I love talking with neurotypical people about my executive dysfunction because I’m like “yeah there’s this invisible wall in my head that I’m incapable of getting past no matter what I do and it stops me from doing things” and they’re like what the actual fuck
I love talking with neurotypical people about my executive dysfunction because I’m like “yeah there’s this invisible wall in my head that I’m incapable of getting past no matter what I do and it stops me from doing things” and they’re like what the actual fuck
I genuinely can’t stand pop psychology I’m not an expert on this stuff but the damage it has done to the general public’s understanding of mental health and psychology must be notable. People with low empathy are evil. NPD is The Abuser Disorder. here’s how your partner is subconsciously manipulating you. OCD is when you like cleaning. If you ask him a question and he looks away for one second he’s lying to you and abusing you. Follow for more dark psychology tips. Letting my intrusive thoughts win and dyeing my hair. I thought this guy was into me I’m so delulu. Anyone who comes to you with their problems is traumadumping and abusive. Anyone who gives you gifts is lovebombing and abusive. Being neurodivergent means Liking Things. Neurotypicals don’t like things. They are empty shells without feelings. Neurodivergent means ADHD or ASD. What, BPD? Schizophrenia?? That’s not very quirky or fun. And that’s what neurodivergent means. That’s just weird. Being mentally ill isn’t an excuse to be weird. Only Evil People manipulate and abuse. There are certain people who Are Evil by nature (people with NPD) and they Will abuse you. Loving someone means it’s impossible to abuse them only Evil People Who Hate You are abusive. Have I mentioned that people with NPD are evil. I really want to drive that home
i think the near-extinction of people making fun, deep and/or unique interactive text-based browser games, projects and stories is catastrophic to the internet. i’m talking pre-itch.io era, nothing against it.
there are a lot of fun ones listed here and here but for the most part, they were made years ago and are now a dying breed. i get why. there’s no money in it. factoring in the cost of web hosting and servers, it probably costs money. it’s just sad that it’s a dying art form.
anyway, here’s some of my favorite browser-based interactive projects and games, if you’re into that kind of thing. 90% of them are on the lists that i linked above.
Murder Games - fight to the death simulator by Orteil
Cookie Clicker - different but felt weird not including it. by Orteil.
if you’re ever thinking about making a niche project that only a select number of individuals will be nerdy enough to enjoy, keep in mind i’ve been playing some of these games off and on for 20~ years (Alter Ego, for example). quite literally a lifetime of replayability.
since this post blew up, i’ve been wanting to do an addition with all of the recommendations from the comments and tags. but there’s a lot of them. some people might be crazy enough to sit down and seriously put them all in one post with descriptions. those people are honestly sick in the head.
anyway, here’s all of the recommendations from the reblogs. not all of them are text-based, but it’s a great mixture of styles. also don’t forget the links in the second paragraph of the OP which will take you to FMHY where there are a bunch more games listed.
A Dark Room - text-based science fiction role-playing game.
Twine - great (free!) tool for making text-based games quickly.
Ink - scripting language for interactive fiction (also free)
Flashpoint Archive - a community effort to preserve games and animations from the web.
PICO-8 - fantasy console for making, sharing and playing tiny games and other computer programs.
Library of Babel - interactive illustration which attempts to simulate what it might be like to browse The Library of Babel.
Superbad - technically not a game, sprawling website full of secrets.
17776 - serialized speculative fiction multimedia narrative about football in the far-future. beautiful, creative, legendary. created by Jon Bois, a legend and one of my favorite writers of all time.
Choice of Games - text-based, choose-your-own-adventure games (interactive fiction). some free-to-play, others can be bought like an ebook.
The Deep Sea - scroll to the bottom of the ocean. encounter the humble squid and his friends (by neal)
Space Elevator - like The Deep Sea, but up instead of down. you can equip your avatar with a scarf (by neal)
white people please just purchase native artwork and jewelry from native people i keep seeing idiot white people be like “waaah i wish i could support native creators but its cultural appropriation” girl why would beaders sell you their earrings then. just dont get a medicine wheel or a thunderbird then like damn it is that easy
If Native folks are making it to sell to white people with the approval of their tribe, it’s not “appropriation”–its support and appreciation! So yes, buy that native-made dream catcher, but not the mass produced fakes made by white people. Like, you can go to a pow wow and buy native crafts there, too.
here are some places to get native/indigenous goods and merch online if you can’t find something local or if physical access is an obstacle:
i’ve seen a lot of really messed up images in my time on the internet, weird fetish shit, even a few IRL gore images but nothing. NOTHING evokes such a deep seated, gut wrenching fear in me like this image of the fucking water slide from Action Park with the loop in it
hey what the fuck
We really should teach Action Park in schools as an example of why regulation is important. The subject matter is innately interesting (and gory) in a way economics/civics normally isn’t, and the unwillingness of business and the general inability of the public to protect people’s safety is on display.
Because while there’s no shortage of stories of workers dying in factory fires while locked in, Action Park shows a different side of things because its victims were paying customers.
It’s proof that “that doesn’t look safe” and “this place has a bad reputation” isn’t going to protect everyone.