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Reconstructed catalogue and library of the Beagle

Books on the Beagle

See the Introduction by John van Wyhe.

See the illustrations in the library here

See also Beagle voyage materials in Darwin Online and Darwin's complete personal library.

Items marked [?] were possibly in the library but the evidence is not conclusive. Where the edition available here differs from that in the first list of the library, by the Darwin Correspondence, this is indicated in brackets.

Abel, Clarke. 1818. Narrative of a journey in the interior of China, and of a voyage to and from that country in the years 1816 and 1817, containing an account of the most interesting transactions of Lord Amherst's embassy to the Court of Pekin, and observations on the countries which it visited. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown. [?] Text

Administration du Muséum Royal d'Histoire Naturelle. 1818. Instruction pour les voyageurs et pour les employés dans les colonies, sur la manière de recueillir, de conserver et d'envoyer les objets d'histoire Naturelle. Redigée sur l'invitation de Son Excellence le ministre de la marine et des colonies, par l'administration du Muséum Royal d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris: A. Belin. [Philosophical Tracts, i] Text

Adriasola y Arve, J. M. 1827. Reflexiones médicas sobre el Análisis de las aguas de Yura. (from: Mariano Eduardo de Rivero y Ustáriz ed. Memoria sobre las aguas minerales de Yura, y otros puntos cercanos a Arequipa. Lima: Impr. de la Instrucción Primaria por Juan Rossi.) [Philosophical Tracts, i. 23.] PDF link / link

Anon. Holy Bible (King James version) Text

Anon. 1820. Novum Testamentum: juxta exemplar millianum... editio Secunda. London: G. and B. Whittaker. [signed "C. Darwin" on front flyleaf. Sold at Christie's 17 May 1996, ex Quentin Keynes, contemporary sheep backed in calf, edges blue-sprinkled, by Broadbere (binder's ticket on front pastedown)] vol. 1 PDF vol. 2 PDF

Anon. 1825. Holy Bible: La Biblia, ó el Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento, Traducidos en Espanol. London: Bagster. [copy owned by Stokes. Maggs Brothers, 2020]

Anon. 1811. Das neue Testament unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi: abgedruckt nach der Hallischen Ausgabe 1805. London: gedruckt auf Kosten der Grossbritannischen und Ausländischen Bibel-Gesellschaft. [inscribed "C Darwin H. M. S. Beagle."][Sotheby's 1963, Quentin Keynes, The Charles Darwin Trust] PDF

Anon. 1832. [Review of] Earle, A narrative of a nine months' residence in New Zealand in 1827: together with a Journal of a residence in Tristan d'Acunha [Text]. Quarterly Review 48 (October): [132]-165. PDF [Beagle diary, p. 390]

Anon. 1833. The nautical almanac and astronomical ephemeris for the year 1834. Published by order of The Lords Commisioners of the Admiralty. London: John Murray. Text

Anon. 1835. [Letter on volcanic eruptions in Honduras]. The New Orleans Bulletin (20 March). [CUL-DAR36.450] PDF

Anson, George. 1748. A voyage round the world, in the years 1740, 1, 2, 3, 4 by George Anson, Esq; commander in chief of a squadron of His Majesty's ships, sent upon an expedition to the South-Seas: compiled from papers and other materials of the Right Honourable George Lord Anson, and published under his direction by Richard Walter. 4th ed.  London: John and Paul Knapton. Text

Arrowsmith, Aaron. 1823. A new general atlas, constructed from the latest authorities. Edinburgh: A. Constable and London: Longman. (CUL Adv.b.79.18) Text

Aubuisson de Voisins, Jean Francois d'. 1819. Traité de géognosie: exposé des connaissances actuelles sur la constitution physique et minérale du globe terrestre. 2 vols. Strasbourg et Paris: F. G. Levrault. [signed in vol. 1: 'C. Darwin HMS Beagle'] CUL-DAR.LIB.12 vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text

Audubon, John James. 1831-1839. Ornithological biography: Birds of the United States of America. 5 vols. Edinburgh: Adam Black. CUL-DAR.LIB.14
vol. 1 link PDF
vol. 2 link PDF
vol. 3 link PDF
vol. 4 link PDF
vol. 5 link PDF

Azara, Félix d'. 1802-5. Apuntamientos para la historia natural de los páxaros del Paraguay y Rio de la Plata. 3 vols. Madrid: Imprenta de la Viuda de Ibarra. [?] vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text vol. 3 Text [Darwin Library-CUL] CUL-DAR.LIB.17 vol. 1 PDF vol. 2 PDF

Azara, Félix de. 1809. Voyages dans l'Amérique Méridionale, par Don Félix de Azara, commissaire et commandant des limites espagnoles dans le Paraguay depuis 1781 jusqu'en 1801; contenant la description géographique, politique et civile du Paraguay et de la rivière de La Plata; l'histoire de la découverte et de la conquête de ces contrées; des détails nombreux sur leur histoire Naturelle, et sur les peuples sauvages qui les habitent; le récit des moyens employés par les Jésuites pour assujétir et civiliser les indigènes, etc. Publiés d'après les manuscrits de l'auteur, avec une notice sur sa vie et ses écrits, par C. A. Walckenaer; enrichis de notes par G. Cuvier, secrétaire perpétuel de la classe des sciences physiques de l'Institut, etc. Suivis de l'histoire Naturelle des oiseaux du Paraguay etc de La Plata, par le même auteur, traduite, d'après l'original espagnol, et augmentée d'un grand nombre de notes, par M. Sonnini; accompagnés d'un atlas de cong-cinq planches. 4 vols. and atlas. Paris: Dentu. [on Beagle ?] (Atlas = outsize) CUL-DAR.LIB.18
vol. 1 Text link PDF
vol. 2 Text link PDF
vol. 3 Text link PDF
vol. 4 Text link PDF

Beechey, Frederick William. 1831. Narrative of a voyage to the Pacific and Beering's Strait to co-operate with the polar expeditions: performed in His Majesty's ship Blossom, under the command of Captain F. W. Beechey in the years 1825, 26, 27, 28. London: H. Colburn and R. Bentley. vol. 1 link vol. 2 link [1832 edn Text link]
Appendix: William Buckland 'On the occurrence of the remains of Elephants, and other Quadrupeds, in the ciffs of frozen mud, in Eschscholtz Bay, within Beerings Strait, and in other distant parts of the shores of the Arctic seas'.

Beudant, François Sulpice. 1830. Traité élémentaire de minéralogie. 2d ed. vol. 1. Paris: Verdière. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF

Blainville, Henri Marie Ducrotay de. 1827. Manuel de Malacologie et Conchyliologie. Planches. In: Dictionnaire des sciences Naturelles. Paris: G. Levrault. [Darwin Library-CUL] Text

Blainville, Henri Marie Ducrotay de. 1834. Rapport sur les résultats scientifiques du voyage de M. Alcide d'Orbigny dans l'Amerique du Sud, pendant les annees 1826, 1827,1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832 et I833. Nouvelles Annales du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle 3: 84-115. Text

Blainville, Henri Marie Ducrotay de. 1834. Manuel d'actiniologie ou de zoophytologie. Avec un Atlas. 2 vols. Paris: F. G. Levrault. [Darwin Library-Down, signed] Text vol. 1. PDF Plates PDF

Bloomfield, S. T. ed. 1820. NOVUM TESTAMENTUM…EDITIO SECUNDA. London: G. and B. Whittaker. [Signed "C. Darwin" on front flyleaf. Sold at Christie's 17 May 1996] [The Greek Testament with English notes vol. 1 PDF vol. 2 PDF]

