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act act a part act like act on act upon actuate adopt affect affection affectivity agitate alter answer to appertain to apply to assume attack attitude be dressed in bear on bear upon belong to bend betoken bias bluff borrow brandish breathe bring bring forth bring forward bring into view bring out bring to notice call for carry change choose chorus color come home to comprise concentrate on concern connect contain copy correspond to counterfeit cover up crib dangle deal with demonstrate develop disclose display dispose dissemble dissimulate ditto divulge do do a bit do like dramatize draw drive echo embody emotion emotional charge emotional shade emotivity enact entail evidence evince exhibit experience expose to view express fake feeling feeling tone feign flaunt flourish focus on foreboding forge four-flush gammon get give sign give token go deep go like go through one grieve gut reaction hang out haunt have connection with have on heartthrob highlight histrionize hit hit the mark hoke hoke up illuminate imitate impel implicate imply impress impress forcibly impression incarnate incline indicate induce influence inspire interest involve lay hold of lead lead to let on let on like liaise with link with make a pretense make an impression make as if make believe make clear make like make out like make plain manifest materialize mean melt melt the heart mental attitude mirror modify move operate on opinion overact parade passion penetrate perform persuade pertain to perturb pierce plagiarize play play a part play a scene play possum playact position posture predispose present presentiment presume presuppose pretend pretend to produce profess profound sense prompt psychology put on put on airs reach reaction reecho refer to reflect regard relate to repeat represent require resort respect response reveal rock roll out sadden select sensation sense sentiment set forth sham show show forth simulate sink in smart smite soften soften up sport spotlight stance sting stir strike strike hard strike home subsume sway take take in tell tie in with tinge token tone touch touch a chord touch upon transform traumatize treat treat of trot out trouble tug the heartstrings undercurrent unfold upset use wave way of thinking wear wear down weigh with work


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