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◄ Prepollent ►

1. (a.) Having superior influence or power; prevailing; predominant.

2. (n.) An extra first digit, or rudiment of a digit, on the preaxial side of the pollex.

a cut above above absolute ahead anabatic antecedent ascendancy ascending ascensional ascensive at the head authoritarian authoritative authorized autocratic better boss capping chief chosen climbing clothed with authority commanding competent conquering consequential considerable controlling defeating distinguished dominance dominant domination dominion duly constituted eclipsing eminent empowered ex officio exceeding excellent excelling finer flushed with success forebear forefather forerunner general governing great greater head hegemonic hegemonistic higher imperative important in ascendancy in charge in chief in the ascendant influential leading leaping major marked master masterdom mighty momentous monocratic mounting of choice official on the throne one up on outstanding over overbearing overcoming paramount potent powerful precursor predecessor predominant predominate preeminence preeminent prepollent preponderance preponderant preponderate prepotence prepotent prestigious prevailing prevalent primogenitor progenitor prominent puissant rampant ranking rare rearing regnant regulating regulative regulatory reigning rising rivaling ruling saltatory scandent scansorial senior skyrocketing sovereign sovereignty spiraling springing substantial successful super superior supreme surpassing swaying topping totalitarian transcendent transcendental transcending triumphal triumphant uparching upcoming upgoing upgrade uphill uphillward upper uprising upsloping upward upwith vanquishing victorious weighty winning


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