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◄ Profusion ►

1. (n.) The act of one who is profuse; a lavishing or pouring out without sting.

2. (n.) Abundance; exuberant plenty; lavish supply; as, a profusion of commodities.

abundance accumulation acres affluence agglomeration ample sufficiency ampleness amplitude avalanche bags barrels bonanza bountifulness bountiousness bounty bumper crop bushel carpe diem cloud of words conglomeration conspicuous consumption copiousness countlessness diffuseness diffusion diffusiveness dissipation effusion effusiveness extravagance exuberance fecundity fertility flood flow fluency foison formlessness full measure fullness generosity generousness glut great abundance great plenty gush gushing heap hoard host incontinence infinitude innumerability intemperance landslide lavishness leaking purse liberality liberalness load logorrhea loose purse strings lot lots luxuriance macrology manyness mass maximum mess more than enough mountain much multifariousness multifoldness multiplicity multitude multitudinousness myriad myriads nimiety number numerousness ocean oceans opulence opulency outpour outpouring overflow overgenerosity overgenerousness overliberality oversupply palilogy peck pile plenitude plenteousness plentifulness plenty pleonasm plethora pound-foolishness prevalence prodigality productiveness productivity profligacy profuseness prolificacy prolificity quantities quantity rampancy rankness reckless expenditure reckless spending redundancy reiteration reiterativeness repetition for effect repetitiveness repleteness repletion rich harvest rich vein richness rifeness riot riotousness scads sea shower spate squandering squandermania stack stream substantiality substantialness superabundance superfluity superflux surfeit surplus swarmingness talkativeness tautology teemingness tirade tons volume waste wastefulness wealth world worlds


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