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ADC CO OD a cut above above academic specialty adult ahead aide aide-de-camp area ascendant better big big-league big-name big-time bigger biggest bigwig bigwigged brigadier brigadier general capital capping captain chicken colonel chief chief of staff chosen classical education cock colonel commandant commander commander in chief commanding officer commissioned officer company officer consequential considerable core curriculum course course of study critical crucial curriculum dangerous discipline distinguished dominant dominating double-barreled earthshaking eclipsing elder eldest elective eminent exceeding excellent excelling exec executive officer extensive fell field field marshal field officer finer first lieutenant first-born firstling five-star general foremost former four-star general general general education general officer general studies generalissimo grand grave great greater grievous grown man grownup heavyweight hefty high-powered higher humanities important in ascendancy in the ascendant jemadar junior officer key key signature keynote large large-scale larger legalis homo liberal arts lieutenant lieutenant colonel lieutenant general main major general major key man marechal marked marshal material mature man mediant minor momentous name no chicken notable noteworthy of choice officer older oldest one up on one-star general orderly officer outstanding over paramount pedal point predominant preeminent primary prime primogenitary principal proseminar quadrivium rare refresher course risaldar rivaling scientific education self-important seminar senior senior officer serious shavetail significant sirdar sizable specialty staff officer star stellar study subahdar subaltern subdiscipline subdominant subject sublieutenant submediant substantial subtonic super superior supertonic surpassing technical education the Old Man the brass three-star general tonality tonic tonic key top brass topping transcendent transcendental transcending trivium two-star general ugly upper vital woman world-shaking worst


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