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Communist threat Western imperialism accept account acknowledge acting admit affectation affront air allow anteriority anticipate apparently appear appearance apply paint approach arrive arrogance ascender aspect atrocity story attitudinizing audacity await back balls banner banter bastard type battle hymn be imminent be in store be seen beard bearing bedaub bedizen begild bell the cat belly besmear bevel bid defiance bite the bullet black letter bloody shirt bluff bluffing board boastfulness body bold front boldness border brashness brass brave brave face brave front brazen brazen out brazenly breast brew brick bring before bring forward bring up brow browbeat brush on paint bump heads calcimine call out camouflage candidly cap capital carriage case cast cast of countenance ceil challenge cheating cheek chutzpah circumference clad clapboard cliff cloak clock close coat color coloring colors come on come up against complexion conceit confess confront confront with confronting contemplate contend contrapose contraposit contrast conversion factor cope with cortex countenance counter counteract cover covering cow crag crostarie crust dab dare daring daub deal with deception deep-dye defy delusion demeanor descender despite dial dignity dip directly disguise display dissemblance dissembling dissimulation distemper double-dare double-dye draw near draw nigh draw on dread dress dye effrontery em emblazon en enamel encounter engild envelope envisage epidermis escarpment evidently expansionism expect experience expression exterior external eyeball to eyeball facade face down face out face the music face to face face up face up to face upon face value face with facet facia facial appearance facies facing fakery faking FALSE false air false front false show falsity fast-dye fat-faced type favor feather feature features feet feigning feint fiery cross fight fill finish font fore forefront foreground forehand foreland forepart forequarter foresee foreside foreword forthcome four-flushing frankly fraud fresco fringe front front elevation front man front matter front on front page front view frontage frontal frontier frontispiece fur gall garb gather gaze gild gilt give upon glare glass glaze gloss gonfalon grain grimace groove guise


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