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1. (n.) A seat for a rider, -- usually made of leather, padded to span comfortably a horse's back, furnished with stirrups for the rider's feet to rest in, and fastened in place with a girth; also, a seat for the rider on a bicycle or tricycle.

2. (n.) A padded part of a harness which is worn on a horse's back, being fastened in place with a girth. It serves various purposes, as to keep the breeching in place, carry guides for the reins, etc.

3. (n.) A piece of meat containing a part of the backbone of an animal with the ribs on each side; as, a saddle of mutton, of venison, etc.

4. (n.) A block of wood, usually fastened to some spar, and shaped to receive the end of another spar.

5. (n.) A part, as a flange, which is hollowed out to fit upon a convex surface and serve as a means of attachment or support.

6. (n.) The clitellus of an earthworm.

7. (n.) The threshold of a door, when a separate piece from the floor or landing; -- so called because it spans and covers the joint between two floors.

8. (v. t.) To put a saddle upon; to equip (a beast) for riding.

9. (v. t.) Hence: To fix as a charge or burden upon; to load; to encumber; as, to saddle a town with the expense of bridges and highways.

Chateaubriand back band backstrap bearing rein bed bed down bellyband bench bit blade roast blinders blinds break breast breeching bridle brisket brush camel saddle caparison cavesson chair charge checkrein cheekpiece chinband chine chuck chuck roast cinch clod col cold cuts collar comb crownband crupper cumber curb curry currycomb curule chair dais drench encumber esker feed fetter filet mignon flank fodder gag swivel gentle girth groom hackamore halter hames hametugs hamper handle harness headgear headstall helm hip straps hitch hitch up hogback hook up horseback howdah impede impose inflict jaquima jerk line jockey saddle kame knuckle lade lines litter load loin manage martingale milk noseband panel pillion plate plate piece pole strap pot roast rack reins restrict rib roast ribbons ribs ridge roast rolled roast round rub down rump rump roast saddleback seat seat of power seat of state shaft tug shank short ribs shoulder shoulder clod side check sirloin snaffle spine surcingle tack tackle tame task tax tend tenderloin tether train trappings tug water weigh weight winker braces woolsack yoke


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