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◄ Handicap ►

1. (n.) An allowance of a certain amount of time or distance in starting, granted in a race to the competitor possessing inferior advantages; or an additional weight or other hindrance imposed upon the one possessing superior advantages, in order to equalize, as much as possible, the chances of success; as, the handicap was five seconds, or ten pounds, and the like.

2. (n.) A race, for horses or men, or any contest of agility, strength, or skill, in which there is an allowance of time, distance, weight, or other advantage, to equalize the chances of the competitors.

3. (n.) An old game at cards.

4. (v. t.) To encumber with a handicap in any contest; hence, in general, to place at disadvantage; as, the candidate was heavily handicapped.

Derby Kentucky Derby Preakness Stakes abnormality acute disease affection affliction ailment allergic disease allergy allowance atrophy bacterial disease bale bar barrier bear hard upon birth defect blight block bulge burden burdening burthen cardiovascular disease cargo charge charging chase check chronic disease circulatory disease complaint complication condition congenital defect constraint cramp cripple cross cumber cumbrance curb damage deadweight deadwood defect deficiency disease deformity degenerative disease detriment difficulty disability disable disadvantage disease disorder distemper drag drawback edge embarrass embarrassment encumber encumbrance endemic endemic disease endocrine disease enmesh ensnarl entangle entoil entrammel entrap entwine epidemic disease fetter flat race freight functional disease fungus disease gastrointestinal disease genetic disease hamper hamstring handicap race harm harness race head start hereditary disease hinder hindrance hobble horse race hurdle race hurt iatrogenic disease illness impairment impede impediment impedimenta imposition inconvenience incubus incumbency indisposition infectious disease infirmity injury involve lade lading lame liability lime limit limitation load loading loss loss of ground lumber malady malaise millstone mischief morbidity morbus muscular disease net neurological disease nutritional disease obstacle occupational disease odds onus oppress oppression organic disease overburden overhand overload overtax overtaxing overweight overweighting pack pandemic disease pathological condition pathology penalize penalty plant disease plate race prejudice press down press hard upon pressure protozoan disease psychosomatic disease punish purse race quarter-horse race respiratory disease rest hard upon restrain restraint restrict restriction rockiness saddle saddle with saddling secondary disease seediness shackle sickishness sickness signs snarl stake stake race start steeplechase step backward stumbling block superincumbency surcharge sweep sweepstake sweepstakes symptomatology symptomology symptoms syndrome tangle tax taxing the pip toil trammel trotting race trouble urogenital disease vantage virus disease wasting disease weigh down weigh heavy on weigh on weigh upon weight white elephant worm disease


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