Boitard, Pierre. 1828. Manuel d'entomologie. 2 vols. Paris: Roret. [inscribed in vol. 2: 'Charles Darwin Rio Plata Aug 7 th. 1832'] CUL-DAR.LIB.49[.2] vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text

Bory de Saint-Vincent, Jean Baptiste Georges Marie , et al. eds. 1822-1831. Dictionnaire classique d'histoire Naturelle. 17 vols. Paris: Rey & Gravier. [inscribed in vol. 1][Darwin Library-CUL]
vol. 1 Text
vol. 2 Text
vol. 3 Text
vol. 4 Text
vol. 5 Text
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vol. 7 Text
vol. 8 Text
vol. 9 Text
vol. 10 Text
vol. 11 Text
vol. 12 Text
vol. 13 Text
vol. 14 Text
vol. 15 Text
vol. 16 Text
vol. 17 Text

Boué, Ami. 1830. [Formations secondaires autour du monde.] Journal de Géologie 2 (6): 205-207. Text

Bougainville, Louis Antoine de. 1772. A voyage round the world performed by order of His Most Christian Majesty in the years 1766, 1767, 1768, and 1769. Translated by John Reinhold Forster. London: J. Nourse and T. Davies. Text

British Association for the Advancement of Science. 1833. Lithographed signatures of the members of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, who met at Cambridge, June M.DCCC.XXXIII, with a report of the proceedings at the public meetings during the week: and an alphabetical list of the members. Cambridge: John Smith. Text PDF

British Association for the Advancement of Science. 1833. Report of the first and second meetings, at York in 1831 and at Oxford in 1832, including its proceedings, recommendations, and transactions. London: John Murray. Text

British Association. 1834. Report of the third meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science held at Cambridge in 1833. London: John Murray. [signed, Philosophical Tracts ii] CUL-DAR.LIB.65 PDF

Brongniart, Alexandre. 1833. Rapport fait à l'Académie Royale des Sciences, sur les travaux de M. Gay. Annales des Sciences Naturelles 28: 26-35. [Philosophical tracts] Text

Buch, Leopold von. 1813. Travels through Norway and Lapland during the years 1806, 1807 and 1808. J. Black, trans. With Notes by R. Jameson. London: Henry Colburn. CUL-DAR.LIB.82 [inscribed 'Chas Darwin M. Video Novr 1832'] Text

Buckland, William. 1821. Considerations of the evidences of a recent deluge. Transactions of the Geological Society of London 5: 516-44. [?] Text

Bulkeley, John and Cummins, John. 1743. A voyage to the South-Seas, in the years 1740-1, containing a faithful narrative of the loss of his Majesty's ship the Wager. London: Jacob Robinson. Text

Burchell, William John. 1822-4. Travels in the interior of Southern Africa. 2 vols. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown. vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text

Burney, James. 1803-17. Chronological history of the voyages and discoveries in the South Sea or Pacific Ocean. 5 vols. London: printed by Luke Hansard, and sold by G. and W. Nicol, L, G. and J. Robinson, J. Robson, T. Payne, Mew's-Gate, and Cadell and Davies.
vol. 1 Text
vol. 2 Text
vol. 3 Text
vol. 4 Text
vol. 5 Text

Byron, George Anson. 1826. Voyage of H.M.S. Blonde to the Sandwich Islands, in the years 1824-1825. London: John Murray. Text

Caldcleugh, Alexander. 1825. Travels in South America, during the years 1819 - 20 - 21: containing an account of the present state of Brazil, Buenos Ayres, and Chile. 2 vols. London: John Murray. vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text

Caldcleugh, Alexander. 1834. Geology of the Island of Juan Fernández. Proceedings of the Geological Society of London 1: 256. [?] Text

Carne, Joseph. 1822. On the relative age of the veins of Cornwall. Transactions of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall 2: 49-128. [?] Text

Cleaveland, Parker. 1816. An elementary treatise on mineralogy and geology: being an introduction to the study of these sciences, and designed for the use of pupils, — for persons attending lectures on these subjects, — and as a companion for travellers in the United States of America. Boston: Cummings and Hilliard; Cambridge: University Press. Text

Colnett, James. 1798. A voyage to the South Atlantic and round Cape Horn into the Pacific Ocean, for the purpose of extending the spermaceti whale fisheries, and other objects of commerce, by ascertaining the ports, bays, harbours, and anchoring births, in certain islands and coasts in those seas at which the ships of the British merchants might be refitted.  London: The Author. Text

Conybeare, William Daniel and Phillips, William. 1822. Outlines of the geology of England and Wales, with an introductory compendium of the general principles of that science, and comparative views of the structure of foreign countries. London: William Phillips. Text

Cook, James and King, James. 1784. A voyage to the Pacific Ocean undertaken, by the command of His Majesty, for making discoveries in the northern hemisphere. 3 vols. London: Strachan. vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text vol. 3 Text

Cordova, A. de. 1820. A voyage of discovery to the Strait of Magellan: With an account of the manners and customs of the inhabitants, and of the natural productions of Patagonia: Undertaken, by order of the King of Spain by Admiral Don A. de Cordova. London: Phillips. [CUL-DAR34.2.153] PDF

[Craik, George Lillie.] 1830. The New Zealanders. London: Charles Knight. (with account of John Rutherford)[?][CUL-DAR37.811v]

Cuvier, Georges et al eds. 1816-30. Dictionnaire des sciences naturelles. Par plusieurs Professeurs du Jardin du Roi. 60 vols. (and 8 vols. plates). Strasbourg: F. G. Levrault.
vol. 1 PDF
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Cuvier, Georges. 1817. Le règne animal distribué d'après son organisation pour servir de base a l'histoire naturelle des animaux. 4 vols. Paris: Deterville.
vol. 1 Text
vol. 2 Text
vol. 3 Text
vol. 4 Text

Cuvier, Georges. 1829-1830. Le règne animal distribué d'après son organisation pour servir de base ä l'histoire Naturelle des animaux, 2d ed., 5 vols. Paris: Déterville and Crochard. [see Latreille] CUL-DAR.LIB.123
vol. 1 Text link
vol. 2 Text link
vol. 3 Text link
vol. 4 Text link
vol. 5 Text link

Cuvier, Georges. 1827-35. The animal kingdom arranged in conformity with its organization. With additional descriptions of all the species hitherto named, and of many not before noticed, by Edward Griffith and others. 16 vols. London: Geo. B. Whittaker.
vol. 1 Text
vol. 2 Text
vol. 3 Text
vol. 4 Text
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vol. 7 Text
vol. 8 Text
vol. 9 Text
vol. 10 Text
vol. 11 Text
vol. 12 Text
vol. 13 Text
vol. 14 Text
vol. 15 Text
vol. 16 Text (CUL-DAR33.255v number of volumes on board unknown)

Dalyell, Thomas. 1814. Observations on some interesting phenomena in animal physiology, exhibited by several species of Planariae. Edinburgh: Archibald Constable. [?] Text

Dampier, William. 1697. A new voyage round the world. London: James Knapton. Text

Daniell, John Frederic. 1823. Meteorological essays and observations. London: Thomas and George Underwood. Text

Daubeny, Charles. 1826. A description of active and extinct volcanos. London: W. Phillips. Text

Davy, Humphry. 1830. Consolations in travel, or the last days of a philosopher. Edited by John Davy. London: John Murray. Text [1882 inventory]

DeCandolle, Augustin Pyramus and Sprengel, Kurt Polycarp Joachim. 1821. Elements of the philosophy of plants: containing the principles of scientific botany, nomenclature, theory of classification, phytography; anatomy, chemistry, physiology, geography, and diseases of plants: with a history of the science and practical illustrations. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and London: T. Cadell. Text

