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CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

mh – Stub for the (old) ‘mh’ bundle

The mh bundle was a series of packages to enhance the appearance of documents containing a lot of maths; the package were designed to support and extend the required amsmath The packages (no longer distributed as a bundle) comprise:

  • breqn, which enables automatic line-breaking in displayed equations;
  • empheq, which provides various mechanisms for ‘visual markup’ of mathematical matter;
  • flexisym, which converts symbol definitions to a form usable within breqn;
  • mathstyle, which takes advantage of ’s suppression of some of ’s maths operators, to improve the performance of sub- and superscripts, and other aspects of mathematical typesetting style, including the ever-tricky \mathchoice operator;
  • mathtools, providing a range of extensions to maths as a whole; and
  • mhsetup, which provides various programming tools for other packages of the set.

Version 2014-08-06
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2002–2010 Morten Høgholm
MaintainerMorten Høgholm
Lars Madsen
Will Robertson
Joseph Wright

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