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◄ Cro-magnon Man ►

Achilles Adam Adamite Australanthropus Australopithecus Barbary ape Casanova Chiroptera Cro-Magnon man David Don Juan Galley Hill man Gigantopithecus Grimaldi man Hector Heidelberg man Hominidae Homo sapiens John Law Lagomorpha Lothario Neanderthal man Oreopithecus Paranthropus Peking man Pithecanthropus Plesianthropus Primates Rhodesian man Rodentia Roland Romeo Samson Sinanthropus Stone Age man Swanscombe man Zinjanthropus a man accouter adherent adult amoroso angwantibo anthropoid ape ape appendage appoint arm armor armor-plate aye-aye baboon bank barricade battle beau being benedict bishop blockade bloke bluecoat body boy boyfriend brave buck bull bulldog bulwark butler caballero capuchin castellate castle cat cavalier cavaliere servente caveman chacma chap character chauffeur chessman chimpanzee chutzpanik clay coachman cop cover creature crenellate crew cuss customer dangler decorated hero demigod demigoddess dependent dig in disciple dress drill driver duck dummy earthling embattle entellus entrench eolithic man equerry equip esquire fallen humanity fancy man fellow fence fighting cock figurehead fit fit out fit up flame flatfoot flesh flunky follower fortify furnish fuzz gallant galoot gamecock gardener garrison gear gee geezer generation of man gent gentleman genus Homo gibbon gigolo gillie good soldier goodman goody goon gorilla groundling grown man grownup guenon guereza guy hand hanger-on hanuman he head heat heel heeler henchman hero heroine him his hombre hominid homme homo houseboy houseman hubby human human being human family human nature human race human species humanity humankind husband inamorato individual jackal joker king knight lackey lady-killer langur le genre humain legalis homo lemur life lion living soul lord lord-in-waiting love-maker macaque major male male being male person male sex man of courage man the garrison mandrill manhood mankind manservant marmoset married man masculine master mature man men menfolk menfolks mine minion mister mortal mortal flesh mortality mortals mountain gorilla munition myrmidon necker neolithic man no chicken nose officer old man one orang orangutan outfit paladin palisade paramour party pawn people person personage personality


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