De la Beche, Henry Thomas. 1824. A selection of the geological memoirs contained in the Annales des Mines, together with a synoptical table of equivalent formations and M. Brongniart's table of the classification of mixed rocks. London: William Phillips. Text

De la Beche, Henry Thomas. 1831. A geological manual. London: Treuttel and Würtz, Treuttel Jun. and Richter. [CUL-DAR240] Text

De la Beche, Henry Thomas. 1834. Researches in theoretical geology. London: Charles Knight. CUL-DAR.LIB.142; CUL-DAR.LIB.163 Text PDF

Duncan, John Shute. 1831. Analogies of organized beings. Oxford: S. Collingwood. [inscribed to Lord Widmouth][Darwin Library-Down] Text

Desmarest, Anselm-Gäetan. 1816-1830. Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles. Planches, 2e partie: Règne Organisé, Zoologie. Insectes [by André-Marie-C. Duméril] Crustacés [by Desmarest]. Paris: F.G. Levrault. Text

Desquiron de Saint-Agnan ed. 1821. Historia del proceso de la reine de Inglaterra escrita en francés con presencia de documentos fidedignos recogidos en Londres por A.T. Desquiron de St. Agnan y traducida al castellano por el ciudadano don Juan Valle y Codés. Barcelona: Imprenta nacional de la Viuda Roca. PDF

Dillon, Peter. 1829. Narrative and successful result of a voyage in the South Seas: performed by order of the government of British India, to ascertain the actual fate of La Peyrouse's expedition. 2 vols. London: Hurst, Chance. vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text

Duncan, John Shute. 1831. Analogies of organized beings. Oxford: S. Collingwood. Text

Earle, Augustus. 1832. A narrative of a nine months' residence in New Zealand in 1827, together with a journal of a residence in Tristan d'Acunha. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman. Text

Ellis, William. 1829. Polynesian researches, during a residence of nearly six years on the South Sea Islands, including descriptions of the natural history and scenery of the islands—with remarks on the history, mythology, traditions, government, arts, manners, and customs of the inhabitants. 2 vols. London: Fisher, Son & Jackson. vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text

Erichson, Wilhelm Ferdinand and Burmeister, Carl Hermann Conrad. 1834. Beschreibungen und Abbildungen der Insekten. (from: Nova Acta Physico-Medica Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Naturae Curiosum, vols. 16 pts. 1, 2, Supplement and vol. 17 pt. 1) Bonn: Kaiserlich Leopoldinisch-Carolinisch Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher. (Bound with Meyen, 1834. Beiträge zur Zoologie…Menschen-Racen. CUL-DAR.LIB.763 ) CUL-DAR.LIB.180 PDF

Eschwege, Wilhelm Ludwig von. 1832. Beiträge zur Gebirgskunde Brasiliens. Berlin: G. Reimer. [Darwin Library-CUL] CUL-DAR.LIB.182 link PDF

Euclid. 1781. The elements of Euclid, viz. the first six books, together with the eleventh and twelfth. The errors by which Theon, or others, have long ago vitiated these books, are coorected, and some of Euclid demonstrations are restored. Also the book of Euclid's data, in like manner corrected by Robert Simson. Glasgow: Andrew Foulis. Text [edition on the Beagle not known]

Falkner, Thomas. 1774. A description of Patagonia, and the adjoining parts of South America. Hereford: C. Pugh. Text

Febres, Andrés. 1765. Arte de la lengua general del reyno de Chile, con un dialogo chileno-hispano muy curioso. Lima: Calle de la Encarnación. Text [A copy in the Library of Congress is signed "Robt FitzRoy 1835"]

Fernandez, Felipe. 1822. A new practical grammar of the Spanish language. London. [signed "Carolus Darwin"] PDF

Fitton, William Henry. 1827. An account of some geological specimens, collected by Captain P. P. King, in his survey of the coasts of Australia, and by Robert Brown, Esq., on the shores of the Gulf of Carpentaria, during the voyage of Captain Flinders. Appendix C (pp. 566-605) in King, Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, vol. 2. London: John Murray. Text

Fitton, William Henry. 1833. Notes on the progress of geology in England. London: Richard Taylor. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down, on Beagle ?] Text

Fitzinger, Leopold Joseph Franz Johann. 1826. Neue classification der Reptilien nach ihren natürlichen verwandtschaften: Nebst einer Verwandtschafts-Tafel und einem Verzeichnisse der Reptilien-Sammlung des K. K. Zoologischen Museum's zu Wien. Vienna: J. G. Heubner. [?] Text

Fleming, John. 1822. The philosophy of zoology; or, A general view of the structure, functions, and classification of animals. 2 vols. Edinburgh: Archibald Constable & Co. vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text

Flinders, Matthew. 1814. A voyage to Terra Australis undertaken for the purpose of completing the discovery of that vast country, and prosecuted in the years 1801, 1802, and 1805 in His Majesty's ship the Investigator. 2 vols. London: G. and W. Nicol. vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text

Forster, Johann Reinhold. 1778. Observations made during a voyage round the world on physical geography, natural history, and ethnic philosophy. London: G. Robinson. [signed] CUL-DAR.LIB.199 Text link

Fox, Robert Were.  1830. On the electro-magnetic properties of metalliferous veins in the mines of Cornwall. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 120: 399-414. [?] Text

Freycinet, Louis Claude Desaulses de. ed. 1822-1844. Voyage autour du monde entrepris par ordre du Roi, exécuté sur les corvettes de S.M. l'Uranie et la Physicienne pendant les années 1817, 1818, 1819 et 1820. 9 vols. and 4 vols. plates. Paris: Pillet Ainé.
vol. 1 part 1 (Historique France to Brazil) PDF
vol. 1 part 2 (Historique Brazil to Timor) PDF
vol. 2 part 1 (Historique Timor to the Marianas) PDF
vol. 2 part 2 (Historique Guam to Hawaii; Hawaii to Port Jackson) PDF
vol. 2 part 3 (Historique Hawaii to Port Jackson; Port Jackson to France) PDF
Atlas (Historique) part 1
Atlas (Historique) part 2
Zoologie by Quoy and Gaimard part 1 PDF link
Zoologie by Quoy and Gaimard part 2 PDF
Atlas (Zoologie) PDF link
Botanique by C. Gaudichard PDF link
Atlas (Botanique) PDF link
Observations du Pendule PDF
Magnetisme Terrestre PDF
Météorologie PDF
Navigation et Hydrographie part 1 PDF
Navigation et Hydrographie part 2 PDF
Atlas (Navigation et Hydrographie)

Frézier, Amédée François. 1717. A voyage to the South-Sea and along the coasts of Chili and Peru in the years 1712, 1713, and 1714. London: Jonah Bowyer. Text

Funes, Gregorio. 1816-17. Ensayo de la historia civil del Paraguay, Buenos-Ayres y Tucuman. 3 vols. Buenos Ayres: M. J. Gandarillas. [?]
vol. 1 PDF vol. 2 PDF vol. 3 PDF

Gay, Claude. 1833. Aperçu sur les recherches d'histoire naturelle faites dans l'Amérique du Sud, et principalement dans le Chili, 1830 et 1831. Annales des Sciences Naturelles 28: 369-393. [Philosophical Tracts, ii. 10.] Text

Gloger, Constantin Lambert. 1833. Das Abändern der Vögel durch Einfluss des Klima's. Breslau: August Schulz & Co. [Darwin Library-CUL] CUL-DAR.LIB.223 link PDF Text

Graba, Carl Julian. 1830. Tagebuch geführt auf einer Reise nach Färö im Jahre 1828. Hamburg: Perthes & Besser. CUL-DAR.LIB.234 PDF link

