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◄ Frontal ►

1. (a.) Belonging to the front part; being in front

2. (a.) of or pertaining to the forehead or the anterior part of the roof of the brain case; as, the frontal bones.

3. (n.) Something worn on the forehead or face; a frontlet

4. (n.) An ornamental band for the hair.

5. (n.) The metal face guard of a soldier.

6. (n.) A little pediment over a door or window.

7. (n.) A movable, decorative member in metal, carved wood, or, commonly, in rich stuff or in embroidery, covering the front of the altar. Frontals are usually changed according to the different ceremonies.

8. (n.) A medicament or application for the forehead.

9. (n.) The frontal bone, or one of the two frontal bones, of the cranium.

Communion table altar altar carpet altar desk altar facing altar of prothesis altar rail altar side altar slab altar stair altar stone altarpiece ancona anterior anteriority bold front bomos brave face brave front chancel table chief credence display eschara facade face facet facia first fore forefront foreground forehand foreland foremost forepart forequarter foreside foreword forward front front elevation front man front matter front page front view frontage frontier frontispiece gradin head heading headmost hestia holy table lap leading mensal missal stand obverse predella preface prefix primary prime priority proscenium prothesis retable retablo rood altar scrobis superaltar window dressing


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