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What factors shape decentralization processes in Latin American federations? This work reviews and statistically analyzes current approaches on the topic, questions some claims of generality in their theoretical frameworks, and presents... more
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Este trabajo estudia los factores políticos y económicos que afectan la distribución federal de obra pública entre las provincias de Argentina. El foco de la investigación es la obra pública, por tratarse de fondos de alto impacto... more
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Several scholars have argued that decentralization benefit sub-national units, granting them more autonomy for managing their budgets and more resources to deliver their functions. Others have questioned this assertion, claiming that it... more
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      Fiscal federalism and decentralizationComparative FederalismFederalism and Intergovernmental Relations
Recent decades have witnessed the development of an extensive social scientific research program on the determinants of life satisfaction. We examine the role of political factors in affecting quality of life in the context of the... more
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The main goal of this paper is to assess some empirical strengths of O’Donnell’s concept of delegative democracies. First, I present O’Donnell’s definition and the discussions in the literature. Based on the different dimensions in the... more
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Governors are relevant political actors in most democratic federations and even in some unitary states. Despite this, there is little we know about how to conceptualize and measure their power. I discuss the US literature on gubernatorial... more
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Argentina is a federation that went through times of relatively rigid centralization and others characterized by profound decentralization, not only politically, but fundamentally in fiscal and administrative terms. How is it possible for... more
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Durante los últimos años, Argentina ha experimentado una profunda transformación de sus instituciones públicas, producto de la redefinición del rol del Estado en la economía, de la redemocratización del sistema político y del cambio en el... more
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Esta investigación analiza el impacto de las transferencias federales y del gasto subnacional en el desarrollo humano y la equidad interregional. Los datos de transferencias y gasto subnacional en Argentina, Brasil, México, Chile y... more
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      FederalismFiscal FederalismFiscal federalism and decentralizationComparative Federalism
Durante el 2013, el gobierno central, y sobre todo, las provincias en Argentina enfrentaron crecientes presiones fiscales. Si bien el relativo deterioro del contexto económico repercutió en los votos recibidos por el oficialismo en las... more
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Durante los últimos años, Argentina ha experimentado una profunda transformación de sus instituciones públicas, producto de la redefinición del rol del Estado en la economía, de la redemocratización del sistema político y del cambio en el... more
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      ArgentinaComparative FederalismArgentinean PoliticsFederalismo
What is the role of presidents in the politics of distribution in developing democracies? To what extent do other political actors, such as legislators and governors, influence federal distribution? This paper studies the main factors... more
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      Comparative PoliticsFederalismComparative Political EconomyFiscal federalism and decentralization
Los gobernadores son actores políticos relevantes en la mayoría de las democracias federales e incluso en algunos países unitarios. A pesar de esto, todavía tenemos una limitada comprensión conceptual y aún más escasas medidas para... more
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      Comparative FederalismFederalism and Intergovernmental RelationsBrazilian PoliticsArgentinean Politics
Using original data from the period 1999–2011 on federal infrastructure investment for all subnational units in two federations, Argentina and Brazil, and a unitary nation, Colombia, this study shows that in developing federal countries... more
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      ColombiaFederalismComparative Political EconomyFiscal Federalism
Why do some countries redistribute more to poorer regions than others? This paper explores which factors explain variation in the degree of interregional redistribution among countries between 1983 and 2010. The main argument is that... more
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      FederalismFiscal FederalismFiscal federalism and decentralizationComparative Federalism
This article studies the main factors that affect the allocation of non-earmarked federal funds to subnational units in Argentina between 1999 and 2009. The main contribution is that it brings presidential popularity together with... more
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      Comparative PoliticsFederalismFiscal FederalismFiscal federalism and decentralization
Tensions between central authorities and subnational units over centralization and fiscal autonomy are on top of the political agenda in many developing federal countries. This book examines historical changes in the balance between the... more
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      Comparative PoliticsFederalismFiscal FederalismFiscal federalism and decentralization
Tensions between central authorities and subnational units over centralization and fiscal autonomy are on top of the political agenda in many developing federal countries. This book examines historical changes in the balance between the... more
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      Brazilian StudiesFederalismFiscal FederalismFiscal federalism and decentralization
Durante los últimos años, Argentina ha experimentado una profunda transformación de sus instituciones públicas, producto de la redefinición del rol del Estado en la economía, de la redemocratización del sistema político y del cambio en el... more
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      ArgentinaComparative FederalismArgentinean PoliticsFederalismo
Este artículo estudia cuáles son los principales factores que influyen en la asignación de fondos federales a las provincias en Argentina entre 1999 y 2009. La contribución principal es que incorpora el ciclo electoral junto con la... more
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      FederalismFiscal FederalismFiscal federalism and decentralizationComparative Federalism