Greenough, George Bellas. 1819. A critical examination of the first principles of geology, in a series of essays. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown. Inscribed: Charles Darwin, Buenos Aires Oct: 1832. Text PDF [Darwin's in the Linnean Society Library]

Greenough, George Bellas. 1834. Anniversary address (1834). Proceedings of the Geological Society of London 2: 44-70. Text

Hacq, Jose Manuel. 1826. Mapa fisico y politico del alto y bajo Peru: nota, esta mapa esta corejido con presencia de las observaciones e itinerarios de los oficiales facultatives que han accompañado a los ejercitos en sus diferentes operaciones, cujos trabajos se reunieron a la cosecuencia de los ultimos acontecimientos por orden del gobierno. Paris: J. M. Darmet. [?] Image

Hall, Basil. 1815. Account of the structure of the Table Mountain, and other parts of the peninsula of the Cape. Drawn up by Professor Playfair, from observations made by Captain Basil Hall, R. N. F. R. S. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 7: 269-278, pl. XIII-XV. PDF [CUL-DAR38.906]

Hall, Basil. 1824. Extracts from a journal, written on the coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, in the years 1820, 1821, 1822. 2 vols. Edinburgh: Constable. vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text

[Hall, Basil.] 1825. Memoir on the navigation of South America, to accompany a chart of that station. London: H. Teape, Tower-Hill, for the Hydrographical Office of the Admiralty. PDF[?][CUL-DAR37.755 and FitzRoy, Narrative 1: 495]

Hall, Sidney, 1829. A new general atlas, with the divisions and boundaries carefully coloured; Constructed entirely from new drawings, and engraved by Sidney Hall. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green. [Erasmus Alvey Darwin][Darwin Library-Down] Text

Hall, Sydney. 1831. An alphabetical index of all the names contained in a new general atlas of fifty-nine maps. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Browne & Green. [signed] CUL-DAR.LIB.251 link

Hawkesworth, John. 1773. An account of the voyages undertaken for making discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere, performed by Commodore Byron, Captain Wallis, Captain Carteret, and Captain Cook in the Dolphin, the Swallow and the Endeavour drawn from the journals which were kept by the several commanders and from the papers of Joseph Banks. 3 vols. London: W. Strahan and T. Cadell.
vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text vol. 3 Text

Head, Francis Bond. 1826. Rough notes taken during some rapid journeys across the Pampas and among the Andes. London: John Murray. Text

Helms, Anton Zacharias. 1807. Travels from Buenos Ayres, by Potosi, to Lima. London: Printed for R. Phillips. [?] Text

Henslow, John Stevens. 1822. Geological description of Anglesea. Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 1, pt. 2 (18): 359-452. [Darwin Library-CUL] Text Image [Corrected proof, hand drawings and map at Christ's College Library: Image]

Herschel, John Frederick William. 1831. A preliminary discourse on the study of natural philosophy. (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopedia: Natural History). London: Rees, Orme, Brown & Green and John Taylor. CUL-DAR.LIB.272 Text

Hofacker, J. D. 1828. Über die Eigenschaften welche sich bei Menschen und Thieren von den Eltern auf die Nachkommen vererben, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Pferdezucht, mit Beiträgen von F. Notter. Tübingen: G. F. Dsiander. CUL-DAR.LIB.280 link PDF

Horsburgh, James. 1829. India directory, or directions for sailing to and from the East Indies, China, New Holland, Cape of Good Hope, Brazil and the interjacent ports. 3rd ed. 2 vols. London: Author. vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text [CCD: London edition in 2 parts dated 1809-11]

Humboldt, Alexander von. 1814-1829. Personal narrative of travels to the equinoctial regions of the New Continent during the years 1799-1804. Helen Maria Williams, trans. London: Longman, hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown. [Darwin Library-CUL] vols. 1 and 2 (1822, in one binding); vol. 3, 3d ed. (1822), vol. 4, 1st ed. (1819), vol. 5, 1st ed. (1821), vol. 6, 1st ed. (1826), vol. 7, 1st ed. (1829). [inscribed in vol. 1: "J. S. Henslow to his friend C. Darwin on his departure from England upon a voyage round the World 21 Septr 1831"] [ed.? 1882 inventory: 'vol. 4 missing'] CUL-DAR.LIB.301 [And FitzRoy's copy, see CCD1:167]
Introduction by Gordon Chancellor
vol. 1-2 Text
vol. 3 Text
vol. 4 Text
vol. 5(1) Text
vol. 5(2) Text
vol. 6(1) Text
vol. 6(2) Text
vol. 7 Text

Humboldt, Alexander von. 1811. Political essay on the kingdom of New Spain. 2 vols. John Black, trans. New York: I. Riley. [signed in both volumes: 'Chas Darwin Buenos Ayres'] CUL-DAR.LIB.304 vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text

Humboldt, Alexander von. 1824. Vues des Cordillères, et monumens des peuples indigènes de l'Amérique. 2 vols. 2d edn. Paris. Both vols. Inscribed by Darwin.
vol. 1 PDF vol. 2 PDF

Humboldt, Alexander von. 1826. Essai géognostique sur le gisement des roches dans les deux hémisphères. 2d ed. Paris & Strasbourg: F. G. Levrault. [signed] CUL-DAR.LIB.302 Text

Humboldt, Alexander von. 1828. Tableaux de la nature, ou considérations sur les déserts, sur la physionomie des végétaux, sur les cataractes de l'orénoque, sur la structure et l'action des volcans dans les différentes régions de la terre, etc. [Translation by J. B. B. Eyriès of Ansichten der Natur], 2d ed., 2 vols. Paris: Gide fils. [?] vol. 1 Text PDF vol. 2 Text

Humboldt, Alexander von. 1831. Fragmens de géologie et de climatologie asiatiques. 2 vols. Paris: Gide, A. Phian Delaforest, Delaunay. [signed in both vols., in vol. 2: "Chas Darwin Monte Video Novem: 1832"] CUL-DAR.LIB.303 vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text

Jameson, Robert. 1816. A treatise on the external, chemical and physical characters of minerals. Edinburgh: Archibald Constable & Co. [signed "C. Darwin Feb 13th 1826"] CUL-DAR.LIB.324 Text link

Jones, Thomas. [1802]. A companion to the mountain barometer, consisting of tables, whereby the operation of computing heights with that instrument is rendered extremely simple and easy, whilst its accuracy is inferior to no other mode; together with a description and use of the englefield mountain barometer. 2d ed. with additions. London: Author. Text [Darwin's copy is in CUL-DAR196.2.2]

Jourdan, Antoine Jacques Louis ed. 1834. Dictionnaire raisonné, étymologique, synonymique et polyglote, des termes usités dans les sciences naturelles. Paris: J. B. Baillière. 2 vols. CUL-DAR.LIB.704 vol. 1 PDF vol. 2 PDF

Juan y Santacilia, Jorge and Ulloa, Antonio de. 1806. A voyage to South America...undertaken...by G. Juan and A. de Ulloa, Captains of the Spanish Navy. translated by John Adams. 4th ed. London: John Stockdale. [vol. 1 only, inscribed "Robt FitzRoy to Charles Darwin"] CUL-DAR.LIB.330 vol. 1 Text [vol. 2 Text]

Kater, Henry and Dionysus Lardner. 1830. A treatise on mechanics. (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia). London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green. CUL-DAR.LIB.333 Text

King, Phillip Parker. 1827. Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia. Performed between the years 1818 and 1822. 2 vols. London: John Murray. vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text

King, Phillip Parker. Manuscript journal of voyages of Adventure and Beagle, later published as Proceedings of the first expedition, 1826-30. (1839) Text PDF

