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◄ Taffety ►

(n.) A fine, smooth stuff of silk, having usually the wavy luster called watering. The term has also been applied to different kinds of silk goods, from the 16th century to modern times.

Aralac Avisco Axminster Celanese Dacron Dynel Georgette Harris Tweed Lastex Leatherette Orlon Qiana Revolite Terylene Ultrasuede Velon Vicara acetate acetate rayon alpaca arras astrakhan baize batik blanketing broadcloth broadloom brocade broken ground broken water bunting calico cambric canaliculate canaliculated canvas carpeting cashmere castor chamfered channeled cheesecloth chiffon chinchilla chintz chop coating cord corduroy road corduroyed corrugate corrugated corrugation costate cotton crash crepe crepe de chine cretonne crimped crinoline cut dadoed damask denim doeskin drill drilling drugget duck duffel engraved felt flannel flannelette fleece fluted foulard frieze furrowed fustian gashed gauze gingham goffered goose bumps goose pimples gooseflesh gossamer gouged grenadine grogram grooved grosgrain gunny haircloth herringbone hessian homespun hop sacking horripilation horsehair huck huckaback incised jersey lame lawn linen linoleum linsey-woolsey lisle list loden longcloth lop luster mackinaw mackintosh madras maline manta mantua marquisette mat matting melton messaline mohair moire moleskin mousseline de soie murrey muslin nainsook nankeen near-silk net netting nylon oil silk oilcloth organdy organza paisley panne panne velvet pepper-and-salt percale pique plaid pleated plush polyester pongee poplin print quilting rabbeted radium rayon rayon casheen rep ribbed rifled ripple rough rugging russet rutted rutty sackcloth sacking sailcloth sandpaper sarcenet sateen satin say scored scratched seersucker serge shalloon shantung sharkskin sheers sheeting shoddy shot silk silk slit spun rayon stamin stammel stockinette striated stuff suede sulcate sulcated swansdown tabaret tabby taffeta taffety tapestry tarpaulin tartan terry cloth tick ticking tricotine troughed tulle tussah tussore tweed twill veiling velours velure velvet velveteen voile wash-and-wear fabric washboard watered fabric webbing wool worsted wrinkled


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