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◄ Maintop ►

(n.) The platform about the head of the mainmast in square-rigged vessels.

Bayard Don Quixote Gawain Lancelot Ritter Sidney Sir Galahad abigail accompanier accompanist accompanyist ace adjunct ally alter ego amah amiable amigo analogon analogue associate attend attendant au pair girl ayah bachelor back back stairs balance rudder banneret baronet batten beak beakhead beam bear bedfellow bedmate betweenmaid biddy bilge keelson bitt board bodyguard bollard bollard timber bosom buddy bow bracket plate bridge bring brother brother-in-arms buddy bulkhead bulwarks bunkie bunkmate butty caballero cam cleat camarade capstan carling carry casemate cathead cavalier ceiling centerboard chamberfellow chambermaid chaperon chaperone chevalier chum classmate cleat close copy close match coadjutor cognate cohort colleague comate companion companion piece companionable companionway company compatriot compeer complacent complement comrade concomitant conduct conductor confederate confrere congenator congener conning tower consociate consort consort with convivial convoy cook coordinate copartner copy correlate correlative correspondent counter counterpart crony cutwater daggerboard davit dead ringer deadwood double duenna duplicate effigy enchiridion entrance equivalent escalier escort esquire exact likeness fantail fellow fellow member fellow student fellow traveler femme de chambre figurehead fille de chambre fire escape flight of steps forefoot foresheets foretop frame freeboard futtock gangplank gangway garboard strake gentlewoman girl girl friend good-natured gossip guard gudgeon guide gunnel gunwale handbook handmaid handmaiden hatch hatchway hawse hawse timber hawsehole hawsepiece hawsepipe head heel hired girl housemaid icon idol image incline island keel keel and keelson keelson kevel kindred spirit kitchenmaid knee knight knight bachelor knight banneret knight baronet knight-errant lady-help lady-in-waiting landing landing stage larboard lee lee side leeward like likeness live-in maid live-out maid living image living picture maid maidservant maintop manual match mate messmate miniature mirroring mizzentop model near duplicate nose nursemaid obverse old crony paddle wheel pal parallel pard pardner parlormaid partner pendant perron photograph picture pintle planking playfellow playmate poop port porthole portrait portside post propeller prow pulpit rail ramp reciprocal reference book reflection resemblance


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