California State University, San Bernardino
World Languages and Literatures
By the time the famous writer and courtesan Ninon de Lenclos declared in the late seventeenth century, "Mon Dieu, faites de moi un honnête homme, mais n'en faites jamais une honnête femme," the definitions of honnêteté for women and men... more
This edition offers a translation of two works by the seventeenth-century French Franciscan, Jacques Du Bosc: selected passages from L’Honneste femme (1632-36) and the entirety of Nouveau recueil des lettres de dames de ce temps (1635).... more
Reclaiming the forgotten texts of women writers has been a major feminist undertaking of the last half-century. Indeed, believing in the importance of this sort of work, we have each spent much of our careers studying the women writers... more
In this article, I explore the passionate relationship between woman of letters Germaine de Staël and socialite Juliette Récamier in post-revolutionary France. To recontextualize this relationship from a minor friendship, as it has most... more
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library The correct reference for this volume is SVEC 2004:12 This series is available on annual subscription For further information about SVEC and other Voltaire Foundation... more