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1. (v. i.) To sound harshly or discordantly, as bells out of tune.

2. (v. i.) To talk idly; to prate; to babble; to chatter; to gossip.

3. (v. i.) To quarrel in words; to altercate; to wrangle.

4. (v. t.) To cause to sound harshly or inharmoniously; to produce discordant sounds with.

5. (n.) Idle talk; prate; chatter; babble.

6. (n.) Discordant sound; wrangling.

Babel Bedlam let loose Discordia Eris agree to disagree babel be at cross-purposes be at variance bedlam belch blare blast blat bobbery brawl bray break break off brouhaha burr buzz cackle cacophony caw change ringing charivari chime chiming chink chirm chirr clamor clang clanging clangor clank clanking clap clash clashing clatter clink collide commotion conflict contention contradict counter crash craunch croak crump crunch differ differ in opinion din ding ding-a-ling dingdong dinging dingle disaccord disaffinity disagree discord discordance discordancy disharmony dissent dissonance dong donging donnybrook drunken brawl dustup enmity flap fracas free-for-all friction gong grate grind groan growl grumble harshness hell broke loose hit a clinker hold opposite views howl hubbub hue and cry hullabaloo incompatibility incompatibleness inharmoniousness inharmony irritate jangling jar jarring jingle jingle-jangle jinglejangle jingling jostle knell knelling loud noise mere noise mischief mismatch mismate misunderstand one another negate noise noise and shouting noncooperation not get along object open conflict outcry pandemonium peal peal ringing pealing pull different ways racket rasp rattle reverberation rhubarb ring ring changes ringing roar row rub ruckus ruction rumble rumpus scranch scrape scratch scrunch shindy shivaree snarl snore sound sound a knell strained relations stridor tension thunder thunderclap ting ting-a-ling tingle tingling tink tinkle tinkling tinnitus tintamarre tintinnabulate toll tolling tumult twang unharmoniousness unpleasantness unstring untune uproar upset vary


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