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about ship accept assume attack attempt back and fill bat around bear away bear off bear to starboard beat beat about become public box off break bring about bring round buckle to bum buzz about cant cant round cast cast about change course change the heading circle circuit circuiteer circulate circumambulate circummigrate circumnavigate circumvent close the circle come about come forth come full circle come out compass count ties cycle describe a circle divagate double a point drift embark in embark upon encircle encompass endeavor engage in enter on enter upon fall into fall to fetch about find vent flank flit fly about gad gad about gallivant get about get abroad get afloat get around get exposure get under way girdle girdle the globe go around go at go forth go in for go into go round go the round go the rounds go upon gybe gyre have at have currency heave round heel hit the road hit the trail hobo issue jaunt jibe jibe all standing knock about knock around lap launch forth launch into lay about make a circuit meander miss stays mooch move into nomadize orbit peregrinate pererrate pitch into pivot pivot about plunge into ply proceed to prowl put about put back ramble range revolve roam round round a point rove run about saunter see the light set about set at set forward set going set to sheer shift skirt slew spin spiral spread spread about spread like wildfire straggle stray stroll surround swerve swing swing round swing the stern swivel tack tackle take on take up throw about traipse tramp turn turn about turn around turn back turn round turn tail turn to undertake vagabond vagabondize veer veer around venture upon walk the tracks wander wayfare wear wear ship wheel wheel about whirl wind yaw


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