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1. (n.) A bed of roses, or place where roses grow.

2. (n.) A series of prayers (see Note below) arranged to be recited in order, on beads; also, a string of beads by which the prayers are counted.

3. (n.) A chapelet; a garland; a series or collection, as of beautiful thoughts or of literary selections.

4. (n.) A coin bearing the figure of a rose, fraudulently circulated in Ireland in the 13th century for a penny.

Brautlied Christmas carol Dry Mass English sonnet Eucharistic rites Horatian ode Italian sonnet Kunstlied Lady Mass Liebeslied Low Mass Mass Missa Missa bassa Missa cantata Missa legata Missa media Missa praesanctificatorum Missa privata Missa publica Missa sicca Petrarchan sonnet Pindaric ode Requiem Mass Rosary Rosary Mass Sapphic ode Shakespearean sonnet Volkslied alba anacreontic anthem art song aubade balada ballad ballade ballata barcarole bemoan bewail blues blues song boat song bridal hymn brindisi bucolic burial service calypso canso canticle canzone canzonet canzonetta carol cavatina chanson chant chantey clerihew coronach croon croon song dead march death knell death song deathwatch deplore dithyramb ditty drinking song eclogue elegize elegy epic epicedium epigram epithalamium epode epopee epopoeia epos eulogy exequies extreme unction folk song funeral march funeral oration funeral rites funeral song georgic ghazel give sorrow words graveside oration grieve haiku hymeneal idyll jingle keen knell lament last duty last honors last offices last rites lay lied lilt limerick love song love-lilt lyric madrigal matin minstrel song minstrelsy moan monody mourn muffled drums narrative poem national anthem nursery rhyme obsequies ode palinode passing bell pastoral pastoral elegy pastorela pastourelle poem prothalamium repine requiem requiem mass rhyme rondeau rondel roundel roundelay satire serena serenade serenata sestina sigh sing the blues sloka song sonnet sonnet sequence sorrow tanka tenso tenzone the Divine Liturgy the Liturgy theme song threnode threnody torch song triolet troubadour poem verse verselet versicle viaticum villanelle virelay wake war song wedding song weep over


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