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◄ Decretal ►

1. (a.) Appertaining to a decree; containing a decree; as, a decretal epistle.

2. (n.) An authoritative order or decree; especially, a letter of the pope, determining some point or question in ecclesiastical law. The decretals form the second part of the canon law.

3. (n.) The collection of ecclesiastical decrees and decisions made, by order of Gregory IX., in 1234, by St. Raymond of Pennafort.

accession allocation allotment anointing anointment apostolic orders appropriation arrangement arrogation assignation assignment assumption authorization berth bespeaking billet blind date booking brevet briefing bull calling canonization choice conferment connection consecration coronation date declaration decree decree-law decreement decretal decretum delegation deputation designation dictum diktat double date earmarking edict edictum election employment empowerment engagement engagement book fiat gig hiring holy orders incumbency induction installation institution interview investiture ipse dixit job law legitimate succession major orders meeting minor orders moonlighting naming nomination office opening ordainment orders ordinance ordination ordonnance place political election position post posting preengagement preferment presentation proclamation pronouncement pronunciamento reading in rendezvous rescript reservation retainment rule ruling second job seizure selection senatus consult senatus consultum service setting aside situation slot spot station succession tabbing tagging taking on taking over tenure transferral tryst ukase usurpation vacancy


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