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1. (n.) An arched structure of masonry, forming a ceiling or canopy.

2. (n.) An arched apartment; especially, a subterranean room, use for storing articles, for a prison, for interment, or the like; a cell; a cellar.

3. (n.) The canopy of heaven; the sky.

4. (n.) A leap or bound.

5. (n.) The bound or leap of a horse; a curvet.

6. (n.) A leap by aid of the hands, or of a pole, springboard, or the like.

7. (v. t.) To form with a vault, or to cover with a vault; to give the shape of an arch to; to arch; as, vault a roof; to vault a passage to a court.

8. (v. i.) To leap over; esp., to leap over by aid of the hands or a pole; as, to vault a fence.

9. (n.) To leap; to bound; to jump; to spring.

10. (n.) To exhibit feats of tumbling or leaping; to tumble.

Caelus Fort Knox Highland fling air anabasis and jump apse arcade arcature arch arched roof archives archway armory arsenal ascend ascension ascent attic azure bank barrow basement bay beehive tomb bend bend back bin blue sky bob up bonded warehouse bone house bookcase booth bounce bound bow box box grave break water broad jump buck buckjump bunker burial burial chamber burial mound bursary buttery caelum camber canopy canopy of heaven capriole cargo dock cash register cashbox catacomb catacombs cavity ceilinged roof cell cellar cellule cenotaph cerulean chamber charnel house chest cist cist grave clamber clear climb climbing closet coffer coin box compartment concameration concha conservatory cope cove crate crib cromlech crook crypt cupboard cupola curl curve curvet decurve deep six deflect demivolt depository depot dock dokhma dolmen dome drawer dump elevation embow empyrean enclosed space escalade ether exchequer firmament fisc flex float up fly up flying jump fountain galliard gelandesprung geodesic dome glory hole godown gold depository grand jete grave gush gyring up handspring heaven heavens high jump hippety-hop hold hole hollow hook hop house of death hump hunch hurdle hutch hyaline igloo increase incurvate incurve inflect jet jete jig jump jump over jump shot jump turn jump up jump-hop jump-off keystone last home lavolta leap leap over leap up leapfrog levitation library lift lifts locker long home long jump loop lop low green tent low house lumber room lumberyard magasin magazine manger mastaba mausoleum money chest monstrance morris mount mounting mummy chamber narrow house negotiate ogive ossuarium ossuary over overjump overleap overskip passage grave penny bank pew piggy bank pit pole vault pop up pork barrel pounce pounce on pounce upon public crib public till public treasury public trough pyramid rack recurve reflect reflex reliquary repertory repository reservoir resting place retroflex rick rise rising rocket rocketing up round running broad jump running high jump safe safe-deposit box sag saltation saut de basque sepulcher shaft grave shelf shoot up shooting up shrine skewback ski jump skip sky skyrocket soar soaring span


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