King, Philip Parker. 1832-1834. Description of the Cirrhipeda, Conchifera and Mollusca, in a collection formed by the officers of H.M.S. Adventure and Beagle employed between the years 1826 and 1830 in surveying the southern coasts of South America, including the Straits of Magalhaens and the coast of Tierra del Fuego. By Captain Phillip P. King, R.N., F.R.S., &c. assisted by W. J. Broderip, Esq.. F.R.S., &c. Zoological Journal 5: 332-334. [inscribed "Charles Darwin Esq from the Author Dunheved Jan 26 1836"][Philosophical Tracts, ii. 6.] Text

King, Phillip Parker. 1832. Some observations upon the geography of the southern extremity of South America, Tierra del Fuego, and the Strait of Magalhaens; made during the late survey of those coasts in his Majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle, between the years 1826 and 1830. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London 1: 155-175. [Philosophical Tracts, ii. 5.] [Darwin Library-CUL] Text PDF

King, Phillip Parker. 1832. Sailing directions for the coasts of eastern and western Patagonia, from Port St. Elena on the east side, to Cape Tres Montes on the west side; including the Strait of Magalhaens, and the sea coast of Tierra del Fuego. London: Hydrographic Office. [CUL-DAR34.158] PDF

Kirby, William and Spence, William. 1815-26. An introduction to entomology. 4 vols. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green. vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text vol. 3 Text vol. 4 Text

Kotzebue, Otto von. 1821. A voyage of discovery, into the South Sea and Beering's Straits, for the purpose of exploring a north-east passage, undertaken in the years 1815-1818, at the expense of his highness the chancellor of the empire, Count Romanzoff, in the ship Rurick, under the command of the lieutenant in the Russian imperial navy. Translated by H. E. Lloyd. 3 vols. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown. vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text vol. 3 Text

Kotzebue, Otto von. 1830. A new voyage round the world, in the years 1823-1826. 2 vols. London: Henry Colburn. [CUL-DAR37.798, CUL-DAR41.1-12, Beagle diary, pp. 644-645] vol. 1 PDF vol. 2 PDF

Krusenstern, Adam Johann von. 1824. Atlas de l'Océan Pacifique dressé par M. de Krusenstern. St Petersburg. [Narrative 2: 506] PDF

Krusenstern, Adam Johann von. 1827. Recueil de mémoires hydrographiques pour servir d'analyse et d'explication a l'atlas de l'Ocean Pacifique par le Commodore de Krusenstern. St Petersburg: Departement de l'Instruction Publique. [Narrative 2: 506] PDF

Labillardière, J. J. de. 1791. Relation du voyage à la recherche de la Pérouse. 2 vols. Paris: H. J. Jansen. [Darwin Library-Down] [CCD: Paris [1799-1800] in 2 vols.] vol. 1. Text vol. 2. PDF

Lacordaire, Jean Théodore. 1830. Mémoire sur les habitudes des insectes coléoptères de l'Amérique méridionale. Annales des Sciences Naturelles 20: 185-291; 21: 149-194. [Philosophical Tracts, ii. 17.] Text

Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet de. 1816-1817. Histoire Naturelle des animaux sans vertèbres. 1st ed. 7 vols. Paris: Verdière. [on Beagle ?] CUL-DAR.LIB.347
vol. 1 PDF
vol. 2 PDF
vol. 3 PDF
vol. 4 PDF
vol. 5 PDF
vol. 6 PDF
vol. 7 PDF

Lamouroux, Jean Vincent Félix. 1821. Exposition méthodique des genres de l'ordre des Polypiers. Paris: Veuve Agasse. [signed "C. Darwin"] outsize CUL-DAR.LIB.350 link Text PDF

La Pérouse, Jean François de Galaup de. 1798-9. A voyage round the world performed in the years 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788. 3 vols., atlas.  London: T. Johnson. vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text vol. 3 Text vol. 4 (Atlas) Text

Latreille, Pierre André. 1829. Crustacés, arachnides et partie des insectes. In: Cuvier, Georges. 1829-30. Le règne animal distribué d'après son organisation pour servir de base ä l'histoire naturelle des animaux, 2d edition. Paris: Déterville and Crochard, vols. 4-5. vol. 4 Text vol. 5 Text

Lawrence, John. 1829. The horse in all his varieties and uses. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green. CUL-DAR.LIB.356 PDF Text

Lesson, René-Primevère and Garnot, Prosper. 1826-30. Zoologie. In Louis-Isidore Duperrey, Voyage autour du monde, executé par ordre du Roi, sur la corvette de Sa Majesté, la Coquille, pendant les années 1822, 1823, 1824 et 1825. 2 vols., atlas. Paris: Arthus Bertrand. vol. 1 part 1 PDF link vol. 1 part 2 PDF link vol. 2 part 1 Text vol. 2 part Text, Atlas 1 PDF Atlas 2 PDF Atlas 3 PDF

Lesson, René-Primevère. 1827. Manuel de mammalogie, ou histoire Naturelle des mammiferes. Paris: Roret. [Darwin Library-Down] Text

Lesson, René-Primevère. 1828. Manuel d'ornithologie, ou description des genres et des principales espéces d'oiseaux. 2 vols. Paris: Roret. vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text

Linnaeus, Carl. 1797. Systema vegetabilium secundum classes ordines genera species cum characteribus et differentiis. Editio 15a (ed. by Christiaan Hendrik Persoon). Göttingen: Christ. Dieterich. [inscribed "Erasmus Darwin Christ Coll 1825"][Darwin Library-Down] Text PDF

Lister, Joseph Jackson. 1834. Some observatons on the structure and functions of tubular and cellular Polypi, and of Ascidiæ. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 126: 365-88. [?] Text

Luccock, John. 1820. Notes on Rio de Janeiro, and the southern parts of Brazil: taken during a residence of ten years in that country, from 1808 to 1818. London: S. Leigh. [?] Text

Lyell, Charles. 1830-1833. Principles of geology, being an attempt to explain the former changes of the earth's surface, by reference to causes now in operation. 3 vols. London: John Murray. [inscribed vol. 1, signed "Given me by Capt. F.R C. Darwin"; vol. 2, signed "Charles Darwin M: Video. Novemr. 1832"; vol. 3 signed "C. Darwin"] CUL-DAR.LIB.392 link
vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text vol. 3 Text
Introduction by Gordon Chancellor

MacCulloch, John. 1820. On peat. Edinburgh Philosophical Journal 2: 40-59, 202-217. [?] Text

Mackintosh, James. 1830. The history of England. vol. 1. (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia). London: Lardner. [Darwin Library-CUL] CUL-DAR.LIB.758 PDF Text

Mariner, William. 1817. An account of the natives of the Tonga Islands in the South Pacific Ocean. 2 vols. London: printed for the author. vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text

Martineau, Harriet. 1832. Illustrations of political economy. 3 vols. London.
vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text vol. 3 Text

Maskelyne, Nevil. 1802. Tables requisite to be used with the Nautical ephemeris for finding the latitude and longitude at sea. 3d ed. London: T. Bensley. [signed][Darwin Library-CUL] CUL-DAR.LIB.417 Text

Mawe, John. 1812. Travels in the interior of Brazil, particularly in the gold and diamond districts of that country. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green. Text

Mawe, John. 1825. Travels in the gold and diamond districts of Brazil. New ed. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green. [on Beagle, signed "Chas. Darwin Octob: 1832 Buenos Ayres"] CUL-DAR.LIB.423 Text link

Maximilian, Prince of Wied-Neuwied. 1820. Travels in Brazil in the years 1815, 1816, and 1817. London: Henry Colburn. [only one vol. of a projected three was published] vol. 1. Text

