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Neidio i'r cynnwys


Oddi ar Wicipedia
Dosbarthiad gwyddonol
Teyrnas: Animalia
Ffylwm: Chordata
Dosbarth: Actinopterygii
Urdd: Salmoniformes
Teulu: Salmonidae
Genws: Salmo
Rhywogaeth: S. salar
Enw deuenwol
Salmo salar
Linnaeus, 1758

Pysgodyn mawr o'r teulu Salmonidae yw'r eog (neu samwn). Mae'r oedolion yn byw yng ngogledd Cefnfor Iwerydd ond maen nhw'n mudo i afonydd Ewrop a dwyrain Gogledd America i ddodwy eu hwyau.


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Dyma dystiolaeth gan bysgotwr eog o Gaernarfon:

  • Pysgota’r Samon - sgwrs gan Tony Lovell, Caernarfon
I first started going out with one of my relatives John Bach Lovell from 1955 onwards. My position on the boat, was what they called the ' fifth man’,. The duties of the fifth man was to coil the ropes and baling out the water from the boat, or locally known as 'spudding-out', as a lot of water got into the boat with the activity of net recoiling after a 'drag’. The 'fifth man* was so-called because it always took a minimum of four men to work the net efficiently. The fifth man was a spare man who came to train, or for the experience of fishing. His pay was what we called the 'rough fish', which would have been payment in caught flounders, mullet, bass etc. - The length of the boat was 16 - 18 ft. long, clinker built with a square yard of laid decking at the stern end, which also had ' weeper holes' for water drain off from the ' transom'. The maximum length of net allowed was 150 yds x 18 ft. deep which was attached to an anchor man on the shore. The anchor man was in turn attached to a 25 yds long rope to a land pole which was the beginning of the net. The net had two 'tanted' [tannau] ropes, one weighted, the other with cork floats. In the very old days the weighted tant rope would have being made from hemp for extra weight On 'going out', on a half moon ' pull', the net was 'shot out' at approximately 45 degrees to the shore, with one man paying out the net in case of snags, and two men rowing the boat. At the end of the net is the outer pole called in Welsh the Polyn Allan which has another rope attached to it to reach back to the shore. After the half-moon 'pull', three or four men together would 'haul away', on the main rope on shore. After ' hauling' the 100 yds. of rope the outer pole has been hauled ashore closing the net like a bottle neck. On closing the two ends of the net together, we had two men hauling in on the float line and two men on the lower weighted 'tant', rope. These two men on the lower tant rope had to keep their hands as low as possible to the ground while pulling the net inshore, if any salmon were in the net it would usually show about 20 yds from shore gradually pulling the catch into the shore and held in the 'bag end' of the net. Any netted salmon were then killed quickly with the Pren Lladd. The first registered licenses were granted to the Vaynol Estate about 150 years ago, but the method of ‘drag-net' fishing goes back 2000 years. Other characters were Dickie Lovell, Ned Lovell, Will Thomas, David Wilkinson, and John Bach Lovell whose father caught Caernarfon's record catch in 1931. The Lovell's ran the salmon boats for near on 100 years. The fishing patches were well established areas, carried down from generation to generation, as these established patches were in reach of the salmon run from the Atlantic to the Seiont and other rivers on the coastline. The names of the fishing patches we used were called Llanfair, Ty Celli (Kelly?), Traeth bach, Glasdwr, Ty Calch and Belan Fort. Other patches were given nick names such as Coffee Bay, and Treasure Island near buoy No 9. [Yn ôl un hanesyn, hwn oedd tarddiad enw’r dafarn The Black Boy - sef buoy] . We usually went out at four hour ebb tides [trai pedair awr] for high water and worked right through to low water and to an hour to hour and a half to flood taking in 6-7 drags in that time before returning to the dock.

Mae sgwrs Tony ar gael yn ei gyfanrwydd ar www.llennatur.com (Llên y Pethau Byw)[1]

The river Gwy (English Wye) into which the Ieithon falls hath a good variety of fish. Salmon are sometimes taken at Buallt of 34lbs. weight. The male they call in Welsh cammog [oherwydd y wefl gam ar y gen isaf tybed? DB], the female chwiwell. Salmon pinks and samlets are called in Welsh gwynniaid.[2]

O'r genws Oncorhynchus, enghreifftiau yn cynnwys;

  • Eog Ceirios (Oncorhynchus masu ) yn Corea, Japan a Rwsia
  • Eog Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) USA a British Columbia
  • Eog Chum (Oncorhynchus keta) yn eang iawn
  • Eog Coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch) yn Alaska a British Columbia
  • Eog Pinc (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha), Alaska, Califfornia, Corea, Canada a Siberia
  • Eog Sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) neu 'Red salmon'


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Eginyn erthygl sydd uchod am bysgodyn. Gallwch helpu Wicipedia drwy ychwanegu ato.
  1. Bwletin Llên Natur rhifyn 19
  2. Llythyr gan Lewis i Richard Morris 18 Awst 1760 (Morrisiaid Môn)