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◄ Steady-nerved ►

abnegation abstinence accordance allay alleviate anticyclone appease assuage at peace at rest aweless balm balmy becalm blank blankminded bloodless calm down calmness cease cloistered collected compose composed composure conciliate concordant conservatism consistency consonance constancy constraint continence continuity control cool cool off coolheaded coolness correspondence cradle dead calm deathlike calm defuse die down dispassion dispassionate doldrums dulcify dwindle dwindling ease easy easygoing ebb ebbing empty empty-headed equability equable equanimity equilibrium even even out even-tempered even-tenored evenness expected expecting fatuous firm flat calm gentle gentleness golden mean halcyon halt happy medium homogeneity horse latitudes hush hushed idyllic impartiality impassive imperturbable inactive inane incogitant inexcitable isolated judiciousness juste-milieu lay lay the dust lenity levelheaded lull make one easy meden agan middle way mild mildness mitigate moderateness moderation moderationism molder moldering mollify monolithism motionless nerveless neutrality nirvanic nonchalant nonviolence nothing in excess oblivious oily calm orderly pacific pacifism pacify passive pastoral peace peaceable peaceful peacefulness peacetime persistence philosophical phlegmatic piping placate placid placidity placidness poised possessed pour balm into pour balm on propitiate prudence quell quiesce quiescent quiet quieten quietistic relax relaxed relieve repose reposeful reposing rest restful resting restraint rock rock to sleep rock-steady sang-froid secluded sedate self-abnegation self-control self-controlled self-denial self-possessed self-possession self-restraint sequestered sequestrated serene serenity settle sheltered smooth smooth down smooth over smoothen sobriety soft soothe soother stability stabilize stable staid staunch steadfastness steadiness steady steady-handed steady-nerved steel-nerved still still as death stillish stillness stilly stoic stoical stolid stop strong-nerved subdue subside subsiding temperance temperateness thoughtfree thoughtless together tranquil tranquilize tranquillity unagitated unamazed unastonished unastounded unawed unbewildered unblenching unblinking undazed undazzled undisturbed undumbfounded unexcessiveness unextravagance unextremeness unfaltering unflappable unflinching unideaed uniformity unimpressed unintellectual unity unmarveling unmoved unnervous unoccupied unperturbed unquivering unreasoning unruffled unruffledness unshaken unshaky


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