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◄ Irritant ►

1. (n.) Something producing irritation or inflammation; as pollen is an eye irritant\.

2. (a.) Rendering null and void; conditionally invalidating.

3. (n.) That which irritates or excites.

4. (n.) Any agent by which irritation is produced; as, a chemical irritant; a mechanical or electrical irritant.

5. (n.) A poison that produces inflammation.

ado adverse circumstances adversity affliction aggravation amplification anger annoyingness anxiety augmentation aversion bad news bedevilment besetment blight bore bother botheration bothering bothersomeness bummer can of worms care contentiousness crashing bore cross curse deepening deliberate aggravation deterioration devilment difficulties difficulty disadvantage disapprobation disapproval discontent disgust dislike displeasure dissatisfaction distaste distress dogging downer drag embittering embitterment enhancement enlargement evil exacerbation exasperation great ado harassment hard knocks hard life hard lot hardcase hardship harrying headache heightening hounding inconvenience increase indignation intensification ire irking irksomeness irritant irritation magnification matter molestation nuisance pain peck of troubles persecution peskiness pest pester pestering pestiferousness pique plague plaguesomeness plight pother predicament pressure problem provocation provoking provokingness repugnance repulsion resentfulness resentment revulsion riding rigor sea of troubles sharpening souring stress stress of life teasing tiresomeness trial tribulation trouble troubles troublesomeness vale of tears vexation vexatiousness vexing vicissitude wearisomeness worriment worrisomeness worry worsening wrath


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