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ASE 2023
Mon 11 - Fri 15 September 2023 Kirchberg, Luxembourg

Registration is now open!

Please use this link to register for ASE 2023: https://sntevents.uni.lu/product-category/ase-2023/

Registration for paper authors: at least one of the authors of each accepted paper must register to the conference at the full rate (not a student rate) by the camera-ready deadline of August 18 at least.

Registration Options and Fees

All currency values are Euro

Advance/early registration for other participants ends on August 17 2023. All registration deadlines are set to 11:59 PM Pacific Time (GMT-08:00).

Three-Days Conference

It includes proceedings, breaks, lunches, reception and banquet.

Member Type Advance/Early Registration
(August 17, 2023)
Regular/Late Registration
IEEE/ACM Member 750.00€ 850.00€
Non Member 900.00€ 1020.00€
IEEE/ACM Student Member 525.00€ 595.00€
Student non Member 630.00€ 715.00€
IEEE/ACM Life Member 415.00€ 470.00€

Workshops, Tutorials, Doctoral Symposium, New Faculty Symposium (one day registration)

It includes proceedings, breaks, and lunches on the day of the workshop or event.

Member Type Advance/Early Registration
(August 17, 2023)
Regular/Late Registration
IEEE/ACM Member 200.00€ 240.00€
Non-Member 240.00€ 290.00€
IEEE/ACM Student Member 140.00€ 170.00€
Student Non-Member 170.00€ 205.00€

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation of registration on or before August 31st, 2023 (23h59, Luxembourg time), entitles the registrant to a refund. No refunds will be given after August 31st, 2023.