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ICSE 2025
Sat 26 April - Sun 4 May 2025 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

GE@ICSE2025: Sixth Workshop on Gender Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in Software Engineering

ICT is pervasively influencing all human activities. In this context, more and more people of any age, gender, and culture are exposed to these technologies and have to acquire some ability and skill. However, the engagement of genders with ICT is not uniform. This gap is evident in the small percentage of women studying ICT-related subjects, being involved as researchers and professionals, in particular in covering top positions in professional and academic activities. At the same time, the community is realising that diversity, when it does not assume the negative aspects of discrimination, plays a key role in a successful and competitive context for software development and research. Such diversity is not only related to gender aspects but refers also to the combination of culture, religion, and geographical distribution. The overall goal of this workshop is to improve the state of gender equality and increase inclusion and diversity principles in the software engineering community. The workshop aims to discuss gender issues and their interplay with the other diversity aspects.

Call for Papers

Students, academics, industry professionals, and other leaders and experts in software engineering are invited to submit position papers, collaborate, and attend this workshop to assess the current gender situation in various contexts and geographic areas, also in combination with any discriminatory factor, and of identifying and discussing possible difficulties and corresponding solutions.

Given the goals of the workshop, we are not interested in specific technical submissions, but we are looking for 8 pages papers including (but not limited to):

-Summaries, challenges, and studies regarding the role of different genders in software engineering education and research.

-Studies concerning the role of different genders in the software engineering industry.

-Other aspects of diversity, include religion, disability, and social and cultural differences.

-Specific experiences that can be generalized and shared with the public.

-Also, submissions from other scientific areas with contents that are transferable to software engineering are welcome.

All contributions will undergo a peer-review process carried out by the program committee. Accepted papers will be included in the workshop proceedings. The official publication date of the workshop proceedings is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM and IEEE Library. This date may be up to two weeks before the first day of ICSE 2025.


Submissions of papers for GE@ICSE must:

-Follow the ICSE2025 proceedings format

-Be submitted through the workshop submission system at EasyChair

-Have a maximum length of 8 pages for full paper, 4 pages for short papers, and 2 pages for posters