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Konzentrationslager Lager MO actor air algorithm antagonist antihero approach attack back band backstrap barrack barracks bearing bearing rein bellyband bit bit part bivouac blinders blinds book breeching bridle brow camp campground campsite cantonment caparison carriage casern cast cast of countenance cavesson character checkrein cheekpiece chinband cinch collar color complexion concentration camp configuration continuity contour countenance course crownband crupper cue curb delineation demeanor detention camp encampment face facial appearance fashion fat part favor feature features feeder figuration figure form framework gag swivel garb genre gestalt girth guise hackamore halter hames hametugs harness headgear headstall heavy hero heroine hip straps hobo jungle ingenue jaquima jerk line lead lead role leading lady leading man leading woman libretto line line of action lineaments looks main features manner manner of working martingale means method methodology mien mode mode of operation mode of procedure modus operandi movement noseband order outline part pencil person personage physiognomy piece playbook pole strap port posture practice presence procedure proceeding process profile protagonist reins relief ribbons role routine saddle scenario scene plot school score script shaft tug shapes shooting script side side check silhouette skeleton snaffle soubrette stance straight part style supporting character supporting role surcingle system tack tackle technique text the drill the grand style the how the way of title role tone tournure traits trappings tug turn villain visage walk-on walking part way winker braces wise yoke


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