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◄ Corporal ►

1. (a.) Belonging or relating to the body; bodily; as, corporal punishment\.

2. (n.) A noncommissioned officer, next below a sergeant. In the United States army he is the lowest noncommissioned officer in a company of infantry. He places and relieves sentinels.

3. (a.) Having a body or substance; not spiritual; material. In this sense now usually written corporeal.

4. (a.) Alt. of Corporale

NCO acting corporal acting sergeant altar cloth baldacchino baldachin baptismal font bodily carnal centurion cerecloth chancel screen chief warrant officer chrismal color sergeant corporeal earthly fanon first sergeant fleshly havildar hylic jube kneeling stool lance corporal lance sergeant master sergeant material materiate mess sergeant naik noncom noncommissioned officer nonspiritual oblation cloth paten physical piscina platoon sergeant prayer rug prie-dieu reredos rood cloth rood screen sacrament cloth sarge secular sergeant sergeant first class sergeant major somatic staff sergeant stoup substantial technical sergeant temporal top sergeant topkick unspiritual warrant officer worldly


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