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◄ Sportsmanliness ►

accessibility approachability artlessness austerity baldness bareness big mouth bluffness bluntness broadness brusqueness candidness childlikeness common speech communicativeness conversableness cricket directness effusion effusiveness extroversion fair play fair shake fair-mindedness fairness flow of words flowing tongue fluency fluent tongue flux de bouche flux de paroles flux of words forthrightness frankness freedom freeness garrulity garrulousness gassiness genuineness gift of gab glibness good sportsmanship gregariousness guilelessness gush gushiness homespun honesty household words impartiality ingenuousness innocence justice leanness long-windedness loose tongue loquaciousness loquacity matter-of-factness naiveness naivete naivety naturalness objectivity open-mindedness openheartedness openness outgoingness outspokenness plain English plain dealing plain speaking plain speech plain style plain words plainness plainspokenness prolixity prosaicness prosiness restrainedness roundness rustic style severity simpleheartedness simplemindedness simpleness simplicity sincerity single-heartedness single-mindedness singleness of heart slush soberness sociability spareness spate of words sportsmanlikeness sportsmanliness sportsmanship square deal starkness straightforwardness talkativeness the fair thing the handsome thing the proper thing trustfulness unadorned style unadornedness unaffectedness unconstraint unequivocalness unguardedness unimaginativeness unpoeticalness unrepression unreserve unreservedness unrestraint unrestriction unreticence unsecretiveness unsophisticatedness unsophistication unsuppression unsuspiciousness untaciturnity unwariness verbosity vernacular volubility windiness


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