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Arab Bowery bum amiss arse ass backside bad barfy bat around beach bum beachcomber beg beggar beggarly fellow bender birr blighter bo bombilate bombinate boom booze boozehound bottle sucker bottom brannigan budmash bumble bummer burr bust butt buzz cadge cadger caitiff can carouse cheeks cheesy count ties crappy creepy crummy derelict derriere devil dirty dissatisfactory divagate do-nothing dogie dolittle drift drifter drone drunk drunkard elbow bender faineant fanny flit floater gad gad about gallivant gamin gamine ginhound go about go the rounds godawful goldbrick good-for-naught good-for-nothing goof off goshawful grim guttersnipe hairy hind end hit hit the road hit the trail hit up hobo homeless waif hooch hound hum human wreck icky idler jag jaunt keister knock about knock around landloper laze lazy lazybones lazzarone loaf loafer loiter loll losel lounge lowlife lush lusher mauvais sujet mean wretch meander mendicant mendicant friar mendicant order mooch moocher mucker mudlark no-good nomadize panhandle panhandler pass the hat pauvre diable peregrinate pererrate piker pilgarlic poor poor creature poor devil posterior prat prowl punk purr putrid ragamuffin ragman ragpicker ramble range roam rotten rounder rove rum hound rummy rump run about rusty-dusty sad case sad sack saunter schnorrer scrounge scrounger shitty ski bum skid-row bum slouch slug slugabed soak souse sponge stern stew stiff stinking stinky straggle stray street Arab street arab street urchin stroll strum sundowner surf bum swagman swagsman swillbelly swillbowl swillpot tail tatterdemalion tennis bum thrum touch traipse tramp truant tuchis turnpiker tush tushy unsatisfactory up urchin vag vagabond vagabondize vagrant vaurien vomity waif waifs and strays walk the tracks wander wassail wastrel wayfare whir whiz wino worthless fellow wretch wrong yecchy


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