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創世記 19:11
平行經文 (Parallel Verses)
現代標點和合本 (CUVMP Traditional)

现代标点和合本 (CUVMP Simplified)

聖經新譯本 (CNV Traditional)

圣经新译本 (CNV Simplified)

繁體中文和合本 (CUV Traditional)
並 且 使 門 外 的 人 , 無 論 老 少 , 眼 都 昏 迷 ; 他 們 摸 來 摸 去 , 總 尋 不 著 房 門 。

简体中文和合本 (CUV Simplified)
并 且 使 门 外 的 人 , 无 论 老 少 , 眼 都 昏 迷 ; 他 们 摸 来 摸 去 , 总 寻 不 着 房 门 。

Genesis 19:11 King James Bible
And they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness, both small and great: so that they wearied themselves to find the door.

Genesis 19:11 English Revised Version
And they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness, both small and great: so that they wearied themselves to find the door.
聖經寶庫 (Treasury of Scripture)

with blindness.

列王紀下 6:18

, is supposed to denote dazzlings, deceptions, or confusions of sight from excessive light; being derived by Schultens, who is followed by Parkhurst, from the Arabic sana, to pour forth, diffuse, and nor, light. Dr. Geddes, to the same purpose, thinks it is compounded of the Arabic sana, which signifies a flash, and or, light. The Targums, in both places where it occurs, render it by eruptions, or flashes of light, or as Mercer, in Robertson, explains the Chaldee word, irradiations.

列王紀下 6:18

使徒行傳 13:11

that they.

傳道書 10:15

以賽亞書 57:10

耶利米書 2:36

鏈接 (Links)
創世記 19:11 雙語聖經 (Interlinear)創世記 19:11 多種語言 (Multilingual)Génesis 19:11 西班牙人 (Spanish)Genèse 19:11 法國人 (French)1 Mose 19:11 德語 (German)創世記 19:11 中國語文 (Chinese)Genesis 19:11 英語 (English)

中文標準譯本 (CSB Traditional) ©2011 Asia Bible Society.

中文标准译本 (CSB Simplified) ©2011 Asia Bible Society.

現代標點和合本 (CUVMP Traditional) ©2011 Asia Bible Society.

现代标点和合本 (CUVMP Simplified) ©2011 Asia Bible Society.

聖經新譯本 (CNV Traditional) ©2010 Worldwide Bible Society.

圣经新译本 (CNV Simplified) ©2010 Worldwide Bible Society.

背景 (Context)
10只是那二人伸出手來,將羅得拉進屋去,把門關上。 11並且使門外的人,無論老少,眼都昏迷,他們摸來摸去,總尋不著房門。
交叉引用 (Cross Ref)
使徒行傳 13:11

創世記 19:12

申命記 28:28

申命記 28:29

列王紀下 6:18

創世記 19:10
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