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1. (n.) A list of the cases awaiting action in a court\.

2. (n.) A bill tied to goods, containing some direction, as the name of the owner, or the place to which they are to be sent; a label.

3. (n.) An abridged entry of a judgment or proceeding in an action, or register or such entries; a book of original, kept by clerks of courts, containing a formal list of the names of parties, and minutes of the proceedings, in each case in court.

4. (n.) A list or calendar of causes ready for hearing or trial, prepared for the use of courts by the clerks.

5. (n.) A list or calendar of business matters to be acted on in any assembly.

6. (v. t.) To make a brief abstract of (a writing) and indorse it on the back of the paper, or to indorse the title or contents on the back of; to summarize; as, to docket letters and papers.

7. (v. t.) To make a brief abstract of and inscribe in a book; as, judgments regularly docketed.

8. (v. t.) To enter or inscribe in a docket, or list of causes for trial.

9. (v. t.) To mark with a ticket; as, to docket goods.

Domesday Book account book address book adversaria agenda aide-memoire album annotation annual appointment calendar appointment schedule balance balance the books batting order beadroll bill bill of fare billhead blank blankbook blotter blueprint book book stamp bookplate brand broad arrow budget cachet cadastre calendar capitalize card carry carry over carte du jour carve cashbook cast up accounts catalog census census report chalk chalk up charge off check check in checklist checkroll chirograph chronicle classified catalog close out close the books colophon commonplace book counterfoil countermark court calendar credit cut daybook debit desk calendar diary diptych document dossier dramatis personae engagement book engrave enroll enscroll enter entry file fill out footnote form government mark government stamp grave hallmark head count holograph honor roll impanel imprint incise index inscribe insert instrument item jot down jotting journal journalize jury list jury panel keep books label ledger legal document legal instrument legal paper letterhead line up lineup list list of agenda log logbook logo logotype loose-leaf notebook make a memorandum make a note make an entry make out marginal note marginalia mark down masthead matriculate memo memo book memoir memorandum memorandum book memorial memory book menu minute minutes muster muster roll nose count notation note note down notebook official document order of business pad paper papers parchment personal file petty cashbook place upon record plate playbill pocket notebook pocketbook police blotter poll post post up price tag program program of operation programma property roll prospectus protocol put down put in writing put on paper put on tape questionnaire record reduce to writing register registered trademark registry reminder returns roll roll call roster rota running head running title schedule scholia scholium scrapbook scratch pad scrip script scroll seal set down sigil signet slate spiral notebook stamp sticker strike a balance stub table tablet tabulate tag take down tally tape tape-record tax roll ticket timetable title page token trade name trademark trademark name triptych videotape workbook writ write write down write in write out write up writing writing tablet yearbook


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