Meyen, Franz Julius Ferdinand. 1834. Beiträge zur Zoologie: gesammelt auf einer Reise um die Erde. von F.J.F. Meyen. Dritte Abhandlung, Menschen-Racen. Breslau & Bonn: Verlag der Kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen Akademie der Naturforscher. (from: Nova Acta Physico-Medica Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Naturae Curiosum, vols. 16 pts. 1, 2, Supplement and vol. 17 pt. 1) (Bound with CUL-DAR.LIB.180: Erichson and Burmeister, Beiträge zur Zoologie: gesammelt auf einer Reise um die Erde. von F. J. F. Meyen. Sechste Abhandlung, Insekten .) [signed] CUL-DAR.LIB.763 PDF

Michell, John. 1760. Conjectures concerning the cause, and observations upon the phaenomena of earthquakes. London. [signed "C. Darwin"] CUL-DAR.LIB.432 link Text PDF

Miers, John. 1826. Travels in Chile and La Plata, including accounts respecting the geography, geology, statistics, government, finances, agriculture, manners and customs, and the mining operations in Chile. Collected during a residence of several years in these countries. 2 vols. London: Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy. [signed in both vols.] CUL-DAR.LIB.433
vol. 1 PDF Text Image vol. 2 PDF Text Image

Milton, John. 1667. Paradise lost: a poem written in ten books. London: Peter Parker. Text [edition on the Beagle not known]

Molina, Juan Ignacio. 1788-1795. Compendio de la historia geografica natural y civil del Reyno de Chile. Traducida en Espanol for Don Domingo Joseph. 2 vols. Madrid: Antonio de Sancha. vol. 1 (Primera parte, que abraza la historia geographica y natural) Part 1. Madrid, 1794; (Compendio de la historia civil del Reyno de Chile). Part 2. Madrid, 1795. [on Beagle, signed in vol. 1 "Charles Darwin, Valparaiso 1834"] CUL-DAR.LIB.444 vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text

Moraleda y Montero, José de. 1787-95. "MS. Diary [and chart] of Moraleda's examination of Chilóe and part of the Chonos Islands in 1787-93, given to me at Lima, by a friend"/ [FitzRoy, Narrative 2, p. 364. This presumably being: 'Viage de reconocimiento de las Yslas de Chiloé. Año de 1786, que relata sus comisiones en el archipiélago entre 1786 y 1790' and 'Diario de la navegación desde el puerto de Callao de Lima al de San Carlos de Chiloé y de este al reconocimiento del Archipiélago de los Chonos y costa occidental patagónica comprendida entre los 41 y 46 grados de latitud meridional. Entre los años 1792 y 1796'.]

Murray, John. 1826. Experimental researches on the light and luminous matter of the glow-worm, the luminosity of the sea, the phenomena of the chameleon, the ascent of the spider into the atmosphere, and the torpidity of the tortoise, &c. Glasgow: W. R. M'Phun. [?] Text

Murray, Lindley. 1824. An English grammar. 5th ed. 2 vols. York: T. Wilson & Sons. [Darwin Library-CUL, signed "Robt. FitzRoy 1831"] CUL-DAR.LIB.459 vol. 1 PDF vol. 2 PDF

Narborough, John. 1694. An account of several late voyages & discoveries to the South and North. London: Printed for Sam. Smith and Benj. Walford. Text

Neuman, Henry; Baretti, Giuseppe and Seoane, Mateo. eds. 1831. Dictionary of the Spanish and English languages. vol. 1., 5th ed. London: Longman, Rees & Co. [Darwin Library-CUL] CUL-DAR.LIB.703 Text

Nuñez, Ignacio Benito. 1825. An account, historical, political, and statistical, of the United Provinces of Rio de la Plata: with an appendix concerning the usurpation of Monte Video by the Portuguese and Brazilian governments. London: R. Ackerman. Text

Owen, William Fitz William. 1833. Narrative of voyages to explore the shores of Africa, Arabia, and Madagascar; performed in H.M. Ships Leven and Barracouta. 2 vols. London: Richard Bentley. vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text

Pennant, Thomas. 1793. History of quadrupeds. 3d ed. 2 vols. London: B. & J. White. outsize. [vol. 2 signed] CUL-DAR.LIB.491 vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text

Pernety, Antoine Joseph. 1770. Journal historique d'un voyage fait aux Îles Malouïnes en 1763 et 1764 pour les reconnoître, & y former un établissement; et de deux voyages au Détroit de Magellan avec une relation sur les Patagons. 2 vols. Berlin: Étienne de Bordeaux. [CUL-DAR.LIB.492, 1769 ed. (vol. 2)]. vol. 1 link Text vol. 2 link Text

Péron, François. 1807-1816. Voyage de decouvertes aux Terres Australes executé par ordre de Sa Majesté l'Empereur et Roi, sur les corvettes Le géographe, le naturaliste, et la goelette Le Casuarina, pendant les années 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 et 1804. Historique. 2 vols. Paris: Imprimerie Impériale; A. Bertrand. vol. 1 Text vol. 2 PDF link

Phillip, Arthur. 1789. The voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay: with an account of the establishment of the colonies of Port Jackson & Norfolk Island, compiled from authentic papers which have been obtained from the several departments to which are added, the journals of Lieuts. Shortland, Watts, Ball, & Capt. Marshall with an account of their new discoveries, embellished with fifty five copper plates, the maps and charts taken from actual surveys, & the plans & views drawn on the spot, by Capt. Hunter, Lieuts. Shortland, Watts, Dawes, Bradley, Capt. Marshall, &c. London: John Stockdale. Text

Phillips, William. 1837. An elementary introduction to mineralogy, comprising a notice of the characters and minerals, with accounts of the place and circumstances in which they are found. 4th ed. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman. CUL-DAR.LIB.499 Text [CCD: London, 1816]

Pistor, E. M. W. 1831. Das Ganze der Feld-und hoftaubenzucht, nebst einer Anleitung zum Abrichten der Brief- oder Posttauben. Hanau: C. F. Edler. [signed "Ap. 10/56"] CUL-DAR.LIB.504 link PDF

Place, F. 1824. Account of the earthquake in Chili, in November 1822, from observations made by several Englishmen residing in that country. Quarterly Journal of Science 17: 38-46. [Santiago notebook, p. 113]

Playfair, John. 1802. Illustrations of the Huttonian theory of the earth. Edinburgh. Cadell & Davies. [signed] CUL-DAR.LIB.505 link Text

Playfair, John. 1815. Account of the structure of the table mountain, and other parts of the Peninsula of the Cape. Drawn up by Professor Playfair, from observations made by Captain Basil Hall. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 7: 269-78. [?] Text

Proctor, Robert. 1825. Narrative of a journey across the Cordillera of the Andes, and of a residence in Lima, and other parts of Peru, in the years 1823 and 1824. London: A. Constable. [signed, on Beagle? note at front: 'Have read as far as the pages are cut'] Christ's College Library: BB.5.17a / CUL-DAR.LIB.513 Text Image PDF

Proteus. 1834. The Bahama Islands. United Service Journal and Naval and Military Magazine 3: 215-26. [?] Text

Rang, Sander. 1829. Manuel de l'histoire Naturelle des mollusques et de leurs coquilles, ayant pour base de classification celle de M. le Baron Cuvier. Paris: Roret. [Darwin Library-CUL, signed] CUL-DAR.LIB.529 Text

Rengger, Johann Rudolph. 1830. Naturgeschichte der Säugethiere von Paraguay. Basel: Schweighauser. [Darwin Library-CUL] CUL-DAR.LIB.534 link PDF ; PDF

Richardson, John. 1829-1836. Fauna Boreali-Americana, or, The zoology of the northern parts of British America: containing descriptions of the objects of natural history collected on the late northern land expeditions, under command of Captain Sir John Franklin. 3 vols. London: John Murray. [inscribed (14 August 1837)] CUL-DAR.LIB.539
vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text PDF vol. 3 Text

