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1. (a.) Having rotted; putrid; decayed; as, a rotten apple; rotten meat.

2. (a.) Offensive to the smell; fetid; disgusting.

3. (a.) Not firm or trusty; unsound; defective; treacherous; unsafe; as, a rotten plank, bone, stone.

abandoned abominable amiss amoral appalling arrant atrocious awful bad bad-smelling baneful barfy base beastly beneath contempt bent blameworthy brackish brutal bum cankered carious cloying conscienceless contaminated contemptible corroded corrupt corrupted crappy criminal crooked crumbling crumbly dark debased debauched decadent decayed deceitful decomposed decomposing decrepit degenerate degraded deplorable depraved despicable deteriorating detestable devious dire disagreeable disgusting dishonest dishonorable disintegrating displeasing dissatisfactory dissolute doubtful dreadful dubious egregious enormous evasive evil fecal feculent felonious festering fetid filthy fishy flagitious flagrant flyblown foul fraudulent friable frowsty frowy frowzy fulsome funky fusty gamy gangrened gangrenous gloppy gone bad graveolent grievous grim gross gunky hateful heinous hideous high horrendous horrible horrid horrific horrifying icky ill ill-got ill-gotten ill-smelling immoral indirect infamous infirm iniquitous insidious lamentable loathsome lousy low low-down maggoty malodorous mawkish mean mephitic miasmal miasmic mildewed mildewy miserable moldy monstrous morally polluted mortified mouldy mucky musty nasty nauseant nauseated nauseating nauseous necrosed necrotic nefarious nidorous noisome not kosher notorious noxious obnoxious odious odorous off offensive olid ordurous outrageous overripe peccant perverse perverted pitiable pitiful poisonous polluted poor poorish profligate puky punk putrefied putrescent putrid questionable rancid rank reasty reasy rebarbative reechy reeking reeky regrettable reprehensible reprobate repulsive ropy rotten at rotting rough sad scabby scandalous schlock scummy scurfy scurvy shabby shady shameful shameless shifty shitty shocking shoddy sick sickening sinister slabby slimy slippery sloppy sloshy sludgy slushy smellful smelling smelly sordid sour soured sphacelated spoiled spoilt sposhy squalid stale steeped in iniquity stenchy stinking strong stuffy sulfurous suppurating suppurative suspicious tainted terrible too bad touched tragic tricky turned ulcerated unclean unconscienced unconscientious unconscionable underhand underhanded unethical unfirm


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