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1. (n.) A cruciferous plant (Eruca sativa) sometimes eaten in Europe as a salad.

2. (n.) Damewort.

3. (n.) Rocket larkspur. See below.

4. (n.) An artificial firework consisting of a cylindrical case of paper or metal filled with a composition of combustible ingredients, as niter, charcoal, and sulphur, and fastened to a guiding stick. The rocket is projected through the air by the force arising from the expansion of the gases liberated by combustion of the composition. Rockets are used as projectiles for various purposes, for signals, and also for pyrotechnic display.

5. (n.) A blunt lance head used in the joust.

6. (v. i.) To rise straight up; said of birds; usually in the present participle or as an adjective.

AA target rocket ABM ASM ATS Asp Asroc Atlas Atlas-Agena Atlas-Centaur Bullpup Cajun Corporal Corvus Crossbow Dart Deacon Delta Diamant Dove Earth insertion Falcon Firebee Genie Hawk Holy Moses Hound Dog ICBM Irish confetti Jupiter LEM LM Lacrosse Lark Loki Loon Mace Matador Navaho Nike Nike Ajax Pershing Petrel Polaris Poseidon Quail Ram Rascal Redeye Redstone Regulus I Roman candle SLAM Saturn Scout Sentinel Sergeant Shillelagh Sidewinder Skybolt Snark Spaerobee Sparrow Subroc Super Talos Talos Tartar Terrier Thor Thor Able Star Thor-Agena Thor-Delta Tiny Tim Titan V-2 Viking WAC-Corporal Wagtail Zuni aid to navigation alarm amber light anchor rocket antelope antiaircraft rocket antiradar rocket apogee arrow atom-rocket atomic warhead attitude-control rocket balefire ballistic capsule barrage rocket bat bomb beacon beacon fire bell bell buoy bird blinker blue darter blue peter blue streak bob up bola bolt boomerang break water brickbat buoy burn cannonball capsule caution light chemical rocket climb countermissile courser dart deep-space ship demolition rocket docking docking maneuver eagle electricity express train ferry rocket fin-stabilized rocket fireworks rocket flare flare rocket flash float up fly up flying tank fog bell fog signal fog whistle foghorn fountain fuel ship gazelle glance go light gong buoy greased lightning green light greyhound guided missile gush hare heliograph high sign high-altitude rocket homing rocket incendiary rocket injection insertion international alphabet flag international numeral pennant ion engine ion rocket jet jet plane jump up kick lark leap up leer light lightning line-throwing rocket liquid-fuel rocket lunar excursion module lunar module manned rocket marker beacon mercury missile module moon ship multistage rocket nod nuclear warhead nudge orbit parachute flare parking orbit payload perigee pilot flag plasma engine plasma jet poke police whistle pop up projectile quarantine flag quicksilver radio beacon ram rocket red flag red light reentry retro-float light retro-rocket rock rocket engine rocket motor rockoon sailing aid scared rabbit semaphore semaphore flag semaphore telegraph shoot up shot shuttle rocket sign signal signal beacon signal bell signal fire signal flag signal gong signal gun signal lamp signal light signal mast signal post signal rocket signal shot signal siren signal tower skylark skyrocket smoke rocket snake soar soft landing solid-fuel rocket space capsule space docking space rocket spacecraft spaceship spar buoy spin-stabilized rocket spinner spring up spurt start up stone stop light


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