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Angelus Angelus bell DDD accompany address adjuration adumbrate alarm alarum allurement animal noise ante ante up antecedents apostleship apostrophize appeal appeal to appraise appreciate approximate ask ask for assemble assess attend attractiveness augur awake awaken back baptize bark barking base basis battle cry bawl bay beck beck and call bell bellow beseechment bet bet on bid bid come biddance bidding bill birdcall blackmail blare blat blate bleat bray bugle call busy signal buzz cackle call call away call back call down call for call forth call in call off call on call out call together call up call upon call-up calling calling forth cancel care of souls carol cast lots castigate caterwaul causation cause cause and effect caw challenge chastise chatter cheep cheer chirk chirp chirr chirrup chitter christen chuck cite clack claim clamor clang class cluck cock-a-doodle-doo collect come by come over command compulsory military service conjure conjure up conscript conscription contribution convene convocation convoke coo cover croak cronk crow cry cry out cuckoo cut lots cut the cards define demand demand for demand payment denominate denote designate determinant determinative dial dial tone direct distance dialing discontinue draft draft call drafting drain draw draw lots draw on draw straws drawing power drop in drum dub dun duty duty visit element elicit engraved invitation enlist enlistment enrollment entitle entreat entreaty estimate etiology evaluate evocation evoke exact exaction excuse extortion extortionate demand factor fade fetch figure forecast form an estimate formal visit foundation gabble gaggle gamble game gather gauge get give a ring give an appreciation give tongue give voice gobble good reason ground grounds grunt guess guggle hail halloo hang up hazard heavy demand hold the phone holler hollo holy orders honk hoo hoot howl howling hurrah identify imploration imploring imposition impost imprecation impressment indent induction insistent demand inspire invitation invite invocation invocatory plea invoice invoke issue an invitation judge justification knock up label last post lay lay a wager lay down levy listen in local call long distance long-distance call look in look up lot low


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