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CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

typeface – Select a balanced set of fonts

The package provides the means of establishing a consistent set of fonts for use in a document. It allows mixing and matching the Type 1 font sets available on the archive (and it may be extended, via its configuration file, to support other fonts).

Font-set definition takes the form of a set of options that are read when the package is loaded: for each typographic category (main body font, sans-serif font, monospace font, mathematics fonts, text figures, and so on), a font or a transformation is given in those options.

The approach enables the user to remember their own configurations (as a single command) and to borrow configurations that other users have developed.

The present release is designated “for review”.

LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2012 Geoffrey Jones
MaintainerGeoffrey Jones
Contained inTeX Live as typeface
MiKTeX as typeface
TopicsFont sel

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (17.2M).

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