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1. (n.) A small piece of paper, cardboard, or the like, serving as a notice, certificate, or distinguishing token of something.

2. (n.) A little note or notice.

3. (n.) A tradesman's bill or account.

4. (n.) A certificate or token of right of admission to a place of assembly, or of passage in a public conveyance; as, a theater ticket; a railroad or steamboat ticket.

5. (n.) A label to show the character or price of goods.

6. (n.) A certificate or token of a share in a lottery or other scheme for distributing money, goods, or the like.

7. (n.) A printed list of candidates to be voted for at an election; a set of nominations by one party for election; a ballot.

8. (v. t.) To distinguish by a ticket; to put a ticket on; as, to ticket goods.

9. (v. t.) To furnish with a tickets; to book; as, to ticket passengers to California.

Australian ballot Indiana ballot Massachusetts ballot OK absentee ballot admission affidavit allowance attestation authority authorization baggage check ballot bill of health billhead blanket ballot book stamp bookplate brand broad arrow cachet card cashiering certificate certificate of proficiency certification charter check choice colophon conge consent counter counterfoil countermark coupon credential deposal deposition diploma discharge disemployment dismissal dispensation displacing docket drumming out earmark firing forced separation furloughing government mark government stamp hallmark hat check imprint key label layoff leave letterhead liberty license lineup list logo logotype long ballot masthead navicert nonpartisan ballot notarized statement note office-block ballot okay open sesame party emblem party-column ballot pass password patent permission permission to enter pink slip plate price tag proxy registered trademark release removal retirement running head running title sample ballot scrip seal sheepskin short ballot sigil signet slate slip slug special permission split ticket stamp sticker straight ticket stub surplusing suspension sworn statement tab tag tally testamur testimonial the ax the boot the bounce the gate the sack ticket of admission title page token trade name trademark trademark name visa vise vote voucher vouchsafement waiver walking papers warrant warranty witness


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