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Easy Street abundance afflux affluxion ample sufficiency ampleness amplitude assets avalanche bed of roses bonanza bottomless purse bountifulness bountiousness bulging purse bumper crop clover comfort concourse confluence conflux copiousness course crosscurrent current defluxion downflow downpour drift driftage ease easy circumstances embarras de richesses extravagance exuberance felicity fertility fleshpots flood flow flowing fluency flux foison fortune full measure fullness generosity generousness gold gracious life gracious living great abundance great plenty gush handsome fortune happiness high income high tax bracket independence indraft indrawing inflooding inflow influx influxion inpour inrun inrush landslide lap of luxury lavishness liberality liberalness life of ease loaves and fishes lots lucre luxuriance luxuriousness luxury mammon material wealth maximum mill run millrace money money to burn moneybags more than enough much myriad myriads numerousness onrush onward course opulence opulency outflow outpouring overflow pelf plenitude plenteousness plentifulness plenty possessions prevalence prodigality productiveness profuseness profusion property prosperity prosperousness quantities race repleteness repletion rich harvest rich vein riches richness riot riotousness run rush scads security set shower six-figure income spate stream substance substantiality substantialness success superabundance surge teemingness the affluent life the good life thriving condition tide treasure trend undercurrent undertow upper bracket upward mobility velvet water flow weal wealth wealthiness welfare well-being


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