Multi-storey block details: TC: two 13-storey blocks containing 100 dwellings; SR: two 18-storey blocks containing 206 dwellings; Multi-storey block name(s): TC: The Towers; High Plash; SR: Harrow Court; Brent Court; Image ...
  • Tower Blocks UK: Liverpool City Zante Street and Edinburgh Street, n6-30.jpg 

    Glendinning, Miles
    Multi-storey block details: ZS: one 22-storey block containing 176 dwellings; ES: three 15-storey blocks containing 174 dwellings; Multi-storey block name(s): ZS: Corinth Tower; ES: Seacombe Tower; Ellison Tower; Edinburgh ...

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