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(a.) Aborned with fringes.

Alexandrine Bohemian about ship abrade abscond accent accentuation addle addled aerate agitate air lane all in all up with alternation amaze ambit amphibrach amphimacer anacrusis anapest andante tempo antispast area arena arrhythmia arsis article at a loss atomize bacchius back and fill baffle baffled bailiwick balk bamboozle bamboozled bang bar beat barnacle barrage bash baste bastinado baton batter bear away bear off bear the palm bear to starboard beat a ruffle beat a tattoo beat about beat all hollow beat hollow beat it beat off beat the drum beat time beat to windward beat up beaten beaten path beating beguile of belabor belt best bested better bicker bilk birch blend blow bludgeon boggle bone-weary border borderland bout box off bray break breakaway brecciate bring about bring round broke bruise budget of news buffalo buffaloed buffet bunco bung bung up bureaucracy bureaucratism burn burn out bushed busted cadence cadency caesura cane cant cant round cast cast about catalexis change course change the heading chase cheat chinoiserie chisel chloriamb chloriambus chouse chouse out of churn churn up circle circuit circumvent clobber close-haul clout club cog cog the dice colon comb come about comminute compound time con confound confounded conquer contriturate contuse convulse copy count count the beats counterpoint course cowhide cozen cream cretic crib crumb crumble crush cudgel curry cut cycle cyclicalness dactyl dactylic hexameter daily grind dance dash daze dazed dead dead-and-alive dead-tired deadbeat debilitate defeat defeated defraud demesne depart department destroy diaeresis diastole diddle dimeter din ding dipody disappoint disarrange discipline discomfited discompose disintegrate disquiet disturb do do in do out of do up dochmiac dog dog-tired dog-weary domain dominion done done for done in done up double a point down downbeat drained drive drive away drive off drub drum drum music drumbeat drumfire drumming duff dump duple time elegiac elegiac couplet elegiac pentameter emphasis enervate epitrite euchre exceed excel excite exclusive exhaust exhausted fag fag out fagged fagged out falcon fallen far out fashion fatigue fatigued feminine caesura ferment fetch about


Fringing Forest
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