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◄ Satanophany ►

(n.) An incarnation of Satan; a being possessed by a demon.

Christophany Masan Prospero Satanophany accomplishment achievement acting advent affectation air airiness angelophany apparent character apparition appearances approach arrival aspect astral astral spirit attainment attitudinizing avatar banshee bearing bluff bluffing cheating color coloring coming control countenance deception delusion delusiveness demeanor departed spirit disclosure disembodied spirit disguise display dissemblance dissembling dissemination dissimulation duppy dybbuk eidolon embodiment epiphany evidence evincement expression exteriority exteriors external appearance externality externalness externals extrinsicality facade face fakery faking fallaciousness false air false appearance false front false image false light false show falseness falsity fantasy features feigning feint fiction figure foreignness form four-flushing fraud front gaudiness ghost gilt gloss grateful dead guide guise hant haunt hint humbug humbuggery idealization idolum illusion illusionism illusionist illusiveness image immateriality imposture incarnation incorporeal incorporeal being incorporeity indication larva lemures lineaments look looks magic magic act magic show magician make-believe manes manifestation manner masquerade materialization mere externals meretriciousness mien mirage oni openness ostent ostentation outerness outside outward appearance outward show outwardness phantasm phantasma phantasmagoria phantom phasm phenomenon playacting pneumatophany poltergeist pose posing posture presence prestidigitation pretense pretension pretext proof public image publication reaching representation revelation revenant seeming semblance shade shadow shallowness sham shape show showing shrouded spirit simulacrum simulation sleight of hand sorcerer sorcery specious appearance speciousness specter spectral ghost spirit spook sprite suggestion superficiality surface appearance surface show theophany unactuality unreality unsubstantiality vain show varnish vision waking dream walking dead man wandering soul wildest dream window dressing wraith zombie


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