Richardson, Samuel. 1781. The history of Sir Charles Grandison. London: W. Strachan. vols. 3-7. CUL Rare Books: Adv.d.79.22-6. CUL-DAR.LIB.540 vol. 3 Text vol. 4 Text vol. 5 Text vol. 6 Text vol. 7 Text

Richardson, William. 1835. A catalogue of 7385 stars, chiefly in the Southern Hemisphere prepared from observations made in the years 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825, and 1826, at the Observatory at Paramatta, New South Wales.London: The Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. [? See Nicholas and Nicholas 1989, p. 164 n32]

Rivero y Ustáriz, Mariano Eduardo de. 1828. Memoria sobre el rico mineral de Pasco. Memorial de ciencias naturales y de industria nacional y estranjera 1, 2 (January): 70-101. [Philosophical Tracts, i. 26.] Text PDF

Roussin, Albin-René. 1827. Le pilote du Brésil, ou description des côtes de l'Amérique méridionale. Paris: Imprimerie Royale. Text [CCD: Paris, 1826 PDF]

Sabine, Joseph. 1835. Communications on the island of Ascension. 1 Notes communicated by Captain H. R. Brandreth, R.E. 2. Extracts from a private letter by Mrs. Colonel Power. (Communicated by Joseph Sabine) Journal of the Royal Geographical Society 5: 243-262. [?][CUL-DAR38.940, 'Geograph Journal' pencil in margin, however detail of height of Green Mountain, 2800, is in Darwin's original ink text]

Sageret, Michel. 1830. Pomologie physiologique. Paris: Hizard. CUL-DAR.LIB.561 link PDF ; PDF

[Saint-Pierre, Bernardin de] 'Un Officier du Roi'. 1773. Voyage à l'isle de France, à l'Isle de Bourbon, au Cap de Bonne-Espérance, &c. avec des observations nouvelles sur la Nature & sur les hommes. Neuchâtel: Société typographique. [Darwin Library-Down] vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text

Sarmiento de Gamboa, Pedro. 1768. Viage al estrecho de Magallanes en los anos de 1579 y 1580 y noticia de la expedicion que despues hizo para poblarle. Madrid: Imprenta Real de la Gazeta. [signed][Darwin Library-Down, on Beagle ?] Text

Scoresby, William. 1820. An account of the Arctic regions, with a history and description of the northern whale-fishery. 2 vols. Edinburgh: Archibald Constable and Hurst, Robinson and Co. [?] vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text

Scrope, George Julius Poulett. 1825. Considerations on volcanos: the probable causes of their phenomena, the laws which determine their march, the disposition of their products, and their connexion with the present state and past history of the globe. Leading to the establishment of a new theory of the earth. London: W. Phillips. [Darwin Library-Down] Text PDF link

Seale, Robert Francis. 1834. The geognosy of the Island of St. Helena, illustrated in a series of views, plans and sections; accompanied with explanatory remarks and observations.  London: Ackermann and Co. Text

Seoane, Mateo. 1831. Neuman and Baretti's dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages. 5th ed. 2 vols. London: n.p. vol. 1: Spanish and English. Text

Shenstone, William. 1764. The works in verse and prose, of William Shenstone, Esq: most of which were never before printed. 2 vols. London: R. and J. Dodsley. vol. 1 PDF, vol. 2 PDF [B. Blanca notebook, p. 12a]

Smith, James Edward. 1821. A grammar of botany, illustrative of artificial, as well as natural, classification, with an explanation of Jussieu's system. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown. [Erasmus Alvey Darwin][Darwin Library-Down] link Text

Society of Gentlemen in Scotland. 1823-1824. Encyclopaedia Britannica, or, a dictionary of arts, sciences, and miscellaneous literature. Enlarged and improved. 6th ed., 20 vols., 2 vols. Supplement. Edinburgh: Archibald Constable.
vol. 1 PDF
vol. 2 PDF
vol. 3 PDF
vol. 4 PDF
vol. 5 PDF
vol. 6 PDF
vol. 7 PDF
vol. 8 PDF
vol. 9 PDF
vol. 10 PDF
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vol. 12 PDF
vol. 13 PDF
vol. 14 PDF
vol. 15 PDF
vol. 16 PDF
vol. 17 PDF
vol. 18 PDF
vol. 19 PDF
vol. 20 PDF
Supplement 1 PDF
Supplement 2 PDF [CUL-DAR33.254]

Somerville, Mary. 1834. On the connexion of the physical sciences. London: John Murray. [signed Erasmus Alvey Darwin][Darwin Library-Down] Text link

Southey, Robert. 1810-19. History of Brazil. 3 vols. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees and Orme. [?] vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text vol. 3 Text

Spix, Johann Baptist von and Martius, Carl Friedrich Philipp von. 1824. Travels in Brazil, in the years 1817-1820. 2 vols. [in one] London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green. [inscribed in vol. 2 'Chas. Darwin Octob: 1832 Buenos Ayres'] CUL-DAR.LIB.604 Text

Stephens, James Francis. 1828-1829. Illustrations of British entomology; or, A synopsis of indigenous insects: containing their generic and specific distinctions. London: Baldwin & Cradock. 2 vols. in 1 of "Haustellata". [on Beagle ] [CUL-DAR240: "3 vols (i…iv)"] CUL-DAR.LIB.609 link PDF [Text PDF F1968]

Stephens, James Francis. 1833. Description of Chiasognathus Grantii a new lucanideous insect forming the type of an undescribed genus, together with some brief remarks upon its structure and affinities. Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 4: 209-17. Text

Stevenson, William Bennet. 1825. A historical and descriptive narrative of twenty years' residence in South America: containing the travels in Arauco, Chile, Peru, and Colombia; with an account of the revolution, its rise, progress, and results. 3 vols. London: Hurst, Robinson & Co. [?]
vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text vol. 3 Text

Swainson, William. 1822. The naturalist's guide for collecting and preserving all subjects of natural history and botany, intended for the use of students and travellers. London: W.Wood, and Baldwin, Cradock and Joy, and Liverpool: W. Grapel. [?] Text

Syme, Patrick. 1821. Werner's Nomenclature of colours: with additions, arranged so as to render it highly useful to the arts and sciences, particularly zoology, botany, chemistry, mineralogy, and morbid anatomy. Annexed to which are examples selected from well-known objects in the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms. 2d ed. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and T. Cadell. CUL-DAR.LIB.620 Text Image PDF A704

Newspapers. Darwin and the officers continued to have access to newspapers from home and locally throughout the voyage. Darwin to Catherine Darwin 22 May-14 July 1833 (Correspondence, vol. 1, p. 311: "I steadily read up the weekly Paper".
A summary of a eulogy of Georges Cuvier by Marie-Jean-Pierre Flourens at the French Academy of Science in The Morning Herald (21 February 1835, p. 3) was sent to Darwin by R. H. Corfield (14-18 July 1835).
The cut-down top half of p. 1 of the 22 October 1828 issue of The Times is in Cambridge University Herbarium, used to wrap plant specimens.
There is the extract from "in one of the newspapers of this country" quoted in a letter to Henslow and printed in Letters to Henslow, 1835 F1.

