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◄ Emphasis ►

1. (n.) A particular stress or force of voice intended to highlight a particular concept; accentuation\.

2. (n.) A peculiar impressiveness of expression or weight of thought; vivid representation, enforcing assent; as, to dwell on a subject with great emphasis.

Alexandrine accent accentuation amphibrach amphimacer anacrusis anapest antispast arsis attention bacchius beat cadence caesura catalexis chloriamb chloriambus colon concern concernment consequence consequentiality consideration counterpoint cretic dactyl dactylic hexameter diaeresis dimeter dipody dochmiac elegiac elegiac couplet elegiac pentameter epitrite excellence feminine caesura foot force grammatical accent gravity heptameter heptapody heroic couplet hexameter hexapody high order high rank iamb iambic iambic pentameter ictus import importance interest intonation intonation pattern ionic jingle level of stress lilt mark masculine caesura materiality measure merit meter metrical accent metrical foot metrical group metrical unit metrics metron molossus moment mora movement note numbers paeon paralipsis paramountcy pentameter pentapody period pitch accent precedence preeminence primacy primary stress priority proceleusmatic prominence prosodics prosody pyrrhic quantity rhetorical accent rhythm rhythmic pattern rhythmical accent rhythmical stress secondary stress self-importance significance spondee sprung rhythm stress stress accent stress arsis stress pattern superiority supremacy swing syzygy tertiary stress tetrameter tetrapody tetraseme thesis tone accent tribrach trimeter tripody triseme trochee underlining underscoring value weak stress weight worth


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