Thompson, John Vaughan. 1828. Zoological researches and illustrations: or, natural history of nondescript or imperfectly known animals, in a series of memoirs. Cork: King and Ridings. vol. 1, Part 1. Text

Thunberg, Carl Peter. 1795-6. Travels in Europe, Africa and Asia, performed between the years 1770 and 1779. 4 vols. London: W. Richardson and J. Egerton.
vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text vol. 3 Text vol. 4 Text

Turnbull, John. 1805. A voyage round the world in the years 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, and 1804, in which the author visited the principal islands in the Pacific Ocean, and the English settlements of Port Jackson and Norfolk Island. 3 vols. London: Richard Phillips.
vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text vol. 3 Text

Turner, Sharon. 1832. The sacred history of the world, as displayed in the Creation and subsequent events to the Deluge, attempted to be philosophically considered in a series of letters to a son. 2d ed. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green and Longman. vol. 1 Text

Vancouver, George. 1798. A voyage of discovery to the North Pacific Ocean and round the world. 3 vols. London: G.G. and J. Robinson. [?] vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text vol. 3 Text

Vargas y Ponce, Josef de. 1788. Relacion del ultimo viage al Estrecho de magellanes de la Fragata de S.M. Santa Maria de la Cabeza en los anos de 1785 y 1786. Madrid: Por la viuda de Ibarra, hijos y compañia. [?] PDF

Volney, Constantin François Chasseboeuf. 1787. Voyage en Syrie et en Égypte, pendant les années 1783, 1784 et 1785. 2 vols. 2d ed. Paris: Desenne. vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text

Wafer, Lionel. 1699. A new voyage and description of the isthmus of America. London: James Knapton. [?] Text

Wallis, Samuel. 1773. An account of a voyage round the world in the years 1766, 1767, and 1768. Pp. 363-522 in Hawkesworth, John. 1773. An account of the voyages undertaken for making discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere, performed by Commodore Byron, Captain Wallis, Captain Carteret, and Captain Cook in the Dolphin, the Swallow and the Endeavour drawn from the journals which were kept by the several commanders and from the papers of Joseph Banks. London, W. Strahan; and T. Cadell, Text

Waterton, Charles. 1833. The habits of the carrion crow. Magazine of Natural History, and Journal of Zoology, Botany, Mineralogy, Geology, and Meteorology 6, no. 32: 208-214. Text

Webster, William Henry Bayley. 1834. Narrative of a voyage to the southern Atlantic Ocean, in the years 1828, 29, 30, performed in H.M. Sloop Chanticleer. 2 vols. London: Richard Bentley. vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text

Weddell, James. 1827. A voyage towards the South Pole performed in the years 1822-24. Containing an examination of the Antarctic Sea, to the seventy-fourth degree of latitude: and a visit to Tierra del Fuego, with a particular account of the inhabitants. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green. Text (1825 edn provided here)

[Whateley, Richard.] 1829. A view of the Scripture revelations concerning a future state. London: B. Fellowes. Text

Whewell, William. 1833. Essay towards a first approximation to a map of cotidal lines. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 123 (1833): 147-236. [Philosophical Tracts, ii.] Text Image

Whewell, William. 1834. Address delivered on the June 25, 1833 at the 3d. General Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Report of the third meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science held at Cambridge in 1833. London: John Murray, pp. xi-xxxii. [Philosophical Tracts, ii. 18.] PDF

Wood, James. 1825. The elements of algebra: designed for the use of students in the University. 8th ed. Cambridge: Deighton and Son, and T. Stevenson; London: J. Mawman. Text


Most of the many maps and charts on the Beagle remain unidentified. Some of those known are listed below. But see especially those in the books themselves.

Arrowsmith, Aaron. 1823. A new general atlas, constructed from the latest authorities.  Edinburgh: A. Constable and London: Longman. Text

Joseph Albert Bacler d’Albe, Republic of Chili surveyed &c &c in 1819.

Basilio Villarino — Chart of Bahia Blanca.

Campbell, Robert. 1825. A plan of the island of Ascension, by Lieut. Robert Campbell R.N." London, published according to Act of Parliament at the Hydrographical Office of the Admiralty 14th Sept. 1825; J. Walker sc. [CUL-DAR38.941v, 947] Image

Faden Admiralty chart of 1818. [Possibly this one.]

FitzRoy, R. 1841. The Falkland Islands, surveyed by Captn. Robert Fitz Roy R.N. and the officers of H.M. Ship Beagle 1834. London: John Arrowsmith. 48.5 x 60.3 cm. Image

Hacq, Jose Manuel. 1826. Mapa fisico y politico del alto y bajo Peru: nota, esta mapa esta corejido con presencia de las observaciones e itinerarios de los oficiales facultatives que han accompañado a los ejercitos en sus diferentes operaciones, cujos trabajos se reunieron a la cosecuencia de los ultimos acontecimientos por orden del gobierno. Paris: J. M. Darmet. [?] Image

Hall, Sidney, 1829. A new general atlas, with the divisions and boundaries carefully coloured; Constructed entirely from new drawings, and engraved by Sidney Hall. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green. Text

Krusenstern, Adam Johann von. 1824-27. Atlas de l’Océan Pacifique dressé par M. de Krusenstern. PDF  

La Pérouse, Jean François de Galaup de. 1798-9. A voyage round the world performed in the years 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788. 3 vols., atlas.  London: T. Johnson. (Atlas) Text

Mitchell, Thomas L. 1834. 'Map of the colony of New South Wales.' Sydney: engraved by John Carmichael. [A copy given to FitzRoy in Sydney. Nicholas and Nicholas 1989, p. 80] Image

Norie, J. W. 1828. A new chart of part of the Pacific Ocean, exhibiting the various straits, islands and dangers, between the latitudes of 56.⁰ south and 22.⁰ north, and from the longitude of 141.⁰ to 180.⁰ east. London: J. W. Norie & Co. Image

Some of the maps in the Darwin Archive at Cambridge University Library were on the Beagle

Plan of the route from St Jago de Chile to Mendoza, describing the pass over the Andes. London: W. Faden, 1823. Image

Carta geographica que comprende los rios de la Plata, Parana, Uruguay y Grande (1826) Image

Plano de Buenos Aires Image

Planta da provincia do Rio De Janeiro Image

Mapa del Rio de la Plata  Image

Planta do Rio de Janeiro (1831)  Image


Manuscript items on the Beagle

All of Darwin’s Beagle manuscripts: images / transcribed

Notes on the preservation of specimens Text & image

Beagle field notebooks.
The Red notebook. Text

Geological diary. Text & image (Introduction)

Zoology notes & specimen lists. Text PDF

Catalogues of Beagle specimens:
Fish in spirits of wine;
Shells in spirits of wine

Reptiles in spirits of wine Text

Animal notes. Text & image

Ornithological notes. Text

Darwin's notes on Beagle plants. Text PDF

Plants notebook Text & images

Darwin's insects. Text PDF

Collection of Rocks. Introduction Image

Geological specimen notebooks. CUL-DAR236 Text

Specimens at Zoology, Cambridge. Image

Diaries and journals

Keynes, Richard ed. 1985. Charles Darwin's Beagle Diary. Text

Rookmaaker, Kees and John van Wyhe eds. Darwin's Beagle diary. Text & image
(BBC abridged audio book based on this Darwin Online transcription)

FitzRoy, Robert. Journal, later published as: 1839. Proceedings of the second expedition, 1831-36. Text

FitzRoy, Robert. [Letter to N. Ogle on appointment of A. Derbishire to the Beagle] (30.06.1831) Text & image

Forsyth, Charles. A log of the Proceedings of H. M. Surveying Sloop Beagle. Introduction by Simon Keynes Image PDF

Rouse, W. to R. FitzRoy. 1835.02.20-1835.05.06. Political Essays I: 63   Image

Syms Covington's journal.

See also: Conrad Martens' Sketchbooks I and III

And of course there is the well-known correspondence Darwin received- but not to forget that there was a great deal, especially informal notes and letters sent locally, that have not survived.



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